Author Topic: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map  (Read 1781 times)

Offline ||Deadmau5||

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Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:20:19 pm »
Greetings! I see you have found your way to this thread! Now now, don't be too alarmed by the title this is a fairly simple map/group of maps (Depending on if you are an experienced map maker o3o). If you do not mind, I would like to begin on what it shall look like~

Main Map:
This will have the three Clan territories and camps in it!

Hold up! (Grab the wall hehe love that song <3) You're probably thinking, "What the fudge does this noodle expect me to do without clan territory/camp details!?" Well that is correct! I will have lots of pictures to help guide you! :3 Let's get started on that shall we?

These cats live in the mountains so this may be the hardest to make out of all of them o3o. Any who, let me show you a picture of their territory:

Beautiful, isn't it? Yes yes it is indeed! Though these cats aren't the kindest in anyway to deserve such a land... Oh whatever let's move on! Behind the beautiful cougar and bear infested mountains is a forest, still in the territory of RidgeClan. There is were they hold training to make sure their little ones do not get in anyway harmed by the horrible creatures that threaten to take the lives of so many great creatures... It's a pity really. Anyway you know what a forest is I suppose so I don't think you will need a picture for that! But you may need a picture of Training Stones, here it is:

Gosh such beautiful peaces of land! It makes me want to cry! I mean even though these cats are daredevil and slightly bloodthirsty and cold hearted creature, they do deserve to have the most beautiful land of it all, don't you suppose? What am I rambling about now, ugh so sorry to displease you... I'll move on then! Now we will move onto camp, I could not find a picture of a camp itself but of multiple dens to help you with! I will show you them:
Entrance Of Camp (Rock steps on the left of the waterfall):

Leader's Den:

Medicine Cats' Den:

Warriors' Den:

Apprentices' Den:


Elders' Den:

Ahh... This is such a gorgeous area... Anyway, there is somthing else. You're probably thinking, "What does this woman want from me!?" Well I am going to need a map just for RidgeClan's use... It is highly important for the protection of the generations kits! D: This is called a Hide-Away Den! They use it to hide from rock/mud slides, bear attacks and cougar attacks! There is also Prey Caverns inside so if they are stuck in there for days on end, they will be able to supply themselves with food. Here are some pictures!
Entrance (In Camp, behind Leader's Den):

Hide-Away Den:

Prey Caverns:

That sure did take me a while do do... Let's see... 15 Minutes DX Ugh and still so much more to tell you about! Well RidgeClan cats have a... Strange diet. They eat hawks, eagles, Condor Vultures, cougar/bear cubs (If they can get them before the mother finds them o3o), Bats, Giant spiders, venomous snakes. Yes that is all. Like I said these cats are some weird sons of cheeses... Let us move on to the next Clan...

Well well looks like we are finally done with RidgeClan's description! Luckily, NotchClan is fairly easy~ Their territory is in front of RidgeClan's territory. Though RidgeClan and NotchClan rarely ever bother each other. Let me show you their beautiful territory:

Ahh... Not as beautiful and complicated as RidgeClan's but still has it's own beauty to the cats of NotchClan! There are rarely any dangers in NotchClan's land, the occational fox and badger but that isn't hard to fight off! So let us move on to Dens!
Leader's Den:

Medicine Cats' Den:

Warriors' Den:

Apprentices' Den:

Elders' Den:


Training Hill:

Wow aren't their dens confusing! So hard to tell them apart huh? Their diet is pretty normal and average comparred to RidgeClan's death defying prey... They consume prarie dogs, mice, shrews, rabbits and small birds.

Seems we have gotten through the last two, we are offictially in the forest land! This is RIGHT next to the mountains and valley. Now OrchardClan and RidgeClan do NOT get along at all! They fight over how they should lead and blah blah blah! NotchClan usually stays out of it, but will choose sides depending on the feud. Why am I telling you about the history? Oh man, me and my rambling mouth of getting off topic! Let's go to OrchardClan's territory:

Oh my lordy lord! Isn't it just beautiful for such a peaceful Clan! The only thing these felines have to worry about it the occational forest fire or falling tree. They have no animals that "wander" into the territory. Unless of course RidgeClan chases another bear in there like always... Those nasty little buggers! Ugh my rambling ^-^"... Let's move on to camp! :D
Leader's Den:

Medicine Cats' Den:

Warriors' Den:

Apprentices' Den:


Elders' Den:

Training Land:

Wow that camp is just full of trees! Now you are probably wondering, "Why didn't she add entrances?" Well OrchardClan and NotchClan camps are open so basically everywhere is the entrance. :3 Okay so OrchardClan is known for catching jays, squirrels, mice and shrews! Wow I finished that fast... Well lets move on to the other two maps! (Don't forget about the Hide-Away Den/Prey Caverns map for RidgeClan... o3o)

Spirit Falls Map:
Well well, Spirit Falls seems like a pretty strange name and you are probably thinking of a beautiful waterfall and blah blah! Well you are half correct! I will show you a picture to help with your beautiful mind~<3

Well that's basically it for this map... o3o

Gathering Island Map:
Just going to show you a picture...

Thats all I guess!

Due Date: As soon as you get it finished. It is a detailed map so please take your time on it~

Extra: Please please please do your best to make is a realistic as possible, make everything look like it was naturally there and not built by humans... Also if you are wonding why there are so many maps it is to make sure that there is less lag...

Thank you so so so so much if you do this for me! High ranks are still open for this Roleplay, so if you want a high rank in return for your beautiful map making, I will be happy to give it to you!

P.S. If you do not mind... Do you think you could post screen shots every once in a while, just so I know how you're doing! Thanks again!


Offline ThaBIue

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Re: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 12:22:42 am »
Depending on the map maker, you could be talking from a few weeks of work to months. The map detailed would probably be especially complicated to be as near lagless. But really this is a beautiful looking base and hope someone has the time to do this for you! <3
No longer playing Feralheart really.. I still do creations for the game though.

Offline ||Deadmau5||

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Re: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 01:41:15 am »
I understand the time it would take, and I am willing to wait. Thank you though! Took me about three hours to think of it, find all the pictures, etc. I really wish I could make my own maps, but my computer doesn't have enough to have GIMP, meshes, etc. :c I really hope someone is willing to do this, if not I would just start the Roleplay with a temporary map and hopefully find a map maker within the Roleplay to do the map~

Offline Silvianna

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Re: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 02:49:23 pm »
I Would like to try this... At the moment I cant really do anything without my laptop with all my meshes and art programs on there but by next week it should be working. Quick question, Is Spirit falls inside Orchardclan territory?

Offline ||Deadmau5||

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Re: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2013, 02:05:47 pm »
Really? Thank you so much! And yes it is actually. I forgot to add were that is. Haha ^-^" Again can't thank you enough for wanting to do this! It really means a lot to me :3 Take all the time you need for it. :D

Offline Silvianna

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Re: Experienced Map Maker Needed ~ Warrior Cats Map
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2013, 03:58:33 pm »
Ok, Np ^^

Edit: Got my laptop working and started on the Heightmap. I Will be working in L3DT to make it so that I can add little details and stuff.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 07:39:13 pm by Silvianna »