Author Topic: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))  (Read 10421 times)

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Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2014, 01:01:44 am »

Krona looked around, his vision blurred then went back to normal, no wolf stood there. "Oh... It was just my imagination-" Crack! A branch snapped nearby him. "Dang, that didn't sound pleasant at all... A Walker maybe. Wait, how long has he been out for? An hour just standing there? Who knows, he should keep moving now that he was zoned back in, so Krona took of running into the forest again. ((Will edit later sorry!))

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2014, 10:52:22 pm »


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Running her tongue across her dry lips the light pelted she dog allowed her green/brown eye's to dart around, observing the unfamiliar area she was in. The scent of death lingered in the air; blood, rotten flesh and of course the other aromas that went with it, but not only did this cause a sickened feeling to fill her stomach, the view of dead bodies scattered around here and there, with scarred, battered and rotten flesh; this did make her want to reach and be sick, but for some reason her body told her no. Forcing herself to forget about the corpses and the scent as this was something she would only have to get use to over time, if she survived that was. It had been a while since she had seen any movement but the beasties. It wasn't rare to see them hobbling around the streets and scrapping over pieces of meat or even fighting over the rotten corpses, but live people, dog's and of course prey animal appeared to be rather hard to find. Sure, she was able to find the odd piece of food in a store, around the alleys in bins and malls, but it wasn't all that much; it had been day's since she had an actual proper meal and instead she seemed to just be picking at small amounts or what she could find. This usually only lasting her for a few hours, then it was off searching for food again. To her, it was like the world was testing her, maybe it was to see whether her species was just dependent on animals? Or maybe it was to see her survival skills? Whatever the reason and whatever the cause Leauana was unsure, and despite wanting to know how and why, she would be more focused on surviving for now.

Allowing her curled tail to flick once or twice a sigh brushed past her lips, boredom had begun overwhelming this active dog and the lack of human and even other animal's company appeared to be taking it's toll ever so slightly; even if she was independent, she couldn't be expected to live out here all alone for the rest of her life, it would only drive her insane, or into a similar state of madness. Pointed ears turned on the top of her head as she listened out for any sounds out of the ordinary, but everything appeared to be still and quiet for now. Long claws clicking against the pavement, it would only be a matter of time until they chiseled themselves down; which sh e guessed would be a good thing. A cod breeze blew through her fur which did indeed send a cold feeling down her spine and caused the thick coated dog to shiver, which was rather strange. Sniffing up the regular scent's filled the canid's snout.


"This is not the end. This is the beginning."

Allowing his tail to flick Sitka continued to glare out of the window of the vehicle, his head tilted as he whined a little. Sure, he was still young and all this would be rather frightening, but it was strange to think that he actually missed the company of humans and other dog's since what happened in his past; but it was just one of those things I guess. Dropping himself from the window the large brute backed himself up, pads of his paws pressing against the leather interior of the car and looked around. Despite this car not being exactly a 'house' nor a place where he could move around a lot, but it was where he had been sleeping for the time being when this apocalypse had taken place, it was cozy, small but cozy. Sighing, the brute decided that he couldn't spend all of his time locked away in this car, he was bound to starve to death or die from dehydration, but also staying confined here would only make it less likely that he was going to meet any others, that he could hopefully form a friendship with, so he wasn't wondering this hell hole alone. Putting his front paws on a small storage box which was between the two front seats, he then pushed himself over and clambered onto the front seats, placing his paws onto the top he managed to hurl himself up and out of the sun roof, where he was now exposed to the world, instead of being in the safety of his shelter.

For a few seconds the masculine remained glaring around the streets. The beasts from earlier had now passed and everything was back to its self, all calm and boring. Nothing to entertain this hyperactive dog. Sighing, the large white brujo walked forward, paws placed carefully on the windscreen as he managed to carefully trot down; his heavy weight avoiding from breaking the windscreen of the scar. As he leapt on the bonnet the car slightly arched forward, but only bounced back into place when he leapt off onto the floor. Tail quickly whipping to and fro the lonely canine let out yet another sigh, setting off forward he headed down the street; however, he wasn't going to venture to far though, into unknown ground; he wanted to stay safe in an area which he was familiar with. Licking his lip's he slowly lumbered down the street.

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Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2014, 09:53:54 pm »

You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me, but
You can't because I define myself.

A dry pink tongue hung from Blair's gaping mouth. She struggled to lift one paw after another as she went on in her search for water. Weakly the terrier continued, whimpering every few steps. The street was eerily quiet, not a walker in sight. Her dark honey ears were flicked downward, sagging. Hope was dwindling, and the fear that she would die was starting to grow.

Dull eyes gazed at her surroundings, hoping to see anything but expecting nothing. To Blair's amazement a white mass was lumbering down the street. A short bark escaped her maw, excitement - and hope - starting to stir within her. Cautiously the terrier picked up her pace, despite her body screaming in protest. "H-Hello?"
She called out softly, just loud enough for those close by to hear. Stumbling under her own feet the terrier collapsed, panting deeply before everything went dark.

Sorry for how short it is, I'm not feeling very inspired lately. Also, I don't plan on killing Blair off anytime soon so her blacking out was just so I could have some amount of length to this post, she'll come to in my next post.