Author Topic: Character Personality, Favoring?  (Read 1882 times)

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Character Personality, Favoring?
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:30:35 pm »
I just looked at my character page which holds all my favorite characters and I noticed something.  All of them are overly friendly!  This is weird because I am not that friendly, I am nice but not as much as my favorite characters.  I seems like all of my favorite characters got the 'social' trait.  The only characters there that are not like this is my insane character and my fursona.

These came out of my bios.  They were all written at different times but they all got the word friendly in them.  Also talkative shows up often.

Dollo was hurt badly as a pup and he is a little on the crazy side.  He is super friendly but very annoying.  He doesn't know when he has crossed the line or has hurt someone.  However he does know how to survive and knows who wants to hurt him.  But he does do better in a group.  He can't stand being alone.

Boomer is often judged by her looks and finds it hard to make friends.  But she is very friendly and is open to new things and ideas.  She can be shy but very curious.

Snow Shoe lives in a harsh world where his kind are often hunted, killed or caught to work as slaves.  Most Vorox are jumpy and quick to anger.  But Snow Shoe is much more calm.  He enjoys messing about and making jokes.  He quickly makes friends.  Many think that he is way too trusting.  But he understands that life is dangerous and always keeps an eye out for danger just like everyone else.  He will be serious when needed and is a great fighter.  He is second in command of the Shyon Pack but many think he should be leader.  But he always just says that a leader does not just need to know how to fight and Simon knows what he is doing and is a better leader than he could be.

Key is a gentle giant with a liking for cubs.  He is very friendly and enjoys playing with lions younger than him because lions his age are too serious.  Key currently is not in a pride but is looking for one.  The problem is he needs to lead any pride he joins being that he is a male and take a mate.  He doesn't feel like he is responsible enough for that and defiantly doesn't think he can properly raise a litter of cubs.

Nik isn't what you would call shy or scared, he is just careful.  He doesn't want to pick a fight and doesn't want to cause trouble.  He doesn't want to be put on the spot or put into a high rank so whenever he meets any group of wolves he always takes the place of an omega.  Nik will start to open up once to knows how things work.  He is friendly and talkative but tends to be overly worried about his friends.  He will fight if needed but rather talk or run.  Nik is very protective of pups and feels like he needs to keep them save, it could be because he wasn't cared for as a pup.

Rabbitfoot is a little too friendly for his own good.  He likes to think he fits in with everybody.  Even though he is a cat of  ThunderClan he will happily interact with cats from other clans, kittypets or loners as long as they are friendly towards him.  Some cats think he is annoying because he is overly talkative.  But Rabbitfoot also knows that there are cats that could hurt him and watches for any signs of aggression and often takes advice to stay away from a cat.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 12:40:02 pm by Rustys »
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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 02:13:41 pm »
Haha I completely understand where you're coming from. A lot of my characters act just alike. Either they're buttheads who act aggressively, or are happy-go-lucky derps who make friends easily.
The only ones that really differ from those two categories are Molek (my insane character) and Jackdaw (fursona, he's like a mix of the two categories).

Yep, you're definitely not the only one who tends to make their characters' personalities similar! X3
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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2014, 02:29:45 pm »
« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 06:00:30 am by Demons Heir »

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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2014, 04:16:23 pm »
I never really thought about this one, actually.. I'm not that I have an actual "favorite" type or trait that I like to see in my character, but I do know that I like to think out of the box when thinking up new characters, especially for roleplay.

Some examples of mine:
For example, an old wolf character of mine (Cosmos, who was my old RP Allegra's long-lost daughter) was very friendly and bright when learning about herbs, etc. However, she was also selectively oblivious to cruelty, and so she had a tendency to find herself under the care of those who had bad intentions for her (to which she was unaware).
Her "type" or "theme" was blissful ignorance.

Another character of mine, Aithne (clouded leopard) has actually been the personality inspiration for several other characters of mine, most notably a warrior cat named Fawngaze. They're both essentially the same personality overlaid onto different background and characters, largely because I had so much trouble finding a long-lasting RP for Aithne. However, regardless of which one I'm playing on, both of these girls are playing a little off of the "gypsy" stereotype (though it's not accurate or true to the Gypsy/Roma people, it's still a fun character archetype to play with), as they're nomadic, and tend not to stay in one place. In the case of Aithne, she's incredibly social, but a little wired and tricky to figure out, though her intentions are usually benevolent. She has zero conception of the "personal bubble," and it's likely that the moment you greet her, she'll be touching you in some way or manner, usually playing with your tail or cradling your face in her paws as she swoons over your eyes.
She's just.. I don't know. Extremely flirtatious, but doesn't ever choose a mate. She doesn't stay in one place, and while she has the solid (if a bit reserved on deeper levels) personality that might do well leading her own tribe or group, she's not loyal enough to be grounded, I don't think. Nor do I think this character would be a good role model for cubs or pups, either (too unstable). I'm still figuring Aithne/Fawn out, to be honest. xD
Fawn and Aithne's theme is... Frick if I know. Flirtatious wingnut? Yeah, we'll go with that.

