Author Topic: City / Town map request.  (Read 374 times)


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City / Town map request.
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:13:45 pm »
Hi guys!

So I watched the Divergent film the other day and thought it would be awesome for a RP but I'm terrible when it comes to making maps haha.

I would love if someone could make one for me!

Okay so details...

Map size - I'd say Medium sized.

The layout, if possible, similar to this

Erudite and Candor is where the majority of the city is, so mainly business high buildings if possible. For these building, could you take off the collision so people can walk into them?

Abnegation is like the outer city, so a couple of big buildings but mainly houses (All the houses in abnegation are exactly the same.)

Factionless area to be filled with scrap heaps and garbage, maybe a few tents as homes.

Dauntless area is filled with abandoned warehouse type buildings and underground areas.

And Amity is mainly fields, farm animals and buildings with a few houses scattered around.

A fence / wall put around the whole map. 

Time period - Whenever, if you take this on don't rush it. I want It to look as realistic as possible, including roads, cars and sign posts and just be perfect hehe so take your time, I don't mind waiting :D

I'd really appreciate any help with this! <3

If you need any other info about the map, let me know and I'll give you what you need.