Author Topic: Valosis Domain- In desperate need of SOLDIERS!  (Read 659 times)

Offline _Rache_

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Valosis Domain- In desperate need of SOLDIERS!
« on: May 13, 2014, 02:11:22 am »
Sorry for the another whole topic.

We are mapped, literate, sited and are trying to make a plot functional. We are in eager need for literate males to play as soldiers! Want to apply for the soldier rank in specific? Please fill out the application below. You should be active, but you're only required to be online or active on the forums when our group calendar says, which is only certain days for either training, an entire group meeting, or for an attack. So, don't be shy! Feel free to join us, it'll have no regrets!

Character Name-
Roleplay Sample(Specific topic- Fighting/Skills in combat)-

Check us out at !!
I love you