Author Topic: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)  (Read 4570 times)

Offline awesomeness4ever

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The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« on: October 01, 2011, 08:25:57 pm »
           APOCALYPSE'S STORY: I will tell you what i know, what I have heard from many different wolves, all the same answer. Apocalypse was not born with the soul of a demon, but was once a normal wolf. His name was Bliss, he was officially part of the 'paradiso pakiti' which means 'paradise pack' in Swahili. He loved, and protected his pack, he was not leader, but in the second position, because of his strength. He was loved by many, he was usually always happy, thus his name 'bliss' comes in. He found a mate, her name was 'Chili'. A multi personality being almost, you could never tell what was on her mind, but one thing you could tell was her strong love for bliss. One day she disappeared and Bliss went out to find her. The miraculous day he would find her was the deadliest day he would ever experience. He finally saw her on the floor, with four beautiful pups drinking beside her. And lying next to her, he saw a big, brown, handsome male wolf. He had realized, just he looked into her eyes, that she had betrayed him and had offspring with another wolf. Chili's mate (or second mate) grew protective and jumped up off the dirrty floor. he attacked bliss, and in a deep voice warned him, "Leave, or else!". Bliss had no choice, he was not strong enough, he ran as fast as he could as the brown male chased him off down the hill. He was confused, sad, lonely, he felt as though something was wrong with him. But soon his sadness turned to anger, he thought disturbing things in his mind. Later, His pack leader was looking for him, he saw him and sighed in relief of finding him so quickly, he said softly and jokingly: "Ugh bliss, don't do that again, you had the pack-" but bliss refused to  the leader finish his thankful words. Bliss couldn't take it anymore, his eyes grew dark in desperation. Forcing his leader against the dusty floor, he barked the line, "You can't trust anyone, not even your ffilthy love!" His leader looked into his eyes with confusion, and just as a word struggled to jumped through his mouth, bliss killed him. Bliss's body ached in pain at that moment, it was as if he was turning into air. His bones struck him inside, His eyes burned like a thousand bee stings, he screeched and roared in pain and confusion. He felt a slime rush into his mouth, crawling down his throat, forcing its way into him! He felt unearthly, supernatural, paranormal, metaphysical, sepulchral! He was desperately trying to fight whatever was squeezing his flesh and blood. Everything around him had fled from the psychotic sight, the blood screeching sound waves. He started to vision things, that aren't suppose to be seen. They say his soul was lost, lost to one whom cannot be explained. His body and spirit literally split into two creatures/ beings, one being 'Bliss', the other being 'Apocalypse'. Bliss' body split into his normal self, and a being from another reality, the one from another reality could not control his demonic spirit and crossed paths with bliss' reality because it was drawn to his demonic thoughts. This would never be possible, but a little glitch in the universe set off this cycle, this alternate realities 'being' literally found bliss at the same millisecond that bliss was angered. The 'being' bounded with bliss' body, at that second two Bliss' were born, and because of the extreme evil in the 'being', the real Bliss was forced out, with not an earthly bad deed/sin on his soul. But the other Bliss was attached to the 'being' of another reality. The 'being' didn't exactly have a form because it was from another reality, but it had the substance of a sticky black mud that spread like a disease. The Bliss that escaped, was the most divine spirit in the universe, earning the name 'Absolution' meaning the  forgiveness of any mis-deeds made by a confused soul and the understanding of sad mis-fortunes. The other Bliss that was taken over by the 'being' could not even be called wicked or evil for its disturbing nature, and so was born the name: 'Apocalypse' symbolizing the end of the world of good, and the destruction of innocent souls. Apocalypse could take many disturbing forms, because the 'being' was un earthly, thus able to do many of things that would be impossible for a normal thing. Apocalypse now referred himself to "We" as he bonded with the 'being' and become two in one. Now apocalypse had a promise to keep to his vile mind. He went to find his mate, chili, chili's mate, and her pups. He found her, and taking the form of black smoke, choked her pretty pups one by one. But he let two she-pups free, he made sure chili and her mate were looking as the other pups died, they stared in confusion and tears. He took the form of some other element and killed chili's strong mate in front of her crystal green eyes. Apocalypse let chili run. Every second of her escape she spent in terror, she knew she would die any second, she froze at every noise that entered her ears. Her eyes burned from the tears that fell like rain down her beautiful face. He took the form of his old self this time, as he entered the place she was hiding, she whimpered like a kitten, she knew her life was on the edge. He walked up to her, and circled her continuously. His eyes turning white, he torchered her with dirrty looks, reminding her of her crime. she finally couldn't take it, not his face, and not her crimes. she screamed in a high pitch voice, "Just end it, Now!!" His eyes opened up with a devilish smile, "Oh don't worry. We have a much more in store for you, my dear." She closed her eyes and cried out, "Whatever you want i shall give you! Just please don't kill me." His eyes widened, "You really want that? You realize if we don't kill you, you will have another fate." She stopped her cries, and her eyes filled with confusion, "But there nothing worse then death..." Walking up to her in ghostly silence, he breathed