Author Topic: Im going to write, but I need your opinions.  (Read 986 times)

Offline ShadowPhoenix515

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Im going to write, but I need your opinions.
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:57:19 am »
Im going to write a story, here I go.

Here I am, a 15 year old farm girl(if thats what you'd like to call me)writing this. I have no experiance with writing and Im pretty sure I just spelled experiance wrong twice. Now the story. What would you read? A dark romance with fallen angels and demon animals in a messed up forest filled with dark hideous secrets? Or, a story where a wolf or some sort of canine, or feline character, is the main character. Input is very appreciated.

*sigh* this probably belongs somewhere else but I felt it was appropriate to go here. If it is not in the correct place could you just move it to the correct place and not tell me about it? Im not trying to go by as a snotty rude, person here but ive gotten alot of people telling me somthing dosent belong somewhere. I only need to be told once. Thank you very much for understanding and thank you person who moves this post if it needs to be moved.