Author Topic: My feeling on prides nowadays  (Read 1989 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: My feeling on prides nowadays
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2014, 07:43:29 am »
I don't normally role-play lions - or animals for that matter - however, I do see this "stereotypical" lioness (I say it like this, as there isn't exactly a stereotype for lionesses in real life besides the no mane thing) a lot in Bonfire - which normally stand out (to me, atleast), because I'll see them standing on the large cliff formation next to a male, and their sizes are on completely different scales. The male was the largest he could be, and the lioness was the smallest. I didn't say too much to either one, as I don't often speak out in Local (unless one of my friends, or more, is around and wanting to talk to me via Local), but I did ask - not word for word, because this was a while ago - this question: "Why are you so small?"
She seemed a bit offended for some reason, and she told me: "Because I'm a GIRL! Are you blind or something?" I shut up after that, and went towards Lonely Cave (I'm actually almost always there now, because I feel a bit embarrassed about my characters' designs) to contemplate on facing her again. I felt awkward, but I guess that was just me.

Do you see my point though, even though it was practically a useless ramble that took us virtually nowhere?
It's amazing if you think about it. How real life actually took toll in a video game. As Sura mentioned about the "beautiful type" of women that we would only see in magazines and, maybe, television (if it's not live) - however, that isn't the only beautiful type of women. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but due to teenagers (sometimes even younger children!) and adults getting harassed for not being "beautiful enough", this has become the norm - don't you agree, though?

Well, that's enough rambling from me.