Author Topic: Map Request ~ Wolf Role-Play  (Read 420 times)

Offline May_E

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Map Request ~ Wolf Role-Play
« on: May 25, 2014, 03:06:14 pm »
Herro Der!! ;D
You interested in making a map for me? Because I kinda need one but don't know how to make them! Well, here's what I ask for if you're interested!
Spring territory should be a vast field with flowers and a few trees, in the center of the field a den area... I guess you could call it xD Anyways, the den area is going to be the home of the Spring wolves, I'd like it to have an Alpha den, healer den, and small-medium sized dens, also a platform for the Alpha(s) to stand on to address the pack members. Inside the healer den, some flowers/herbs (If possible)! A last thing I want in the Spring field is a nice sheltered pond!
Summer is a forest. The forest should have different types/sizes of trees and flowers. A little home area, roughly the same as in Spring, and a waterfall! Perhaps a little cave behind it! :)
Autumn is placed upon a cliff. I want there to be a steep drop off into the ocean. The little home area is nestled between different mountains, it should also be similar to Spring.
The Winter wolves live in icy plains. It should be large, with no trees or flowers, their dens should be sheltered from the cold. The home is, again, the same as the one I described in Spring.
Meeting Area:
The Packs will need to meet up sometimes, won't they? So I would like to have a portal to another map. This map should be quite small and located in a cave, the inside of the cave should have gems on the walls and other little magic like things! :3
Another thing I would like to have in the map is a few secrets, don't tell me, or anyone else, where they are! We'll just have fun trying to find them all! :D
The maps name is "Aeternus"
The meeting maps name is "Meeting Place" xD So creative!
If you agree to make the map for me please keep me updated so I know you haven't abandoned me! xD And don't just say I MIGHT be able to make it for you, I need a definite YES or NO. (Unless you just need to clear things up! But don't just say might, ask me questions if you need to know more!)
Thanks for reading! ;D