Author Topic: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~  (Read 4145 times)

Offline warroiranimals

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The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:42:07 am »
New breeds discovered!

July, 22, 2013

Two new breeds have been discovered in Portland, Oregon. One breed seems to be in the feline class, the other in the canine.

"We don't know much about them," Animal Researcher Jim Lydos states, "But what we do know is that they're dangerous. They have long teeth and claws, and seem very viscous. We ask you all to watch your children, and not to walk around alone. If you see one, shoot it immediately." Jim Lydos describes these two new breeds to look like regular animals, but much larger. They make a 'hrr' sound to communicate, and will be easy to notice.

Animals Captured

April, 1, 1216

Our wait is over - at long last, the hybrids (as they have been come to called) have been captured and sent to Washington DC's largest Animal Testing Facility to see how to put down them all, or make them more tame.

"We hope to one day live with these animals." Stated President Cuma, "To one day have them laying in our laps, or in front of the fire." Can we save these animals? We can only hope.

Hybrids' Escape

January, 19, 1217

A horrible tragedy has happened in Washington DC. The 'hybrids' have escaped and run the streets freely.

"All I remember is that when I opened the cages to begin the tests, all of them attacked me," John Mark said, "It was as if they planned to escape after being tested for so long."

These creatures are spotted everywhere, even as far as California. No one is safe.

Here's the explanation; you will rp as a Hybrid, but note that you're not as bad as the newspapers say. Actually, all you ever wanted was to be free. After being tested on, you've made your escape with the others and ran away, whither by yourself or in a small group. Either way, you're in horrible danger. People recognize you every where you go, and it only makes it worst that you're finding it hard to scout out food. After a long year, you've found yourself in Montana. It's a nice place, but people are still hunting for your species. Be careful, be wise.


Wolf Hybrids - Large wolves with large canine claws and teeth

Dog/Mutt Hybrids - Large dogs, same as wolves

House Cat Hybrids - Slightly larger than the regular House Cat, but still large. Large teeth and fangs.

Big Cat (Lynxes and smaller Big Cats included here) Hybrids - Larger than the breed of Big Cat that you happen to be, with even bigger teeth and claws.

Please do not ask to be something that is not stated up there. You can be any type of wolf (Red Wolf, Mexican, Timber, etc.) you want, as well as dog, or Big Cat/House Cat. Don't be a horse, a lizard, or anything like that.


1. Please do not curse, or add mature content.

2. Respect everyone, and obey me - I made this rp, and I can kick you out.

3. If you don't have an image for your character, that's fine! Please describe them.

4. Don't be evil without asking.

5. If you have any idea to make the Hybrids more unique, please tell me!

6. Follow the Forum rules.

7. This will not be on the game! I think it'd be slightly boring there, with all the trolls, and I cannot download maps right this moment - not to mention Mass Marking/Item/Preset/Map problems.

8. I did not copy anyone! If there is a similar role-play to this one, I assure you I did not know. The name, breed, and idea was made in my head!

9. Include everyone! If you feel left out, don't be afraid to tell me.

10. You must be literate. No text talking, or anything like that.

11. Off-topic discussion will be in ()s, []s, etc.

12. Please try to be active!

13. Don't make fun of anyone's character, likings, dislikings, name, etc. It's rude, and bullying.

14. Don't mate-beg, parent-beg, or animal-beg. You may make four characters. Choose breeds wisely - you may edit a character if you ask.

15. Don't ask to join! Just fill out the joining form. ^^

16. PLEASE no Wolf-Speak. It confuses some rpers, and is not necessary.

17. Don't advertise here.

18. You don't have to post long posts, but please do at least four sentences.

19. When rping, you may show your character(s')'s image you used to join, if you want to, so people can visualize you.

20. Have fun! :D

21. Put 'BARRELS!' in 'Other' to show you've read the rules.

How to join:

Screen Name:
Character Name:
Type of Hybrid:
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e):

Just copy and paste that into your post and fill it out! Everyone is accepted as long as they're active and literate.

Rp Samples are not required! I will tell you if you need to use better grammar, spelling, etc.

Wolf Hybrids:

Screen Name- Akemi1999
Character Name- Serina
Type of Hybrid- Wolf Hybrid

Personality- Serina is one to stay in the shadows, meaning she is very shy and timid. Don't underestimate her, because if you back her into a corner she will strike. It is hard for her to trust anyone, considering her very own brother ditched her in her time of need. Once you get to know her and earn her trust, she is loyal to the end.
Activeness- Nearly every day as well

Dog/Mutt Hybrids:

Screen Name || Taylor
Character Name || Kenyah
Type of Hybrid || Dog Hybrid, her breed is a Kangal.
Image/Description || There's an image.
Personality || When Keynah was first allowed to roam free she was a crarefree canien who took life as it came and didn't worry about much, she thought it was everythin she could of dreamt of until that dreadful day. Somehow Kenyah was different to others of her species and even her breed, now being almost 2 times bigger than her origional height. Humans came and captured Kenyah for many years causing her to grow rather bigger and aggressive. She soon grew a short temper and a sharp tongue, she hates being told what to do and is very stubborn going on her own terms. Although, she is loyal it takes someone she can trust to bring her good side out.
Activeness || Mostly everyday, but of not online for and there's a reason I will inform you.
Other || Barrels!

