Author Topic: A Stupid Story from the Mind of a Second Grader  (Read 1077 times)

Offline greenart6

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A Stupid Story from the Mind of a Second Grader
« on: September 25, 2013, 11:14:24 pm »
When I was in second grade, me and my friend wrote a story together called "Devyn and Aziel's Tremendous Buttkicking Laughamaroo Story". I wrote about 4 for the series when I got bored of it and put it aside. But I love it, I wanted to share my second grade stories with you guys, I'm typing it how I wrote it, so yes, it will be very choppy writing.

Chapter One
The Deadly School

Once there were some kids in a school called Lakeshore in Wisconsin. One day all the kids were at computer lab. The teachers were in the library eating donuts and discussing their plans to trap the children.
"Let's use everything!" Said Mrs. Somebody. So they got to work.
They had evil veins.
There are six important people in this story. Devyn, Aziel, Dixie, a lost beagle, a horse (a big one), and a lost kitten. Only Devyn, Aziel, and Dixie are in the story now. Dixie was in Devyn's B-Pack. Shh!! Don't tell!!
Suddenly, Aziel went on Google. He typed in Mario. A piranha plant jumped out of the computer! Kids screamed! The piranha plant ate two kids.
Kids ran out into the hallway. Then it was time for lunch.  The teachers knew the kids didn't look at the lunch board. But Devyn did. She read: Poison Hamburgers, Spicy Peas, Rotten Eggs, and Weed Killer.
"Ew!" Exclaimed Devyn. She ran into her backpack and grabbed Dixie. Then she ran outside. She would not eat that stuff!

Chapter 2


Most of the kids got killed. Except for twenty of them.
"What could happen here?" The kids wondered. Devyn and Aziel and Dixie went out into the field near the door. Devyn was climbing on something when she saw a strange figure in the lake. A helpless beagle.  Devyn gasped and jumped off. She seized Dixie and ran out the door.
"No!" Cried Aziel.

Too late. Devyn was already in the lake. She got her clothes wet, but she didn't mind. The beagle paddled towards Devyn. The lake got deeper and deeper. Finally the beagle put her back paw into Devyn's arms.
The ground beneath Aziel shook. The grass fell and Aziel ran out the door. A giant hole covered the whole playground. 9 were killed.
The beagle was put on shore when she barked. Devyn looked behind her. A poor kitten meowed. Devyn did the same thing. Jumped in the lake, grabbed her, swam back to shore and ran. Aziel and Devyn and the animals ran to Devyn's grandma's house. It got them tired like crazy, but it was worth it.
"Connie, could we (pant) go (pant) outside?" Devyn asked.
"Yeah" said Connie, her grandma.
She opened the door and everyone cheered. Then Devyn saw an unfamiliar figure. A horse.
"Whhaa hey!" Shouted Devyn jumping on. "See ya later suckers" she said grinning. The horse ran.

Chapter 3


The horse took them to California. Thats because the horse was soooo big, so everyone rode! There they wandered around. Devyn saw something familiar. Wipeout!She told the 'gang'. They were contestants on the show! But the teachers were hiding behind an oak tree. They all wiped out. But the beagle Devyn named Nick WON!She won 5,000,000,000,000$. Just kidding. She won 70,000,000,000,000,000$. They were rich! They spent their money on a car. They drove to Dairy Queen. Then Aziel heard the cops.
"STEP ON IT!" he screamed. So Devyn did. It was SOOO wild, everyone got pushed to the back. Then she drove back to Wisconsin. Her car was in pretty good shape. They lost the cops. Whew!

Chapter 4

They went back to school. Everyone except the horse were in Devyn's backpack. The horse hid in Ms. Tutu's room that exploded for no reason. Devyn and Aziel were prepared. Only 11 kids were still there. They were all combined into one class. The teacher soon said "Let's go to Library!"
Her name was Mrs. Doody. They went to the library.
A kid saw a lever. "COOL!" He pulled it. "RUN!" 4 kids jumped out the windows even though it was 3 stories up,"AHH!"
The books shot off the selves and killed a few kids. Other duckled. Now there were only 7 kids left. Their names I will not mention. When they got on the bus the bus driver Mr. Dod, grinned. He went so fast! The kids didn't even sit down yet! Everyone fell into the back. Then kids felt theirselves going up. They went slow enough to look out the window. "WE ARE GOING UP A HILL!" Devyn cried. Then they went down the tallest hill ever! They went so fast kids wearing caps cap's would fall off. But no one had a cap.

