Author Topic: City and forest map request  (Read 474 times)

Offline scar24

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City and forest map request
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:58:06 am »
Greetings fellow Feral Heart users/map makers,
I need a few maps to be made ,and what's a better place to request one than here with all the talented map makers out there .It's finally been decided to ask one of you talented map makers out  there to create a very small map pack for a pack role play  that's been in the making for some time now.2 maps are needed in this particular very small map pack.
Map 1 : Lost ruined city
Map Width:10-15,000
Map name:Lost Ruined City
Details:This map is city like and has many broken and abandoned buildings.Many of it's roads have cracked,missing,or just plain faded and over grown.Even some demolished building ruins remain,it's sky is a reddish black color.Many human related things have been left behind such as trash,fire hydrons , cars ,trash cans,bottles,beds chairs ,and etc.Nothing in this city is new and most over grown.I'm not telling you where to place things and what meshes to use and all that.This is where you let your skills and imagination take over :) )
Map 2:Run Down Forest
Map Width:12-16,000
Map name:Run Down Forest
Private/public: Private
Details:Having a huge mountain with many nooks and cranny's there are plenty of places to hide and explore.A hidden path snakes through these mountains leading to a packs domain.A huge black cave sits with bone like structures sitting there as a little note this place is claimed.Inside there is a stair like structure leading up to a slanted cliff a wolf can stand on and look down and around the cave.Five different caves are somewhere placed inside , but only one stands out more than the rest...this one some how seems darker and more of a dark leaders cave.There are some lone caves placed farther away from this huge cave in the mountain.A river separates the mountain from the forest side.(I'm not telling you how to make the forest or where to place things or what to add.All i ask is you use realistic meshes and NO animal meshes.Do feel free to add things not mentioned and let your imagination run free))

« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 04:11:17 pm by Emopunk »