Author Topic: Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]  (Read 2094 times)

Offline IcyFrost

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Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]
« on: May 24, 2014, 03:03:30 am »
Into the Void~

"Go into the Void.." was the Trial of Truth. However, that is no more. It was a curse, no, maybe even a blessing. Few wolves encounter the Void, the vast, dark endless plane of black. Crossing the Void is trecherous, unthinkable for the average wolf. But also in the Void is a gateway to an alternate demension. Though the world twists here, as this world is a copy of the Real world. Exact? No, not quite. There is but one major difference. There is no color at all. Everything is in gray, white, or black. This world is a grayscale copy of the Real. A dominant pack lives in each of these realms, either born into the Alternate or the Real.
These wolves also have very different senses depending on the realm. All will be revealed in time.~

Whalecume xD. I feel like starting a new roleplay, called Into the Void. A bit in the intro is above. Before I start with the forms and more introness, I need to lay down some rules. Sorry about that o,o

1: You need to be able to roleplay. Well, obvious is obvious, is it not? xD

2: Action marks (-text-, ~text~, *text*) are not needed. Please use " marks around speech. Ex: Text, "Speech"

3: Hate the character, not the person.

4: Please, no Wolfspeak is needed here. Honestly and truely, I'm getting tired of it. Yes, you can use it, I'm not going to critisize anyone's roleplay style but.... You get the point :3

5: Respect the two dominant wolves, though in this roleplay, challenging a dominant won't mean death. You can either go against them if you don't want to go into the Void, or you will accept and do as they say. Choose either one :3

6: No godmodding or powerplaying. Godmodding: If your wolf is hit by a deadly attack and they still live, or is they just cant be hit by any attacks period.
Powerplaying: -Kills no nothing-. Basically auto-hitting. Do we really need to go into that?

7: No Mary-Sues. Your wolf can't be flawless. Everyone has flaws, no matter what. No, your wolf cannot be the fastest, the strongest, the best, the most powerful, the best looking, or just the best at anything.
If your character has one or more of these traits clearly stated, I will ask you to change it.

8: Before you kill someone else's character, you must have premission from the person to do so, then you need to tell me. Same goes for killing your character, you need premission from me first.

9: Don't create drama. That's my job xD. Let's say that a pup runs away. Sure, smaller drama is alright. But, lets say that the Void begins to consume the dimensions. If you're going to create drama like that,
you need to tell me about it first.

10: Wolves die. They get into deadly fights, they get hungry, and they get sick. A broken bone won't heal in a day, and sickness wont just keep the wolf down for a day. Things like that take time to heal.
Trying to keep this as realistic as possible.

11: Alright, this one isn't really a rule, but I'm going to put it here so people read it :3. Anyway,
I honestly don't want to be the alpha for either of the packs. Well, it never stated that the leader of a roleplay HAD to be the leader of the pack/clan/herd/anything else. Basically, apply away for that rank if you want to.

Pack Ranks:
Dominant: The leading wolf and his/her mate. No Dominant will be chosen by respect, it is whoever is the other Dominant's mate. If both of the Dominants die, one will be chosen by a pack vote.
Every other wolf: Every other wolf. Literally. I want to keep this as real as possible, so this pack only has three ranks. Betas, Deltas, Lead anythings, do not exist in real life.
Omega: The lowest rank in the pack, treated like no more than dirt.

Now that we're done with that, I shall let you nom on a little more of the intro.

Long ago, there was only one world, the Void. Wolves lived here in great terror of being swallowed by the great blackness and emptiness. Though one day, a wolf came along. He pulsed green, and created a seperate world from the Void. This world came to be known as the Real world, or the Real. But one wolf was left in the Void, only this wolf was oddly colored. He was in grayscale, with no color whatsoever. Just grays and blacks and whites. He pulsed gray. And there you have it, the Alternate demension was created, known as the Alternate. The remaining wolves in the Void scrambled to the
Alternate, turning grayscale as well. All wolves lost their color. They formed a pack as large as the one in the Real. However, the Void still seperated the Real and the Alternate, making switching between the two realms nearly impossible. Any Alternate wolves that went to the Real wolves stayed colorless, and any Real wolves that went into the Alternate kept their color. There was no way of comunicating between the packs, as it was much feared crossing the Void. Wolves that went into the Void never returned. They were swallowed by the blackness, they lost their way or they found their way into the other dimension and didn't want to go back. In current times, after the dimensions became stable, nobody dares to cross the void. But now, wolves are being forced to cross the void. Food has become scarce in both dimensions. Few patrols return, but when they do, they carry small mammals such as baby elk, deer, or moose, but are most of the time near death. Nobody knows what's happening to the dominants of the packs, but it is somehow connected, as each dominant from the two packs sees the same: "Cross the Void, steal food!". It is up to the wolves of each pack to stop their Dominants from sending wolves to their death.
Will you cross the Void to get food, obeying your now crazy leaders? Or will you avenge the deaths of your packmates, rising up against the Dominants? Also, if you read this, put an lol somewhere in your form.

