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« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2014, 05:39:08 pm »


"We're all in the same game; Just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; Just different devils."

Laquisha had now been in the building for about five minutes, in the meeting room of course waiting for the rest of the uprisers to join. Hobson seemed to ordering everyone to have meetings pretty frequently lately and she didn't know why - it all seemed rather bizzare, but maybe he had something important to tell them, the government had been hot on their tails in the past and seemed to be trying their best to get the plan ruined - but Laquisha doubted that would happen, although they were intelligent the uprisers were one step ahead - as she thought, why else where they unable to figure them out?

But the sudden sound of a slamming door caused the deputy to jump, her day-dreaming shooting off into the back of her mind as she starred blankly at a Beagle that was seated infront of her with its head tilted - allowing the corners of her mouth to raise Lish tried to make herself smile - but the small male just nodded his head and turned back around to face Hobson. Sighing, Laquisha glanced towards the door which was now shut, and the table which was now full apart from the odd seat. Inhaling the many scents Laquisha soon glanced at Hobson who started with his speach.


"It doesn't matter what's in front of him. As long as he known who's behind him"

Hobson sat patiently waiting for the Uprisers to arrive and join the meeting, all were done privately in their underground meeting room - now, Hob was occasionally ordering for meetings to be held but he had a valid reason for this meeting today. The large Mastiff had his back turned towards the oncoming conines as he glanced out the window - hazel eyes observing the outsides from the hidden building, his thick tail swiping back and forth sometimes doing a circular motion as he watched the dogs pass by. In the distance he could see the governments building, this causing his lips to curl back in a snarl.

Taking one last glance at the passing canines below Hobson turned to glance at a half full table of canines - all were still yet to come, and without them the meeting wouldn't start. Seconds later a few more had begun to arrive - his head dipping in a greeting towards them as they took a seat around the large table, his eyes fixated on each and every member who came in. It was important that he done this but also remembered each individual, this was to prevent any government or spies getting in on the Uprisers plan. Soon enough everyone had flooden in and the table was practically full with his fellow friends. Smiling he crawled towards the table.

Circling slightly Hobson managed to manouver his large structure around the small place and hop upon a wooden chair with small cushioned pads on , his tail hanging out the bottom and wagging as he had all eyes on him. Coughing, Hob cleared his throat - shuffling forward on his seat and letting out a deep bark to hush the remaining talking canids. Running his tongue across his lips the Mastiff would begin. "Alright, we have a problem." he announced with a slightly angered tone "Some how or someone has given up our other base on the south side of the town!" he growled slamming a large paw against the wooden chair - his eyes examing the facial expressions of each canine. "I believe if we had a 'snake' here ould be the one informed right away, and I want to know how the gorvernment has found out the location. Anyone have any idea who or how they could have gotten the information?" he questioned with a raised brow.

The fact that the government had found out where one of the three of their bases were this worried the Mastiff, finding out one base may run up into finding the rest - they would need to do something about this right away. Cautions would need to be taken and Hobson would now be getting himself included to make sure there were no mess ups. Now, the large brutes tail had stopped wagging but angered flooded his eyes as she glanced atound the room.

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« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2014, 06:21:16 pm »
Both accepted!
I will wait for someone else to post before I do.
I don't know much about your life beyond this walls
The fleeting sense of love within these God-forsaken walls
And I can hear it in his voice, in every call
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all

Offline Liepi

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« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2014, 04:25:01 pm »
Could. I get a recap?))


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« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2014, 02:45:30 am »
"Without the uprising, there would be no peace."

The scrawny lass, walked into the building. At last, Hobson was mad about something, odd he usually isn't this cranky; was all that the lass thinking. Her additives soon perceived the lad's screams, into the words of; gave, out, base. He found out, she scoffed lightly. She could take the meatball, her friend Marcus took a seat by the lass, her blue hued luminaries traveled from Hobson, and too the lad by her, Marcus, her closest friend in this damned city. Raising her eyebrow, her soft vocals emitted the words, "What are you doing here, late pants." The lass snickered at her own, sarcasm. The lad's eyebrow raised, as he retorted, "I actually came earlier, I was simply eating, late lass." He snickered at his own joke as well as the lass did.

The lad's thoughts of the lass's reaction was interrupted, by loud yapping, he then heard the words; base, gave, and out. His emerald hued oculars traveled from Hobson, to the lass beside him without hesitation, he blurted out, "What did you do?"

The scrawny lass, walked into the building. At last, Hobson was mad about something, odd he usually isn't this cranky; was all that the lass thinking. Her additives soon perceived the lad's screams, into the words of; gave, out, base. He found out, she scoffed lightly. She could take the meatball, her friend Marcus took a seat by the lass, her blue hued luminaries traveled from Hobson, and too the lad by her, Marcus, her closest friend in this damned city. Raising her eyebrow, her soft vocals emitted the words, "What are you doing here, late pants." The lass snickered at her own, sarcasm. The lad's eyebrow raised, as he retorted, "I actually came earlier, I was simply eating, late lass." He snickered at his own joke as well as the lass did.

