Author Topic: Map Request  (Read 656 times)

Offline okami02

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Map Request
« on: October 12, 2013, 04:00:10 pm »
man this is a little mebarrasing, since im used to joining groups with maps and this is my first time requesting a map, anyways. I have seen no Alice in Wonderland RPs and is kinda dissappointing since i think its a great book with a great world that makes your imagination run wild, so im thinking of starting my own RP but ill like for it to be mapped, heres the info:

I think itll be better and maybe easier if there were three or more maps (youll see why) i dont care much if its one map inside another (portal) or separated.
-One map will be the usual wonderland, like big mushrooms, big talking flowers, a dark forest where the cheshire cat usually is, a small hidden house where the white rabbit lives,weird pathways etc etc (pls make it realistic, no not in the normal realistic way, but i have seen maps that have stuff and it looks too obvious that it is not supposed to be there or that way so pls try to make it as if the stuff is supposed to be there, i hope im not being confusing tell me if i am)

-The other map will have the wonderland village, which is where a few characters live, the mad hatter has his own hat shop (pls make where he makes the hats in a basement with lots of hats lying around if you can), a small mansion for the dutchess and the cheshire cat (he will normally be in the forest if he wants though), a few houses for other characters will be good too.(pls again make it look good)

-The other map will be the inside of the castle with a throne room and maybe a few rooms(not a lot just a few and make it look fancy  ;D also take in it is the queen of hearts living there so yeah no blues or greens) if you can make a scythe behind the queen's throne pls do so.

-This map is made by my own imagination after seeing the game America's McGee Alice i think it was called, it is a dark map, like the normal forest wonderland but nightmareish where the nightmares live, which are the dark counterparts of the normal wonderland characters (if you can make a small village for this one do so but you dont have to)

you can leave the last map out if you want but i really want the other three for the RP, i hope im not asking much :-\ again please make it look nice and not too plain in the looks (remember this is wonderland) anyways hope someone is able to make these maps  :) if you need me to post pictures so you can guide youselves with them tell me and ill do it.