Author Topic: Item Pack messing up still!?  (Read 910 times)

Offline lionheart2061

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Item Pack messing up still!?
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:55:35 pm »
Hey guys, well, I am aware that a lot of people who have downloaded the Pawsome Item Pack V5 have problems where they see the wrong items on people and that others s different items on their character as well. That's the problem I'm having. Originally, I downloaded the Ringo and Delay pack, but then I stared realizing that people were seeing my items wrong along and I was seeing theirs wrong. They told me that I had to get the updated version, Pawsome Item Pack V5, which I did. I downloaded it, restarted my game all the way, placed the items I wanted on and so forth. But when I went in game I kept seeing a lot of people with the tutus and such, and others were seeing me with Horns and a Beak. However, I was wearing a chain collar and bracelet... The link below is to the DA page from where I downloaded the item pack 

So, if anyone has any suggestions/solutions on how to fix this problem it would be very appreciated!

P.S. I also tried uninstalling FH and downloading it again, still same problem.

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Re: Item Pack messing up still!?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 06:04:31 pm »
There's not truly any way you as a player can get items to show up properly for everyone, mostly due to how the game is made and handles items.

If one player has a different listing of in which order a certain items show up, something that can just be off by one item, it will show up differently for them and there's nothing that can be done since users individually handle these in their game folders.

In a perfect world everyone would have the exact same item pack, and everyone would know how to install their items without aany mishaps or slip ups causing a different order but sadly this is not the case. The only thing you can do as a user is to ensure you installed the item pack correctly and nothing was missing from it, and check with your friends that they have the same item pack and also installed it correctly themselves, but beyond that there's not much you can do since there will  always be users having different item packs. I myself for one have been using Delays and Ringos item pack since it was made and haven't changed it ever since.

But if you know that you've installed it correctly, I'm sorry to say that there's not much more you can do since there will still be many users out there not using the same mods, same packs or even installed it the same way.
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