The lad's thoughts of the lass's reaction was interrupted, by the loud yaps of Hobson. Soon enough the lad's orange hued oculars traveled from the lad, to the lass beside his frame, without hesitation, the lad blurted out. "What did ya' do?" The lad's voice not as soft as before. The lass's sea foam hued luminaries traveled from the shouting lad, and to the lad beside her frame, her voice shaky she retorted. "Nothing." Her pillars shifted every once in awhile whilst the barking continued. The lad wasn't believing it although, he loved his friend, he could tell when she was lying, the small words echoed out of his vocals. "Tell me." The scrawny lass retorted. "Well, then. I was robbing for the up-risers, as usual..the people called the government, and well..I fled to the closest base." The lad shook his crania slowly, and retorted. "You know NEVER to run to camp!"

As the attention was drawn to them, Marcus lifted his frame, and walked up to Hobson, and spoke up. "I did it sir. It was me." The lass blinked in amazement, as the lad took the blame. No sooner did she arose from her seat away from Hobson, and replied. "No, sir. It was me who led them. As you know I don't lie..much."

((Marcus is a NPC! Anyone can be him! ))
« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 02:48:53 am by KoolWolfe »

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« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2014, 11:52:12 pm »

[[I guess I'll give the recap so we can continue with this role-play?

Anyways, basically what has happened so far is the government had found out one of the three hideouts the uprisers have. The government have now decided to sent a team out to go get some information and Kai and Blue are going for dinner at one point.

On the uprising side of things it had went pair shaped - kind of ; one of their three bases has been discovered since Odila ran there getting into trouble or something. That lead their base to be discovered. The dogs are in the meeting room & Hobson is having a go at the canines to get the information out of them.

So far I think that's all that's happened, if I have forgotten anything anyone can add it - but I'm sure I have covered everything that is important and worth knowning]]
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« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2014, 10:27:51 am »
I really need to post. I'm gonna edit this post when I get the chance.))
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 10:30:27 am by ????? »


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« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2014, 09:33:14 pm »

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« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2014, 02:18:53 am »

"You are never alone,even if you feel as if you are."
Name: Kib?(Hope in Japanese)

Gender: Female

A long haired German Shepherd mix with a black lab.Her body is lean,and scarred where she has been fighting other dogs in her past.Her chained collar is covered in stained blood where she had one fights and struggled through them.A white heart corner is at the base of her shoulder,and is visible to most dogs.

Age: 3 1/2

She is an understanding she-dog with a heart of courage.She is loyal to mostly everyone,and is very shy to be exact.She is brave during battle,and very strong.Her family called her 'Kib?' for a reason.She would always hope one day,all dogs would be in peace with the humans.

She was bred for battles with other dogs.Like a pitbull,she was mistaken and feared for her strength,but it was never her fault.She was beaten as a puppy,killed her siblings and family,and she had regretted all of it.She had once killed a person,but it was just to protect her newborn puppies.Her puppies were killed by another pack of stray dogs.She wasn't able to save the puppies,but one.She only saved one...the pup was named Ishi(Stone in Japanese).He was sitting there,still as stone.He was never seen by the pack of strays,and he is always still when hunting for he doesn't want either what he's hunting to hear him.(His form will come later if that's okay.)

Yin-Yang(Sister,alive,unknown to be found)
Headon(the father of her pups,but not mate)
Ishi(Alive,form coming)

Government, Upriser or regular citizen?:

Rank: Uprising

Privilege-class, middle-class or lower-class?: Middle

Other: Earth(This seems as an awesome thread,I am happy to join ^^

Offline Soil

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« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2014, 02:32:04 am »

"Everything comes with a price."

Name: Ishi

Gender: Male

As if he looks like a wolf,he is half.His mother is a German Sheperd mix,and his father is a full blooded Black wolf.He has a scar leading down his flank where he was attacked by a moose,and a scar on his bottom lip where he had been in a fight with a mountain lion.His body is lean and muscular making him a great fighter like his mother.

Age: 1 year.

Personality: He is generous,but fierce.He likes to see himself as a leader sometimes,but never shows it even though he wants to.He is loyal and strong,and is usually either hunting or keeping himself busy by swimming.Ishi is a brave fellow and is never afraid to speak up for what is right.

When he was a newborn,his siblings were killed by a pack of stray dogs.The strays dog hadn't noticed him lying in the shadow,awaiting fearingly there.That is when his mother walked up to him and scooped him up.The confused pup,then stared up at his mother and she whispered."Ishi"Ishi is known as "Stone"in Japanese.She named him this because he is always still during hunting,or staying quiet.

- Kibo(Mother,alive)
- Headon(Father,alive)
Mate is open
Siblings are dead
He has no pups.

Government, Upriser or regular citizen?: Upriser

Rank Uprising

Privilege-class, middle-class or lower-class?: Middle

Other: Earth