Again.. Now that that's over... Basic info time!! Yayyyynot.
The wolves from both packs are being sent across the void in search of food. It's getting harder to find food in both dimensions. Wolves must cross the void into the other dimension to get food, if they return. Unless you decide to go against the Dominants.

But, there are some dangers.
1: The Void. Wolves will be sucked into the blackness, wolves will loose their way. It's not a straightforward path to the other dimension!

2: The other pack. What would you do if you were a wolf and you saw someone eating the animal you killed? You would attack them. This is the same thing. If a wolf from the other dimension's pack meets up with your wolf, expect them to attack, however, no auto-hitting or godmodding. If you wish to kill the character, ask the person who owns the character, and if they accept, tell me about it so I don't panic o,o

3: The Dominants. The Dominants are the leaders of the pack, who, as stated before, are going crazy. Basically, stay on their good side, unless you plan to attack.

Though the Real dimension wolves can see color, the Alternate dimension wolves cannot. However, since they can't see color, they can see heat. Basically,
Real: Sees color, does not see heat.
Alternate: Does not see color, but sees heat.

Let me know if I need to add anything to make you understand more xD


Forest - Where the pack lives, next to the river that leads into the valley. Prey Found - Rodents, Birds, and rarely, a few Deer.

Valley + River - A fairly peaceful place. Prey Found: Fish, Birds

Desert - The driest place in the Real realm. It is very hard to live here. Prey Found - Maybe an Eagle

Mountains - Definitely the coldest place. It is said that these mountains stretch so high that at night, you can see distant galaxies and planets close up. Prey Found - Hawks, Snow Hares, possibly Rodents.

Adding onto this later; Being attacked by homework at the moment :3

[Forum Name]
[Personality] (Optional)
[History] (Optional)
[Rank] (Alpha, Ordanary, Omega)
[Roleplay Sample] (If you want the rank of Alpha)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 08:48:44 pm by IcyFrost »

Because yes, everyone needs Canada in their signatures.

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Re: Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2014, 01:21:18 pm »
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline IcyFrost

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Re: Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2014, 04:39:06 pm »
[Accepted. I love your form :). I think we should wait for a few more people to join before we start, unless you want to start now. Anyway, as for your roleplay sample, I think it was great, though maybe we should have a few more people join before deciding.] [Geez I forgot my form xD]

[Forum Name]



Somewhat of a shy wolf to those she doesn't trust, but much more open to those she knows well. She has a fighting spirit, and has lived up to that. No, she is not the best, she is average, like any other wolf.

As a young wolf, there was so much chaos that she left the forest a lot. This stopped one day, however, as she found the opening to the Void. Curious, she stepped in, and began half walking and half floating away from the Real. No matter how hard Kaori tried, she couldn't get back to the Real. Eventually, she somehow gathered enough strength to cross the Void, and get back into her realm. Though, in the process, her back right paw was swallowed by the Void, and she was lucky to escape with the rest of her body. Finally in the Real again, Kaori went back to her pack, but she was ill. Since then, she feared the Void much and hoped that her pack leader didn't send her into it.



Has only crossed the Void once, and returned ill.
Back right paw is missing, and it now ends off in black.

Because yes, everyone needs Canada in their signatures.

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Re: Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2014, 04:48:16 pm »

Well thank you! :D I can't wait to start, I don't mind either is alright-although maybe wait for a few? Just so we have more to interact with and maybe it'll get more interesting than it already is? :)
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline IcyFrost

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Re: Into the Void~ [Wolf Roleplay][Open + Accepting]
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2014, 05:03:27 pm »
[Chur welcome :)
And yes, maybe it is best if we wait until at least one-two more people join. xD]
[Added onto first post]

Because yes, everyone needs Canada in their signatures.