Author Topic: The block button is your friend  (Read 3283 times)

Offline Cola 42

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Re: The block button is your friend
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2013, 04:52:14 am »
Yes this is true I am trying to find the thread as to where I read it, but no luck as of yet

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In game Name- Cola 42

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Re: The block button is your friend
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2013, 04:54:19 am »
Yes this is true I am trying to find the thread as to where I read it, but no luck as of yet
Somehow Im not very believing in this...It wouldnt seem too right. Guess its possible though

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Re: The block button is your friend
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2013, 07:16:59 am »
well if one person get's to many blocks they will be banned..
I have indeed heard of this during my years of being a part of the community. However, I haven't personally witnessed such a thing. As skeptic as the situation perceives, there is a possibility if the situation is dire. I'm sure that given individual will need to bestow a buttload of blocks though before it is to be carried out.
Which leads me to the given topic. If what SilentFlame has claimed to be true, then it is indeed understandable why particular members would get offended, much more individuals who bestow a bad record.

Someone even told me "If you  abuse the block button, the mods will put a ban on your account" which is absolutely outrageous.  Even asked a mod (I think Red) and they informed me of this being a lie.
This is a lie, however. I know that for a general fact. T'is merely a floof provoked by the fact he/she got blocked thus resulted in conveying an empty threat.
In a way, I understand why some members who roleplay would get offended by being blocked. Usually when certain members roleplay, it's to show off their literary skills and imaginative creativity. Similar to an author writing a book. Therefore, per se' an author was reading his/her own story tale to the general public. Some people will be in awe and credit them for their work. Though others will stare in a daze in total oblivion. While the author will kindly thank those who've taken notice of his/her tale, at the same time he/she will either become offended or troubled that not everyone in the given population took a liking to his/her tale. I understand that everyone has different perspectives, thus I am not telling you not to block them. Instead, block whenever you please and when/if someone were to confront you about it, politely give them the honest reason to why you did it. I know not on why some members get offended over the block button as it's nothing like a ban or kick. All it is a user disappearing from their awareness t'is all. Though, like I stated before, everyone's perspectives is different so it depends on whom one blocks and how they react. If they act rash about something so minor, then perhaps they deserved that block.


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Re: The block button is your friend
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2013, 04:34:27 pm »
I've blocked around 20-30 people because I sit in bonfire island.. You probably know "Trolls" hang out there and other annoying people. And that was all in one night. xD But I highly doubt you'll get banned for blocking many people. Have you tried to create a party or a group for your friends and turned off local chat and other annoying stuff? (Local, Movie Clips, and there even is an option in the options to turn off the thing that says _____ has arrived/left/disconnected/lost connection.)