Chapter 5

They all screamed! Then 3 kids were smart enough to jump out the window. THey watched them fly into a lake. Devyn jumped on her horse and said "We better run." So the three kids jumped on the horse and decided to sleep in a cave. The teachers were on their tail. That's because they had a basset hound.
The next morning they all woke up, The kitten, Milo, meowed. Then they walked out hoping a teacher wouldn't pop out at them. So they got out of the smelly cave. It smelled like socks!
Then they went downtown. It was silent. They soon noticed they were THE LAST PEOPLE ON EARTH! Except the teachers of course.
"Let's make the best of it." Aziel said. Aziel ran to so many stores so fast we couldn't keep the camera on him! Devyn, Well, we only had one camera. And for everyone else, well, again we only had one camera. So we don't know what the heck other people are doing. But anyways, the teachers bought a hobo hobo wand. The teachers found the kids. They gasped.
"My wand!" Said Mrs. Tragic. She pulled out something from her pocket and pointed it at the kids, "Haha!"
"Um, that's a Twizzler." Said Devyn.
"That's embarrassing, um, um, I'll be going to the bathroom, heh heh." Said Mrs. Tragic running to a nearby grocery store.
"This is the REAL wand!" Said Mr. Nintendo. He zapped Devyn saying "Not a beaver, a golden retriever". Devyn turned into a golden retriever. She turned to the animals.
"You understand me?" She asked.
"Yep!" Answered Dixie. Devyn turned around. "LOOK OUT AZIEL!"

Chapter 6
Bad Luck

Mr. Nintendo zapped Aziel and he turned into a golden retriever too.
"Would you like a doggie bone?" Asked Mrs. Who Are You holding out a bone. Devyn crawled towards it.
"No!" Yelled Aziel. "Its-it's a BOMB!" Devyn dashed to a nearby toad. He stuck his tongue out at Devyn and hopped away.
"Darn it!" Said Mrs. Who Are You or for short, Mrs. W.A.Y.She sucked her thumb and ran home. Devyn shrugged.
Mr. La did a cartwheel and zapped some dirt. It grew and grew. Dr. Evilenie was born.

Chapter 7
Dr. Evilenie

Dr. Evilenie was a wizard. She is also as tall as um... let's say her head touches the sky.
"Toodle loo!" Said Mr. DingDong. They ran. Dr. Evilenie stomped. It was like an earthquake! She jumped and fell on her stomach. She picked up Devyn and growled. Devyn saw her teeth. They were so sharp, they could cut through a tree. She squinted. She moved Devyn towards her mouth. Devyn did some fast thinking. "I got it! I'll use... I forgot what it was called."
"I don't care! Eat me! I taste real good!"
"That didn't work." Said Devyn inside her stomach.
"You're next!" Said Dr. Evilenie to Aziel. "Uh oh" he said. He looked behind him. The animals weren't there. Dr. Evilenie picked up Aziel. "You don't deserve to be eaten! You deserve to be SUCKED UP!" Said Dr. Evilenie.
She put him in a dust pile. She grabbed her vacuum and turned it on. The vacuum came closer to Aziel. While that was happening the animals were at work.
"Get the string!" Said the horse. They pulled a string across a giant garbage can. She put things she found and made an interesting machine. Anyways, the vacuum sucked up Aziel. Dr. Evilenie emptied the garbage into the garbage can. But Aziel stayed on top.
"Huh?" String was everywhere. The beagle did a thumbs up, Suddenly...

Chapter 8
Read on

ZAP! Milo zapped Dr. Evilenie with her invention, the shrink pop! Dr. Evilenie shrunk to the size of a beatle. Then she started to say bad words you don't wanna hear. "Devyn!" Exclaimed Aziel. "Where's Devyn?" They heard rustling in the bush. They turned as Devyn scrambled out of a bush. She was a human again.
"Let me take care of that." Said Devyn and stepped on Dr. Evilenie. Aziel looked in the distance and saw something shiny. "A WAND!" he exclaimed.
"ANOTHER WAND!" Exclaimed Devyn. They picked them up. Aziel zapped himself, he was a human!
"Now where are the teachers?" Devyn asked.
"Here!" Mrs. Fire looked at them. Devyn and the others ran! Ran back home.

Chapter 9

Everything was back to normal. The teachers couldn't think of anything else to do to the children. They got fired. Nicer teachers roamed the school.
Dixie, Milo, and Nick hid in Devyn's backpack. The horse hid in a stable near the school! For Devyn and Aziel, they were the school spies. But they did not know the exciting adventures they would have in the future.

PS. Devyn and Aziel are now wizards. THE END.


Who wants me to post number two in the series? c:
Oh yes, ah, my childish beautiful second grade mind :) Looking back at this.. xD Can't believe my poor spelling and grammar... ((I fixed most of the spelling of course typing it)) But yeah, there ya go. :3

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Re: A Stupid Story from the Mind of a Second Grader
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 12:25:35 am »
I like it alot! It sounds much like how bizarre my stories as a third and second-grader. I had once made a comic book about the adventures of a lion cub and I in the ancient times. Therefore, I will give no critique. I would like to hear the second part of this series, too.