Author Topic: ~Drabbles About Flawed~  (Read 930 times)

Offline flawedmercy

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~Drabbles About Flawed~
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:58:34 am »

N a m e
Well, let's start with my name. I'm known mainly
as Flawed/Flawedmercy on FH, but in the real world,
I'm usually called by "Hannah", my birth name. You
Might be a bit confused, right? I don't usually go by
my birth name when I can get away with it. Most call
me "Hunter" or "Hunt" when away from parents or close
relatives. You can call me Hunt/Hunter/Flawed, but
my 'birth name' isn't really preferred for reasons to be
explained later in this quaint bio.

G e n d e r
Whew, I'm gonna be going into some complicated
issues. But in order to understand some things...
I'm gonna have to go into depth with this sticky stuff.
I'm not afraid to say I'm transgendered-- meaning I
am female genetically and "in body", but I don't feel
comfortable in the body I was given... So I identify by
male pronouns. Which is why I had that whole 'birth
name' issue, heh. I won't ramble on about those things,
so if you have any questions, send me a PM or something.
I'm not shy on answering things. <3

P e r s o n a l  I n f o  
I'm a seventeen year old American. Boring, right? I suppose  
in a way it is, heh. I live with mum, dad, and two bros that  
adore annoying me. Mainly the youngest. I'm the  
oldest of us three, yet somehow everyone else is growing  
faster than I am! (I'm so short). Really, I don't have much  
to say on stuff like this. I'm just doing what comes naturally  
and I guess in a way I'm rambling way too much but eh.  

H o b b i e s + I n t e r e s t s
Where to start... Well, I guess it's best I start with the
whole RPing thing. I've been roleplaying for years now. Maybe
not as many as some of the more experienced roleplayers,
but I like to think I have a good amount under my belt! I've
always been a bit 'advanced', and prefer paragraph-based
roleplaying, length varying by my mood. Along with roleplays,
I am a big fan of cosplay (that profile pic, though...). I usually
attend two conventions throughout the year and occasionally
three. In fact, I'll be attending my fifth one on August 29th, 2014.
One of my main activities at the moment, though, happens to be
taking care of my hedgehog, whom loves to make messes
near-constantly. He really is a pain sometimes, but I do love
him nonetheless. Just got him a new wheel the other day...

P e r s o n a + R e l a t i o n s h i p s
I'm a huge introvert, I guess? More like I have some anxiety
issues that result in social dysfunction. I escape through roleplay
and games, so FH happened to be a perfect escape (boy, is
it really, though?). The few times I can actually be myself include
when I'm roleplaying or cosplaying, or when I'm around close
friends. It makes it hard to make new friends off of games and
the like. I can be snappy or otherwise a bit hard to handle,
and I apologize ahead of time. I'm usually pretty good about
handling my temper, though. Ah, I'm currently in a relationship
with a very wonderful man (known as .silentkiller. on FH),
and we've been together for two months, although have
known each-other long before that. Some of my closest
friends happen to be on FH, but one of my closest happens to
be MashyBunneh, whom is just an amazing artist and creates
the best items I've seen. Another close (relatively new) friend
would be LeviHeichou, whom I've been enjoying the company
with! Hope to roleplay more with her!

...To Be Updated Later...

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message. I'm always looking to chat-- about anything!