the words, "?????? ???, ??? ????, ??? ??????????? ???????? ????" "????? ????? ????" (Translation of the first sentence: Paradise comes at a price) She did not understand this, neither do I, or many other people im sure, but the answer lies in her fate, the power he gave her, the fate which she had yet to understand. She did not understand, yet she knew something was going to drop upon her like a stone, but she ignored it and changed the subject, in reply she answered,"What is my fate?" His breath grew deep, "Eternal life." She let out a deep breath in return to his answer, a breath of relief, she was so happy in her mind, this truely is the best power. But he laughed at her:"You act as though you have been given the universe." she laughed as though he was stupid,"It is the best power to be given. Why are you laughing?" A smirk came across his face as he answered,"You shall find the true pain to this fate." She stared at him a  moment with innocent, confused eyes... she did not understand. And wanted to except this fate that she thought was a glorious gift. But hesitated, thinking about what could be wrong with such a gift that he made look like a piercing of the heart. But she resisted the other side of the deal, and replied,"I accept this fate of yours." He gave her a terrifying smirk, and she barked:"What are you? What have you become bliss?!" He spoke in whispers,"What you are soon to be." She was scared out of her mind to think that he had changed the fate of her living eternally, to her looking and being like him, and she cried:"You liar!" he laughed:"We did not lie. Of what do you speak?" She looked at him in disgust and barked,"You promised eternal life, not the appearance of a demon!" He stopped his circles, "WE are eternal life. We are of what you wish to be. And the only way you can have eternal life, is to serve the other half of me." She dropped to the floor knowing no escape. He kicked her side to grab her attention, "Your name is now PoisonousRose," He began to smirk, "But we shall call you, Poisen." From that moment on, her body was never the same. Her earthly light was darkened with her shadowed green eyes. Her face was like the sly fox, her body of the most beautiful creature in the world. Her fangs dripping with real green poison. All he-wolves that saw her, fell in love with her beauty, but she made them do bad things for her. Sometimes killing them, sometimes tormenting them til they give up all hope, what they believe is right. AND THAT IS THE TRUE STORY OF THE APOCALYPSE. As you know in 'The Apocalypse story' chili/poison had four pups, but apocalypse killed two of them, but let the other two escape, the two that escaped were females, sunburn (hysteria) and sober (Fox Heart). after apocalypse cursed chili to eternal life as a 'demon wolf' he found, and cursed the two pups when they were very young (which they don't remember) his curse was this: To make them dangerously beautiful, just like their mother. Although they do not have eternal life like their mother, they have a much worse fate awaiting them. Apocalypse could not give them eternal life, since they were born innocent as innocent as the lamb. Although they cannot see him he is there, to tempt them. Why give them beauty as a power you ask? Because it is the females nature (because of their mother, poison) to know how to tempt he-wolves into their death trap. Because they are like the Venus fly trap, awaiting the appearance of a young, rich, strong soul to enter there heart and crush them at the last second. He cursed them after they escaped from alkeda's pack because after they escaped, he had sinned greatly, apocalypse was slowly winning over their souls.
THIS IS ALSO A REAL STORY CALLED 'Eurasia': One day a he-wolf, (who had no name, but was un-officially called 'Sling') met a she-wolf named sunburn. As you know in 'The Apocalypse story' chili/poison had four pups, but apocalypse killed two of them, letting the other two escape. The two that escaped were females, sunburn (hysteria) and sober (Fox Heart). Sling made a pack with sunburn, called the 'eurasia pack' (an unknown translation). They were in love, but Sling left mysteriously one day. Before he left, the pack was fun, they would fish and find new territories, fight all packs who underestimated them, ect. He appeared a couple months later. He looked drastically different, and from his lips he  spoke, and all listened, "I went off to take a break from my responsibilities. I got into a fight with other wolves, much greater than myself. I was bloody and bruised, ... and beaten. but something found me, and saved me, taught me how to be stronger and wiser! he trained me, he helped me realize what life is really about... His name is Apocalypse. He has given me a real name, 'Alkeda'. Now, we are gonna make some changes to this corrupted pack, you will do whatever I say, whenever I say it. Whoever doesn't will pay the price. One day my savior will come, i cannot answer your question of whether it is a... living creature or not. But  when he comes, he will end your pain." Everyone stood in confusion. But sunburn knew something was wrong, just the name apocalypse brought an electric shock down her spine, and what kind of name is alkeda? She didn't understand what had happened to her loving mate... his drastic change in body, and fierce change at heart. So alkeda came back, stronger and bigger, darkened eyes, darker fur, larger fangs, he almost wasnt a wolf. From then on he brought many sufferings upon the pack. The pack and sunburn grew afraid of Alkeda, for once they actually had an un-easy feeling of their own leader! One day he gave orders for all of the members of the pack to hunt, but one wolf had a broken leg. These little things would drive Alkeda mad. He jumped on top of the unfortunate wolf and sank his ice shot fangs into his pack members neck until blood spilled down his leg. The pack would have to hunt and do everything he said even when he broke your bone, or scarred your shoulder. He would work his own pack to the bone. The females not as much of course, though, he had other ways of making them suffer. The