Although, sometimes I will play off of a darker character, as well, such as the case of Lightmare, one of my warrior queens. Personally, I don't care much for the "dark-souled scary rawr rawr" critter unless they're written out well, and have a reason for their being that way (and I think it should be done consistently if you do choose that type).
So, Light was an odd duck to pull together, but I think I really like how she worked out.
Originally, Lightmare was called Lightbreeze (by all technicalities it still is), and she was a kind and well-respected queen in her birthclan, BlazingClan, under the late Sunstar, who had watched her grow. I think she had perhaps two or three litters of kits, until Sunstar died, and the next deputy stepped up to lead BlazingClan. However, playing off of the "big scary evil clan" thing you sometimes see in Clans across FH, I imagined Lightbreeze being one of the bystanders as her Clan fell into this vicious cycle of power-hunger and bloodlust under the new leader's "guidance." Like many of the "evil" clans you see, they'd glorified the battlefield, made it an honor to kill cats from other clans, to kill or steal their kits and murder their queens, to bring that clan to utter ruin to for their territory.
Of course, not all cats agreed to this, and those who rebelled were either banished or killed on the spot. Afraid, and knowing that leaving the Clan meant starvation or death at their claws, Lightbreeze cowered and kept up the act of being supportive of the fighting--but she feigned pregnancy for many moons to keep herself from being sent out into battle. She cowered, and watched as her own kits were turned into bloodthirsty monsters under the guidance of their mentors and new leader.
It was here she decided that, since she herself could not take on the new leader, nor try to gather support from the clan against him (as it would mean revealing her intentions, which would certainly result in something bad for her), she decided that she would try to guide the kits--the Clan's future--into becoming less bloodthirsty, to respect life. However, with only her fighting the mindset of the entire Clan, she discovered that her efforts were in vain, and these kits would be raised to become new killers.
So, vastly apart from her past as a queen, Lighbreeze began to sneak out of camp while warriors took kits or young apprentices on outings. She would disguise herself, or find a way to take the kit out of the way of the warrior, and the kits would simply disappear. Lightbreeze was killing them, her own way of protecting the forest from becoming infested with the tyrannical and bloodthirsty cats thathad become her clan.
However, when suspicions started to arise, she fled BlazingClan, forfeiting her dignity. Thus, she went by Lightmare in testament to this time and trial. To this day she's a Clan-hopper, and I suspect that over time she's been on the watch for kits she deems "beyond help" on the track to becoming a bloodthirsty killer, and will dispose of them if she sees there is no other way.
But beyond this, if the kit she deems worth saving (or not at all in trouble of becoming a murderer), she is a very talented, loving, but firm queen.

And I love her. x3 (My dark character. ;-; ) This makes Lightmare's theme more of a "hypocritical guardian." She kills young ones to prevent them from growing up to be killers? (Is her judgment correct on these young kits before they're grown, though? Or is she right by killing a potential murderer, in turn saving many more lives than just that of the kit she's killing?)

That said, I have several different character types that I play off of, and the variety is exciting in my opinion. I like them to have weaknesses and personal flaws, alongside their strengths, and just in general things about them that make them worth roleplaying with (not too anti-social or impossible to get in touch with while RPing), but not so perfect that everything goes perfect between characters, either.

At most I will re-use personalities for different species, basically making them the same character in a different body (like Fawn and Aithne in my examples above), but I generally like to see how much variety I can sneak in.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 04:19:54 pm by WhiteLightHeart »
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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 04:40:56 pm »
I have a variety of personalities on my characters. I have to character hop all of the time to match what I feel at the moment, or they just seem out of character. xD
I have my characters be calm, which is really bad for me. I'M THAT ONE HYPERACTIVE GIRL THAT BOUNCES OFF WALLS. But I don't show it, and it just makes me feel weird.
Then I made a warrior cat.
I love her.
She's me as a cat. :D

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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2014, 04:59:52 pm »

Then I made a warrior cat.
I love her.
She's me as a cat. :D

That's called a Fursona.  :)
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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2014, 08:27:01 pm »
Hmm.. Interesting.
I never thought about this before.
Well, time to go look at all my charries and attempt to remember their personalities!

