Author Topic: Modded tail mesh? Aaaand something else... [request]  (Read 952 times)

Offline Eeveelover584

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Modded tail mesh? Aaaand something else... [request]
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:42:29 am »
Hiii, ok so, I really want a certain tail mod for a preset I'm making, but either I can't find one anywhere, or it doesn't, flipping, exist.

You'll be seeing that emote on this thread quite often, by the way.

Okay, I am going to try to be as specific as possible. I want the tail to look like two long feathers, that look sort of like ribbons, and are slightly thick at the end. Okay, I give up. I want the tail(s) to look like Pina's (that little feathered dragon from sword art online) tail-feathers. Lemme show you.

(Pay attention to Pina, not the cute beast tamer next to it. )
Show me plz
Oooookay, you kinda get the idea. If you have to give me a new tail UV base, I'm fine with it. Oh, and don't make the tails too thin. ;w; I want the mesh to be for canines, and the modded tail to be sickle tail, if a new slot can't be made. (i've already modded my cat tail, derp)

One more thing, the 'something else' would be a cheek back-and-cheek mane for canines.

Thank you! :D
Oh, and yes, as you probably have guessed, the preset is Pina. Don't make one for me or steal my idea, pwease.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 03:48:37 am by Crystal »

In-game as Eeveelover584