strong pack grew as scared as a mouse of him, for many reasons and he realized this. But just as he grew darker, Sunburn grew more beautiful. All the males in the pack were attached to her beauty, they would often fight over her even if they had a mate themselves. Alkeda realized that she was valuable and that she was afraid of him. he was angry, but grew more attached to sunburn as she backed away from him. The frustration of having her slip away from him, made him force the name 'Hysteria' upon her. Hysteria is a thing that drives you out of your mind because of not being able to have it, or reach it, a mental illness she truly was. From then on, she was forced to escape for the safety of her life. She was forced to escape from her one and only love. The Eurasians were a dying breed, Alkeda forced upon every she to have pups. By the time all the pups were born, the number flew to more than triple the wolves in the pack, 60. he even worked the pups. After all the pups were born he forced hysteria to have pups with him before she could escape. She had no choice, he was too strong. One night, Hysteria had the gusts to trick alkeda and making the warriors (male fighters/protectors) Hold him off while Hysteria escaped with some fortunate others. Unfortunately, Hysteria's sister, Sober, was still stuck in the now evil pack. and one day, when the pups were teens, Apocalypse came. It killed all the pups, Alkeda wasn't there to see his pack die, although he knew it would happen and excepted apocalypses price. (When apocalypse saved Alkeda when he was beaten on the ground, he said he would let him live. But Alkeda had to pay a price for living. The price that apocalypse offered Alkeda, was the souls of Alkeda's pack.) Alkeda's mate, hysteria, escaped with some others before any of this happened, and Sober had escaped before it happened too. Sober had never felt any real pain in her life, so she does not respect those who go through pain. She saw Hysteria hypnotize the warriors with her beauty, and saw that she could do the same. After that she did the same to Alkeda to escape, just like hysteria did. And from then on they called sober 'Fox Heart', because she was beautiful, charming, and sly like a fox. They say there is only one way to beat the 'demon wolves' BUT it is nearly impossible, you must have the right intentions. With not a single sin on your soul. The only wolf like this is ice-heart, Absolution, and some others. She is a 'spirit wolf' which means she is pure and sinless. 'spirit wolves' are the most rare, as rare as 'demon wolves'. They are not living beings, but can come to earth to spread happiness and bliss. Many have contacted ice-heart, but she says she does not want to fight, in her words, "Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility." There is only two ways to have power, but one is dangerous and the other is highly impossible. number one(the dangerous way) is to be completely evil, which may seem easy, but is almost impossible, and you are owned by the evil one. The second way(the highly impossible) is to be sinless, it may seem easy, but if most humans cant, there is almost no way wolves can. You cannot just pretend to be a 'demon wolf' or a 'spirit wolf' to be one, there are signs on your body that prove you are.
WHERE IS APOCALYPSE: it is still somewhere in the world, but they say it is impossible to find. They also say that it is always there. it is invincible to your eyes, but vincible to your soul. In it's eyes, the body is weak, but the soul is even weaker. WHERE IS ALKEDA: He competes to take over the world, because Fox Heart, Hysteria, and Poisen are on the same trail. But his main goal is to find Hysteria. But no one knows where she is, what he will do to her when he finds her, and if strength will corrupt beauty. WHERE IS FOX HEART: She had been captured later by the Apocalyptic's, therefor, with them finding the rest of the Asacrecian's. But she is enjoying life while it lasts, which, for her is teasing, tricking, and playing with males endlessly. she isn't very strong, unlike her sister, but is more beautiful then her sister. She has an advantage. They say she has had more than 37 pups in her lifetime! But it is unknown the number of mates she has had. She is 2 and 1/2 years of age. Oh and to save you a lot of time, I suggest you don't go after her. Many males seek her. Unless you have the the face of an angel, or the strength of a bull, you will come no where close. Her profile says in her words: "Dont think you can get me cheap, i come at a price that you cannot afford to pay." She is the second most beautiful wolf in the world.WHERE IS HYSTERIA:  Hysteria is roaming the world of wolves, she is strong, as strong as a male wolf ive heard. Not only that, but she has her beauty, she is the third most beautiful wolf in the world. She doesn't love flirting with he-wolves as much as hurting them, if you know what i mean. She is hiding in an unknown map, in an unknown pack, hiding from Fox-Heart, Alkeda, and the Apocalyptic's. WHERE IS POISON: Poison(PoisonousRose) has her own plan to take over, which she is determined to accomplish. She will find Apocalypse, and punish him in her messed up ways. She tends to find the strongest, biggest he-wolves, charm them, kiss them, whatever it takes and inject poison into them. The poison, unfortunately, lasts almost forever, so they will be stuck a long time. She is always protected by her strong males, so no one can hurt her because although she is immortal, she can feel the most deadly pains. They say her poison feels as though the bones move in your body, your muscles feel of sand, your eyes feel as though lava is forcing its way in. But her kiss is like the sensation of gliding through clear air, a drop of smooth, swooning liquid dropping onto your lips. She is truly a sweet desire. An ecstasy. Even when you fall in her deadly, poisonous trap.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 08:42:51 pm by awesomeness4ever »
This account is made for like... 4 people. Me, and some of my friends. So if you see me online, it might be one of my other friends xD