House Cat Hybrids:


Big Cat Hybrids:

Screen Name: Warroiranimals
Character Name: Chui
Type of Hybrid: Big Cat Hybrid (Lynx)
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e): Nearly every day

Join today! :D
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 04:41:00 pm by Warroiranimals »

Back up account: ~Jay~

"I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything!"

Offline akemi1999

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 10:41:36 pm »
Screen Name- Akemi1999
Character Name- Serina
Type of Hybrid- Wolf Hybrid

Personality- Serina is one to stay in the shadows, meaning she is very shy and timid. Don't underestimate her, because if you back her into a corner she will strike. It is hard for her to trust anyone, considering her very own brother ditched her in her time of need. Once you get to know her and earn her trust, she is loyal to the end.
Activeness- Nearly every day as well

Offline sparticles

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 11:45:22 pm »

Screen Name || Taylor
Character Name || Kenyah
Type of Hybrid || Dog Hybrid, her breed is a Kangal.
Image/Description || There's an image.
Personality || When Keynah was first allowed to roam free she was a crarefree canien who took life as it came and didn't worry about much, she thought it was everythin she could of dreamt of until that dreadful day. Somehow Kenyah was different to others of her species and even her breed, now being almost 2 times bigger than her origional height. Humans came and captured Kenyah for many years causing her to grow rather bigger and aggressive. She soon grew a short temper and a sharp tongue, she hates being told what to do and is very stubborn going on her own terms. Although, she is loyal it takes someone she can trust to bring her good side out.
Activeness || Mostly everyday, but of not online for and there's a reason I will inform you.
Other || Barrels!

Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
DA Account

Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline warroiranimals

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 04:39:52 pm »
So sorry I haven't checked on here! You both are in and welcome to role-play!

Feel free to start at any time!))

Back up account: ~Jay~

"I may not be smart enough to do everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything!"

Offline sparticles

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 06:18:32 pm »


Hearing the shout of a human Kenyah scrambled to her paws with a growl as she glanced down the street seeing a human walking towards her-a growl rumbled up her throat as she glanced around. Somehow she ended out in the open streets. Turning sharply she trotted down an alley in order to get away from the quick filling streets. She wasn't 'scared' of the humans just rather wary, she knew she could probably kill one but she would chance it-not through the day anyways. The Kangals long claws clicked against the pavement as she leapt over a topple over bin and turned another corner-her eyes narrowed as she let out a huff, her tail remaining curled over her back. The sound of cars had began to grow as time passed and more humans wondered the streets, but she didn't care all she wanted to do was survive in this overcrowded place.

Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline akemi1999

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 01:01:25 am »


 Serina rolled onto the balls of her feet and sat on the cold hard ground. She could feel her stomach rumbling, she desperately needed food. She huffed out a breath and looked around. The alley she was in was dark, dark enough to hide in until night. The problem was, she didn't know if she could go without eating until night. She had the option of eating out of the garbage, but the thought of possibly getting a disease was clouding her mind. She got up and trotted to the corner of the alley, her tail swinging slightly. She could not walk through the town without being noticed, staying in the shadows was her only option. She knew there was a shop that kept fresh bread outside for samples. She thought for a second. If she could sneak her way into the middle of a crowd, she could try to grab one without bringing to much attention to herself. She sighed, slightly weary. With a slight hesitation she pushed herself out of the alley way and into the shadows that the buildings casted.

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2014, 02:29:09 pm »
Screen Name: EclipseSong
Character Name: Rasena
Type of Hybrid: House-cat Hybrid
Image/Description: (That's a Maine Coon, not a lynx.)
Personality: Rasena is the kind who really hates being misunderstood. She's hotheaded when it comes to being misinterpreted, although that happens a lot due to her guarded nature. She says things in as few words as possible, but notices the world in such detail that is astonishing to others, if she lets them see that far into her mind. She's rather obstinate and doesn't trust anyone on sight, but once you get to know her, this guarded feline will give almost anything to protect you.
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e): I can probably be here for maybe 2-4 hours a day on weekdays (not all at once, and maybe a bit more...) and 1-2 hours on weekends. (I'm much busier on weekends, even though I don't have school.) And that is 5-7 days a week. I'll let you know if I'm going to be busy and be away for much longer, though.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 02:31:46 pm by EclipseSong »

Night may last eternally, but after eternity the sun may still rise.

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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2014, 03:28:54 pm »
Screen Name: MoonStream607 or Orion
Character Name: Nera
Type of Hybrid: Black wolf
Image/Description: Silky black fur with blue eyes (my pic unless you see it on Valentines day, its eyes are closed on my VD pic, but my eyes are accually blue!)
Personality: Kind and shy unless provoked
Activeness (Don't lie to me): Everyday, unless I am too busy, which is rare that I am busy.
-Allgemeine of the Magia Tribe-
Find me in-game as Nera Orion


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Re: The Abandoned ~An open rp that is different from the rest!~
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2014, 06:07:12 am »
Screen Name: Madyia
Character Name: Devlin
Type of Hybrid: Wolf/Hybrid
Personality: Meet him.
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e): I am usually on 24/7.