Author Topic: Leg Hugging Army  (Read 899 times)

Offline Lupus116

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Leg Hugging Army
« on: October 08, 2016, 12:17:18 am »
The Leg Hugging Army
The Leg Hugging army is a big group of many colonies of leg huggers. In this group we like to goof off, and sometimes enjoy a nice roleplay, with all levels of roleplay! If you want to know more about leg huggers themselves go here

Timelines and seasons
The current season is spring which is when leg huggers have babies. And each month is two weeks, a season is 6 months in game.

OOC ruler
1. Please make your character how the species topic says what leg huggers look like. And no manes or items, feathers and whiskers may have an exception though.
2. Please respect the creators of the species, The leg hugger was made by me and someone named S~O~R~R~O~W, and don't try to claim it as your own. Or make a group with it without our permission
3. Don't force your ideas on us, we as creators of the species are fine with what it us, we will consider your idea if we think it fits leg huggers.
4. If you're out hugging legs like leg huggers do and someone doesn't wish to be hugged leaved, don't harass anyone. And don't act like it's the worst thing in the world to be left, we can all be friends here.
5. Don't harass the creators, it doesn't matter what for, just don't.
6. Respect others, respect yourself and the group.
7. No swearing, or gore please. If there is don't heavily describe it, and don't use strong swear words, and don't use it at others.
8. Please don't have a lot of characers, I will allow a maximum of three, and don't ask to make a colony more than one time. 1 person is allowed a total of 1 colony.
9. Please be active, you don't have to be on once a day, but at least 2 times a week

IC rules
1. We don't usually roleplay because we're just a group dedicated to goofing around. But if you do want to have a personality and realistic sets of skills, please base them off of the species information. I'm not saying all leg huggers have to be so friendly and nice, but some of the main things that makes leg huggers, leg huggers, like the body types, I don't mean weight, height, width etc, I mean tails and ears, if it says they have long pointed ears, please use some type of long and pointed ears.
2. We don't require any level of literacy, but we would appreciate that you don't powerplay, auto fight, nor god mode.
3. Don't be overdramatic, bad things can happen but make them realistic and rare, unless it's a child not making it. That is excepted because baby leg huggers commonly die.
4. Obey and follow the Colony Leader
5. If you eat meat, and you aren't in your rapid growth when it can be excepted, then you will be exiled
There wasn't many IC rules because roleplaying is not our main focus.

If you read the species board, you'd know hugglings are baby leg huggers. This section is for people to know if people are needed to play hugglings. And currently hugglings are needed, there are 12 eggs. And if you'd like to be one of them, message me, reply to this topic and we'll start messaging or whispering in game, or find me online in game, my Username is Canis116.

Here you can find what colonies are in need of members.
1. There is a feline colony residing in Kiwimbi beach, needing hugglings, and adults, it currently has four members.
2. There is a canine colony residing in Seaside grove, needing hugglings and adults, it currently has two members.
To join reply on this forum, message me, or whisper me, my in game username is Canis116.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 01:30:45 am by Lupus116 »