Author Topic: LIGHT and DARK - A FeralHeart creepypasta.  (Read 1286 times)

Offline Neowulf

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LIGHT and DARK - A FeralHeart creepypasta.
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:48:46 am »
One morning, when I'd actually bothered getting out of bed early, I hopped on FH and got on Kyo. I stared around ficho-- Nobody was in here except a couple of wolves.
<Lola f pup> helo mom, im hungey!
<alpa chrysal> not yet Lola hunger iz bud 4 ur weight.
I shook my head dismissively and blocked them to help clear the chat. I hopped on Neff, and looked about. Oh well, it was seven thirty five in the morning. More people would get on later. I got on Rattium and drove couple people nuts with confusion with Splat the Rat, and as I got off to the character select... I could've sworn I saw a white, blue eyed wolf covered in blood with the blobby Marble markings. Weird. My worst decision was disregarding it-- That's for later, though. I opened GIMP and the icon.. was white with blue eyes, and the paintbrush was a dagger. Weird, must've been a glitch.

I tried to draw a dragon, and.. My cursor itself drew that wolf killing Kyo. Then it was written... THERE IS NO ESCAPE. It read in slick blue ink. My eyes widened. I did not have that raw talent in myself yet. I was slowly losing my cool. Then Demigod whispered me when I got back on FH. YOU WILL SOON BE IN MY TRAP. It read in a slick blue. Weird, they... Didn't usually whisper me randomly like that. I got on Rattium and wandered around. I saw the white wolf again as I left to FP. There were the normal Spanish speaking folks in Cape, but one said BEWARE. in black text. A black and red lion followed me around. "Hey, uh.. Light? Is that it? Why are you following me?" Light whispered me, and their username was that of... Huh? One of the people on my blocklist. DARK IS AFTER YOU, NEO. Light said, and I had a daydream... I shrugged it off and logged off.

I heard pawsteps around me, and... I WILL PROTECT YOU. Light carried the message in its mouth. Now I was scared. When I roamed into my bedroom with Light following me, I saw that white wolf. It carried a dagger and it had a sadistic grin on. IT IS A HAPPY ENDING. The wolf said, and all went dark. And I woke up in a hotel  bed soaked in, well.. Yeah. And blood. I looked at my arms and neck, and they were sliced to bits. And then I passed out, last thoughts before it being, Feralheart has come to life. I woke up feeling lightheaded and strangled, and everything was tinted blue. I had an urge to murder things, and... Hours later, I snapped out of a space out moment covered in blood. What happened, and why was I all bloody? I cleaned myself off, and went on FeralHeart. My only character was DARK in all caps. I logged onto the white wolf, and under Actions was "kill." I used it, and... LOLA F PUP HAS BEEN SLICED. What?! I clicked again. NEFF UBR HAS BEEN SLICED. Oh, no.. Then there was Massacre. I clicked it. MELA PANTHERA HAS BEEN GROUP SLICED. Oh, Christ... I thought sarcastically as I deleted FeralHeart. That was it, no more games for a month. Too much creepy.

I hope you enjoyed the possible nightmare fuel given. Please remember that this is fiction and that this would never happen, nor be able to happen. Thanks for reading and have a good sleep when you do try  okay? If you are driven to anything bad, please do not blame me. 0 through 10 ratings, please. I might make more even if ratings are poor, but the chances are higher if higher ratings are collected up. Ciao for now <3
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 12:47:43 am by Neowulf »

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