Author Topic: Lightstep  (Read 958 times)


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« on: March 11, 2014, 03:59:35 pm »
So, this is a warrior cat of mine that is in the roleplay group - The Lost Generation. A mapped clan, she was recently killed in battle against two-legs (Crazy right? Haha). Here's a picture and some details about her. Lightstep was my favourite </3 This cat is based on my signature picture :)

Name: Lightstep
Past: Lightkit, Lightpaw
Gender: Female / She-cat
Age: 70moons
Breed: Mixed = Calico x Tortoishell
Rank: StarClan Warrior
Previous: Kit, Apprentice
CoD: Two-leg

Fighting: 6/10
Hunting: 9/10
Fishing: 9/10
Tree Climbing: 5/10

Speed: 9/10
Strength: 5/10

Kind, caring, soft, pushover, loyal, trustworthy, trusting, forgiving, shy.

Lightsteps storey...
Lightkit had always been a small kit, she was the runt of the litter and everyone always laughed at her for it, thinking her small and weak. Even her parents laughed at her, her sisters where big and bulky, as was the Nightclan way, but she was different and hated it. While her sisters craved for battles and to become a warrior, fighting each other every waking moment Lightkit would sit outside the nursery, watching and learning about all the other cats, she may have been small but she was a quick study and was quick to act on it.

Lightpaw had firstly been suggested for becoming a medicine cat apprentice but had refused the offer, her mind was her greatest weapon but she still wanted to prove to her clan she wasn't as small and helpless as they thought and demanded to her leader that she be allowed to train as a warrior. She trained hard under the mentoring of Nightleaf who made her work harder than everyone else, Nightleaf hated Lightpaw and in return Lightstep hated Nightleaf, her mentor had wanted a bigger and stronger apprentice to train but instead landed with the clan runt. Lightpaw would come back to camp covered in fresh wounds where Nightleaf had used teeth and claw instead of an unsheathed paw to train her, Lightpaw was woken before dawn and didn't return until moon high, was Nightleaf trying to work her to death? Who knows. But Lightpaw worked on, her body was exhausted but her mind was kept sharper than ever, then on one glorious day, there was a battle with a couple of rouges, Nightleaf thought she could take them alone and attempted it, Lightpaw hid underneath some bushes and waited for the battle to be over and the victor to leave, her mentor had fallen and upon approaching the bedraggled form of her the injured she-cat hissed at Lightpaw and meowed. "You will never be a warrior!" Lightpaw dragged her mangled body back to camp, her life ending in the journey. Lightpaw was then given a new mentor, Frostbite, who gave her time to recover and heal before continuing with her training and taught her with gentle words and a sheathed paw.

Lightstep became a warrior at 20moons, she had taken longer to pass her exams due to the wounds given by Nightleaf but she never quit and never gave up. Lightstep is quick on her feet and is better at fighting battles with her words than her claws, but will defend her clanmates to the death if needed.
Her loyalty was well recognised by her clan-mates and when the time came for Spiderstar to choose a new deputy, everyone turned to her as the expected choice, but all, including herself were shocked by the one chosen in her place, Brackenclaw. Lightstep held great hatred for the one that had taken her place, not understanding why he had been chosen after he had abandoned the clan to be with his rogue mate. Yet Spiderstar had seen what she had not, that Brackenclaw had been the better choice, and her attitude towards the new deputy only proved it so.
After many moons the she-cat finally forgave Brackenclaw, as he had proven himself in her eyes for being a great deputy, by holding up the clan when all threatened to drag it down. When Spiderstar's final life was taken, Lightstep called out her joy as Brackenclaw became the new leader and when Blueshimmer was chosen as the new deputy, Lightstep held no grudge against her, all ambition of becoming leader had faded, all she aimed for now was to be a loyal member of NightClan.
As Lightstep gets older, she finds herself smitten over a new member of the clan, Magellan, who later became Rowanwing. After many moons the pair finally spoke and became mates, Lightstep refers often to Rowanwing as the one who holds her heart. She had hoped to have kits with Rowanwing, but feels that she may be too old for such dreams now.
Lightstep is now seen as a respectable senior warrior who is known to provide advice and wisdom to Brackenstar when he is in need of it, she also provides a swat on the head for any and all that are in need of it.