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2011, 08:30:20 pm »
IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THE STORY! Many ask: 'Where did the this all happen? I bet its fake because in WolfQuest, feral heart, and/or impressive title all that stuff is impossible!' well i am here to answer that, my answer is this: "This story is NOT fake, oh no, not in the least. This did NOT take place in WolfQuest or any other game. They say it either took place in Impressive Title (A game most like Feral Heart where you can make you own custom animal with ANY markings and colors and you can go through out the world with packs ect) but i heard from absolution (One of the famous wolves in the story) that one of the members of the Evonomissia made a video game very much like impressive title and feral heart, where you could make your own land/world that were called 'Makitis' and animals which were called 'Aliuses' and in thsi game the graphics were almost 10x better than in feral heart and wolfquest, you had as much freedom in the game as you could imagine, and the best part was the points you could earn which were called 'APMs' which you earned by killing or fighting other animals or taking over their pack/clan/pride. And of course there was obviously a chat box for local and pack. And many other things! But the game was banned for extremely graphic things like blood, bruises, fights, ect. It was also banned for what they call, "Keshetani ibada", Translated: "Satanic worship. It was also banned because of a huge glitch (They think it was a glitch) that had black sticky stuff stick to players and kill them, or make them look extremely different... most believe this was not a glitch and will not give answers why. There are still many un known answers to how it all happened, why it happened, ect, and we are still searching for the replies to them.
This account is made for like... 4 people. Me, and some of my friends. So if you see me online, it might be one of my other friends xD

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2011, 08:45:29 pm »
This account is made for like... 4 people. Me, and some of my friends. So if you see me online, it might be one of my other friends xD

Offline Shadowflame1000

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2013, 09:35:35 pm »
What else do you know?

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2013, 11:50:20 pm »
Hey Can you post more about this please?

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2013, 09:28:11 am »
repost images? it says they are deleted
most storys are quite boring, but if you think about it, i'd like to play that game (even if i'm only 13, but i read the story before reading the title ^^'')

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2013, 12:37:52 pm »
I'm not sure if I'm saying the right thing, but

Please don't bump up old threads.~

This was made back in 2011, and I don't believe the autor is going to respond.

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Re: The Apocalypse Legend (INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY!!) (+14)
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2013, 03:26:33 pm »
Ok sorry