Author Topic: Stranded on an Island?  (Read 1504 times)

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Stranded on an Island?
« on: August 19, 2014, 06:42:49 pm »
So, random topic here c:... But I'd like to know what you'd do if you was stranded alone on an island for 3 months. Think of these things:

Are you surrounded on an island with jungle tropics, forest or other?

Who would be missing you the most at home?

How would you deal with hunger, what would you eat?

Who would you most likely/want to be with on that island?

What 4 things would you have with you?

Where would you build shelter, or where would you shelter?

How would you help the people you are with survive?

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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 07:11:53 pm »
the only thing i'd want if i were stranded on an island is a book that tells you how to build a raft to get off an island.

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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 07:35:36 pm »
Um...I think I would like to be in a mountainous region with not too many trees. I would miss....Um...hmm...I guess my parents? I would eat berries and fruit. I would want my steer to be on the island with me. I would have my phone, my steer's halter, a blanket, and a spare phone battery. I would build my shelter in a nook in the mountain side made of bushes, rocks, and clay. If I did find people I would help them scavange, find materials, make shelters. But in exchange they had to be nice to me and my steer.

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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 03:09:41 pm »
Are you surrounded on an island with jungle tropics, forest or other?
Probably an island with jungle tropics.

Who would be missing you the most at home?
My kitten ;n;

How would you deal with hunger, what would you eat?
Red's cooki... I mean... hm, let's see, some sand. :I

Who would you most likely/want to be with on that island?
My kitten |D

What 4 things would you have with you?
My phone, my kitten, my laptop with FH, and internet :'D

Where would you build shelter, or where would you shelter?
Make a little sand hut and live with the crabs c:

How would you help the people you are with survive?
Build them shelter.


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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2014, 04:09:33 pm »
Pft, I must answer to this. I'll make it as honest as possible, so it might be a little weird.. lol
Are you surrounded on an island with jungle tropics, forest or other?
Ok, I think I'd be stranded on a island with a tropical climate- basically a jungle.
Who would be missing you the most at home?
I'd defiantly miss my family- I don't know what I would do.
How would you deal with hunger, what would you eat?
Hm. It really depends on my situation. I'll do what I replied to question number one. If I were on a miniature jungle island, my main food source would probably be animals like monkeys, and certain crustaceans, however, I'd really have to cope with eating that stuff- I'm a terribly picky eater. For water, of course it's an island, however it will most likely be salt water, making it undrinkable. I'd have to probably find muddy pools or something of the sort.. I've also heard that (large) leaves hold moister, so maybe that could be a little.
Who would you most likely/want to be with on that island?
I have a strong answer on this question: no one. That's just another mouth to feed- I wouldn't keep them long. Sure, I might become very lonely, but I think survival is much more important. Now, if it were a family member, I honestly have no idea what I'd do; I'd just have to wait the day I'm stranded on an island I guess.
What 4 things would you have with you?
I have more than four things in mind, however I think a bowl, water purification tablets, a Swiss army knife, and matches to endure survival. I don't think I'd have to worry about rope to much since I'm in a jungle and there's vines everywhere, however I'm not sure. I would defiantly not bring a phone, since it would die eventually, and even if you could call someone, you are stranded on an island. You don't know where you are... xD
Where would you build shelter, or where would you shelter?
Hmm, maybe on the side of a cliff, or somewhere around the edge of the water, like the beach.
How would you help the people you are with survive?
Honestly I wouldn't do anything, if anything I'd probably kill them immediately (or keep them alive for a little bit to see if they know anything about surviving and/or building a shelter, but they'd be dead eventually) since they are taking away my own food course. It's almost like competition in the animal world. As brutal as that sounds, think about it: There's someone else living with you on a deserted island who's chances of surviving aren't even high. Wouldn't you get rid of them so you do not have food wasted, and other stuff being used up to quickly too?

Yeah, you probably don't want to be on an island with me... lol

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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2014, 05:15:02 pm »
Are you surrounded on an island with jungle tropics, forest or other?
Most likely I'd get bad luck and be on a desert island. But I'd like to hope I'd be on a tropical jungle island...

Who would be missing you the most at home?
My cat butter

How would you deal with hunger, what would you eat?
Probably animals if I could catch any and maybe plants... If I knew what they were :3 maybe humans...

Who would you most likely/want to be with on that island?
No body it would end In them being eaten... By me if I got hungry enough.

What 4 things would you have with you?
A knife or machete, a backpack, one of those water bottles that purify the water, and at least some food.

Where would you build shelter, or where would you shelter?
Most likely in a tree but maybe in a cave in a cliff or something.

How would you help the people you are with survive?
I wouldn't. If people were with me I'd only keep them around until I got hungry and then eat them.

Darkky your worst deserted island buddy :3

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Re: Stranded on an Island?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2014, 01:57:18 am »
PSH. I watch Survivorman, bruh. I'm all set.

Okay, for realzies.
I'd definitely prefer to be on a tropical island, like in the Caribbean or something to be specific.
I believe situations like that are easier to survive, though they've got obvious disadvantages like the sun and storms and whatnot.
First of all, I'd hang out near the beach, but closer to the tree-line- that's where I'd build my shelter probably out of palm fronds or something.

As for the things I'd bring with me, I'd probably bring Vask *Pulls Vask out of backpack* so we can be fabulous and party. Also, I'd bring a hunting knife, a lighter, and maybe a pot for boiling water to make it drinkable.

For food, this is where the scenario of a tropical island would come in handy. Islands like that are just CRAWLING with all sorts of edible goodness! Be it spear-fishing or simply picking up crabs and sea snails from the shore, meals would be no trouble, really.

As for helping those that are with me, I'd definitely teach them what I already know- building shelters, hunting/fishing and whatnot. We could help each other in the area of food, maybe even have shifts of who gathers food when. I dunno really. I think for the sake of survival it would be easier if I were alone, but for the sake of sanity it would be good to have someone else- 'cause without someone to talk to I'd end up talking to a Volleyball named Wilson.
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