6 minutes later...

Well then.
I either have social charries that are kind, social charries that just smile and nod at everything, or anti-social charries with not much to say about them.
I wrote down a definition of each charrie on my list, and they are below.

The Charrie List

Slayer is a very cold wolf, not too trusting to those she doesn't know very well, and even then she won't rely on them. Slayer likes to stay away from others, due to a misfortune that happened to her long ago. She attacks every dragon she sees, also due to her history.

Kuraikokoro is a fairly social dragoness. She can often be found around groups of others, listening to their conversation. Kurai has a very dark sense of humor, finding jokes about death, sickness, and other misfortunes the most amusing thing. Other then these 'jokes', Kurai is fairly serious, and doesn't care for young ones due to their overly-energetic personalities.

Hitoshi is a very calm, even tempered wolf who's very laid back. While he can be serious at times, he tends to try and keep a light jest around his coalition. Not much of the leader type, he tends to listen to what others say rather then dive head first into the 'in charge' position. He also likes to think before diving head first into things, trying to plan everything out rather then becoming a trial and error type of guy.

Filina is pretty anti-social, avoiding busy places unless her current job calls for it, or she has to buy something. Her chosen Player job as 'Information Broker' has made her one of most untrusted person in the game. Filina holds to this title, and often acts harshly to other players.

Asuna [LDF] is more of the loner type, avoiding other groups as much as she can. Even in the dangerous environment that the Earth has become, Asuna stays alone and brave. Whenever she does find a group to stay with, she normally ends up leaving because some type of drama comes up, and to Asuna, that's a no-no.

Anahi tends to be center of the crowd, talking to every single person who comes up to her. Due to her brother's humorous personality, Anahi absorbed that and became very sarcastic. You can normally find her asleep under a tree somewhere, not taking much of anything seriously.

Y?ki is very social and outgoing, very rarely found sitting still. Y?ki is quite a handfull to care for, being as how he always wants to discover something new. However, he's not too great at expressing his emotions or telling personal information. He also refuses to listen to anyone, giving him a reputation for being stubborn and a brave fool.

Anahi [Dragoness] leads a social life, but not out of choice. If it was up to her, she would be in a corner alone, studying her newest curiosity. However, due to being forced into the Leader ranking, Anahi has adapted a very strong, commanding persona to avoid getting her Clan all flustered and out of order.

Tiger(sand) is a quiet feline, normally found in the corner listening in. Anything you ask her, she says that she'll do that, making her almost a push-over. She's caring to those she trusts or pities, and loyal to her clan.

Erza, regardless of her being the leader of the largest guild, is extremely shy to those she's never met before, and only opens up a bit to her guild. However, even like this, she gets very serious and protective of her guild if they're threatened, making her a very powerful opponent. Being shy has another downside, and Erza is very easily embarrassed by even the littlest things.

Subject 253/Midna is too young to be taken seriously. She's ignorant to almost everything, unable to understand why the adults in the facility are always depressed. 253 always tries to cheer them up, trying to get them to open up and play with her. She'll talk to anyone, even the wall if no one is around. Some say she's too social, and others say she's too ignorant, but Midna is fine the way she is.

I think I have charries all over the place, but I seem to have a 'loner type' theme going around.
Ah well, guess that's how my mind works.
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Re: Character Personality, Favoring?
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2014, 11:51:46 pm »
I notice that most of the time, my characters may have a hyper, random, or just insane personality most of the time for entertainment. Mainly Exxy, who actually can be a lot like me sometimes, for example,  him being shamelessly random and hyper however, slightly paranoid/easily scared and sensitive sometimes. And an odd addiction to fluffy things,  of course... Anyway. What I'm saying is I think it's good to roleplay out a personality you like for example with a little bit of creativity,  ya know?

So if you like friendliness, then that's good. And if I like hyper, social (Sort of), caring, possibly violent or bipolar/insane and loving characters like I do, then I'd think that's good, too. ;) (Note: Basic  summary of Ten's/Exxy's personality, I guess)

Not sure if I want to add more to this possibly off-topic post (Sorry), but we'll see later if I might edit zhis...