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Author Topic: Feral Heart Short Stories  (Read 1363 times)

Offline kaylakh10

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Feral Heart Short Stories
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:02:43 pm »
I just wanted to have alil writing fun, so I started on this story. :) ;) :D ;D :P I'm sorta a beginner at this, so tell me if it is any good!  :) ;) :D. I'm going to add to it as I go...

... Shadow gazes across a land, that is unfamiliar to her.  "Where am I?" Her heart beats faster.
She shivers as a cold breeze seeps through her fur. She stands on a cliff, over looking the lake below. Tons of winged floofs glide in the air above. They seem high enough to touch the clouds .
    Shadow peers at the ground below. The wingless floofs look like ants from this high up. She backs away from the edge. "This is too high for me!" She cries. Shadow attempts to steady herself. "I can find my way down," She thinks, looking around, "but how?"
    There is the sound of fluttering wings behind her, and she spins around. A beautiful white floof with wings stands before her, head held high and wings outstretched.
    A awed gasp escapes Shadow's mouth. "Hi, my name is Angel." The floof says softly. Angel tips her head to the side, and examines her. "Aren't you going to fly? You have wings too you know." She says with a smile. "I'm afraid of heights!" Shadow breathes.
Angel blinks, "A floof with wings... that is afraid of heights." She seems to be holding back laughter.
   Shadow's fur grows hot with embarrassment. "I... I don't even remember how I got up here." She murmers, nervously. Angel cant seem to contain it any more... She lets out bout laughter. She laughs so hard that the force of it brings her down on her back, and she is sprawled out on the ground. It takes a few minutes for her to contain herself.
   "I'm- I'm sorry", Angel says, still snickering, "I really am." Shadow turns away from her and looks back down over the edge. "Could you help me find a way down?" She asks quietly. "Oh sure," Angel says, "It's called flying!"
"I'm not sure that I can do that." Shadow frowns.
"Oh yes you can... I'll teach you." Angel smiles, looking more serious.

   Angel takes a step closer. "It's very simple... just spread your wings and jump." She says- and adds, "and for God's sake, don't forget to flap your wings!"
"Wow, that's all!"
"Yep, that's pretty much the gist of it."
   "Okay, let me practice-" Shadow stretches out her wings and flaps them. The wind blows under them, and nearly lifts her off the ground. "I think I can do it." Shadow says. A grin crosses Angel's face, "Then jump."
   Shadow's heart pounds. She moves over to the very edge and looks down. The sight makes her freeze. "I cant... I cant do it." She gasps. "Yes you can. All you got to go now is jump!" Angel exclaims. Their is a hint of annoyance in her voice. "But- but I cant..." Shadow refuses.
   Angel steps up behind her. "Okay... what I need you to do is look down again- just on more time... and if you absolutely can't do it, I'll find another way for you to get back down." She says. A strange smile crosses her face. Shadow blinks. "Okay just one more time..." She says, taking a step to look back over.
"I don't see how this can help me. It just makes it wors--"
   Shadow feels a hard shove from behind, and then she goes over. A scream escapes her mouth as she begins to plumit downward.
The ground grows closer and closer.
"What do I do- what do I do!" She screams in her thoughts. Her brain whirls through all the things that could possibly help her. Then she remembers- FLAP!

   She flaps her wings with all her might.
   Shadow squeezes her eyes shut in the anticipation of hitting the ground. For moments nothing happens. She appears to have stopped. She opens them again. The sight makes her heart stop. She is hovering in the air! "I'm flying!" She screams. She looks down, the water is still far below. "I did it!" She exclaims, overjoyed. "Well, actually I did." Angels voice sounds from above. Shadow looks up. She glides over her, white wings glowing in the sunlight. She smiles and Shadow smiles back.
"It wasn't all that bad, was it?" Angel beams.
"No... it wasn't." She replies.

"Thank you!" Shadow exclaims.
"Don't mention it."
"Oh and do me a favor... don't go up to high places anymore." She adds.

"I think got it now. I'm not afraid any more." Shadow grins, already gliding away...

The END...
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 09:25:48 pm by Kayla »
Hey, my user name is kaylakh10 in the game
So look for me there!
See you soon.
Kayla :)