Author Topic: E.R's Avatar and Signatures  (Read 1030 times)

Offline elektricroze

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E.R's Avatar and Signatures
« on: June 30, 2014, 02:22:22 pm »
One of the main things I do on the interweb is photo editorial for my Journalism and I absolutely love it! I am bringing it to FH once again and better than ever now that I am back! All my work is for you, but if it is listed as "NC" you are not allowed to take this picture as it is just for show. I do have a way to track most of my photos so don't think you are sneaky because you won't be. Please don't try to be that sneaky person, also if you use any of my pictures a little credit is very appreciated~ Now that that's over let's get started!

**Please be aware I do not own any of the previous pictures, except screenshots and Logo's. Any edited pictures are done by me. Editing:Take a Picture and Remaking it. Creating: Making a Picture from Scratch. I usually do not create them unless they are big projects.

**There are old and new pictures, depending on if the owner wanted to let them be released.


My Avatars Comes in "Basic", "Natural", and "Superior". Below I will show you an example of each step along with showcasing only a few of them. ;3

Basic: Basic is as it says. Simple and... Well Basic! These are just lightly enhanced photos with a single logo or hair color change, background change or even minor detail adjustment. These picture won't have more than three things done to them. Now you might be wondering, "What is the point of that?" A lot of times people have pictures that they either want them to look similar to their real appearance, or just a different eye color, hair ect. As simple as it sounds to get to easily blend in is not.

Natural: My natural work goes best with FH as I make the characters look more realistic, the area have a more realist tone.  It does not stop there though, you get bigger logos, added light affects, put in a different background either by block image or the character itself, and a few surprises that won't disappoint you. This is also where most of my work is at since superior takes a bit of time and many don't want to wait.
(Took A Bit More Time to Do and is Near a Superior Project. Also My newest one.)


Superior: I currently do not have any to showcase, since non have given the permission to release them sadly. (Can someone change that?) Superior is the works of the works fusing other picture like the one above as I put the red eyes in there, emblems, details, logo's, photo enhancement, anything you can think of I am sure I can do it. As long as it's not ridiculous anyways like creating a whole town, billions of characters and so forth.  

My favorite! There is no level of signatures here EXCEPT more complex ones as they will take more time. After four-five years on FH, I noticed most signatures are for Group Advertisements so I don't have much other than Group Ads. Please keep in mind these are old groups, yes that means these are old picture. I have not done a new group advertisement yet so I am a little shy of revealing these since I know my newer ones have been so much better. I am currently working on my own Group Ad and will release it when it's finished.

Anyone Remember This? So old. Unfortunately it disappeared, E.R. Avatars and Signatures is it's replacement.

(Not Exactly a Singature, this was created as a banner.)

This is only a few of many I did over these five years here on FH. Interested in what you see? You can get one too!
Here's How: Reservations (5)

Main Photo Reference/Picture/Screenshot: I need one of these three items to at least begin. It can be any picture(s), When handing over a ScreenShot I ask that there is no NameTags as it takes too long to edit them out of the picture and if you can, have the icons off.

Blend In Photo: This is optional, if you want to blend another picture in the like an emblem or something give a good description or the link to the photo. Don't worry if there are other items or background in the picture.

Character's Name and Gender:


Eye Catchers: What would catch your eye the most in a picture?


Rated: PG, PG13,  or R? I ask this because this will help me stop young people looking at something that might... scare them.

What Else: If you need to add anything or have ideas for your picture just don't know exactly how to put it, all that goes here.

Due Date:

Payment Method
Each Picture Will cost about $100 dollars each... D:
What are you crazy to believe that!? I'm just joking. Everything is free, except superiors. Since Superior artwork takes a lot of time, it does take money BUT I am not setting a price on it. You get a choice of how much you pay, anywhere from $5-$15. Why you ask? You can't please everyone, think of it as a way to show how much you like the picture.

Though mostly everything is free, donations are always welcomed! Donations go to one of the following: Editing Tools, Keeping The Photo Manipulation Program Costs ($10 A Month), Donations Get Re-Donated to Your Favorite RolePlaying Site (My Favorite is Iwaku RolePlay, What's Yours?) or Charities (Usually During Any Special Events for Charities), New Programs For Better Work, and more. If there is a specific charity you would like me to donate to or you WANT your money to go to the Current Charity let me know and your money will be saved up along with others.

Current Charity Goal: St.Jude Children Research Hospital $100
Progress: $24
Why: Because Every Child Deserves A Second Chance At Life, I was in ta hospital bed after my severe car accident. I wouldn't of made it out if it wasn't for the Doctors and Nurses there that helped me get back on my feet and move around a bit.
Started At: St. Justin Church in Eastlake, Ohio

Link To The Site: [url={creative}]{creative}] [url]{creative}]{creative}]{creative}] [url]{creative}[/url]

**I currently Don't Have a Separate Website just for Donations Where it Shows Goals or Anything. If there is someone out there that knows how to make a website like that, please PM me.

PayPal Account: [email protected]

I know my Forum Skills are not the best. I was never use to this set up, please forgive me for a sloppy thread! T.T
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 02:43:17 pm by elektricroze »
Signature by Me

Offline elektricroze

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Re: E.R's Avatar and Signatures
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2014, 02:24:18 pm »
Signature by Me