As the twolegs infest the water with poison, Lightstep falls victim to its effects, suffering from it. Pain and loss threaten to take her as Snowtrail joins StarClan, the effects had been worse for the young she-cat. Lightstep feels angry at StarClan for taking Snowtrail, a young cat with all her life ahead of her, instead of herself, an old and weary she-cat that had already lived her life. As most of the poison is removed from her body, some remains keeping her in the care of Fallenwing inside the medicine cats den. But now, with very little clean water to drink, Lightstep finds herself fighting for her life against dehydration. The only question being, how long will she be able to remain with her clan-mates before StarClan calls her, with a fight with DayClan seeming inevitable, Lightstep wishes to be fit enough to join her clan in battle, but fears the day will never come again where she can fight for the honour of her clan beside her clan-mates.

Her death...
News had been brought in that Blueshimmer and Blackpaw were missing, a patrol had been sent out to search for them but Lightstep couldn't sit idly by while her clan-mates were in danger. Brackenstar was deep on conversation with another warrior when she crept silently out of camp, since the two-legs had poisoned the water she made the assumption that it had been the two-legs that had kept the two from returning, maybe to save them from the water perhaps? Lightstep came across Ferretnose and Leafpaw within the wheat field, they must have thought the same as her. As the patrol crept into two-leg place, Lightstep had begun to cough violently, Brackenstar had been right, she wasn't fit enough to leave camp yet, but she had ignored his advice. The patrol fell upon a sight of Blackpaw being attacked by a two-leg kit in the centre of the buildings, setting a plan in motion, the two warriors were to attack from each side while Leafpaw attacked it's legs from behind, while the two-leg was distracted, Blackpaw was able to escape, spreading warning that Blueshimmer resided in a nearby building. The deputies yowl had been heard, giving the order for the others to keep the kit distracted, Lightstep headed towards the building, another bout of violent coughs took her. Shaking it off, the warrior climbed the mountain of stairs, upon reaching the top she saw the deputy being terrorized by the two-leg warrior, taking in a deep breath, Lightstep leapt at the two-leg and attacked its legs, as they had done with the kit, she called to Blueshimmer and told her to run, only to notice that the deputy had been tied up to the wall. Releasing her grip of the two-leg she began run around the room, the two-leg had picked up a sharp object, in an attempt to kill her. An idea struck Lightstep, standing over the object that kept Blueshimmer in position the two-leg stuck down with the sharp object, the warrior only just made it out of the way, but the line had been broken. Blueshimmer had fallen to the floor unconscious. /What had they done to her?/ The thought came to mind, but only for a second. The deputy couldn't run, Lightstep had no choice, she leapt upon the table that had once held Blueshimmer before leaping onto the two-legs face, where she clawed and bit, the shock caused the two-leg to drop its weapon. The tussel lasted for a few moments before the two-leg and Lightstep went crashing down the stairs. The fall had deeply winded her, Dustypelt and Ferretnose came in shortly after, they had chased the two-leg kit away. Lightstep had ordered the pair to help Blueshimmer as she felt the two-leg stir beside her, she wasn't strong enough to get back up again. Dustypelt promised to wait for her at camp before heading upstairs to help Ferretnose. The two-leg stirred again, and soon began to rise, Lightstep unsheathed her claws and began pitifully scratching at the two-legs arm, her claws not even cutting through its skin. The two-leg became enraged and kicked Lightstep away, where she collided with a wall, pain shot through her as the two-leg followed and began kicking angrily at her stomach, she felt only pain, then nothing. A vast blackness welcomed her, before a bright light appeared that took on the form of Nightleaf her former mentor. "You have become a warrior in my eyes, come it time for you to join us." She had said, Lightstep tried to look around but everywhere else was dark, only Nightleaf could be seen. "Did they get out in time?" She had asked her former mentor. "Yes, Thicketchirp joined in the raid and helped fight off the two-leg that killed you with Dustypelt and Ferretnose, before they made their escape. Two kittypets carried you out of the two-leg den where Brackenstar came to get you." She had replied, Lightstep sighed, "Then I will join you." she had said as she made her way to join StarClan.

I give credit of course for the amazing picture to Zoketi <3 Awesome person right there <3

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Lightstep
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 04:18:01 pm »
I want to read more but this is just so detailed.
Good work! ^.^

Profile picture by me! ^.^


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Re: Lightstep
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 04:35:44 pm »
Haha bless you, thanks :) I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves this cat haha <3