Author Topic: Midnight Dawn Pack  (Read 2149 times)

Offline xSerenityx

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Midnight Dawn Pack
« on: November 04, 2014, 02:39:09 am »
You are a strong young wolf when you scent the territory of another pack. The scent markings are weak, so you instinctively cross over, every sense alert, to see what the problem is with this pack. A frightened howl startles you, and at that moment three wolves appear, silhouetted against the sky as the sun sinks behind them. Even though you get the sense that these wolves are hungry and you feel as if you can beat them, you approach them in a crouch, wearily. The patrol leader bends his head and sniffs you. You hear him murmur "Not a threat," to his companions and relax and sit carefully. The wolf then calls out "Amoux!" and a white and blue she-wolf appears. Her voice is icily calm as she addresses you. "Will you help us rebuild our pack?"

Will you join us in the pack? We are a soon-to-be mapped, active RPing pack. Literate to semi-literate wolves are welcome. Please fill out the form below, and take a look at our rules, and you will be set!!

Character name:
Position hoping to start in: (choose from guard, hunter,  or skreeleen, which is healer, to-be etc.. any middle or lower tier)
Tell us about your wolf!
RP sample.
What you would do if someone wanted you in your pack and offered you a high tier right away, but you want to join this pack?
How many days can you be active in a week, and for how long?

- Do not block, steal, or harass your packmates. This could result in an omega rank, kick, or ban.
- Please be active at least twice a week. It can be more, but since we are an active pack, please do at lease two days. I understand that we have lives outside FH, and thats fine, but twice a week isnt much, if you look at it. Please post here or tell a higher tier if you will be absent for a week or more.
- Join in the RP! If you are not good, never fear! Just speak with a higher tier and we will be happy to help! The more active and the more you devote to the pack, you will find we respect you more, and we will rank you up.
- Do not beg for mates, ranks, or attention. Either of these things can result in a kick, ban, or omega rank for as long as we think is suitable. We will rank up those who earn it. Just join in for attention, and if you want a mate, pick one who will like you back ^^.
- Only high tiers may leave the territory without permission. Please contact the highest rank online if you must leave. Failure to do this may result in the omega rank for any period of time.
- If you are under the rank VII, you may NOT train any of your branch (i.e a lower-ranking guard or hunter) without higher tier supervision. This may result in a hold-back in a rank for you and your trainee.
- No god modding or power playing, its not fair to others.
- Have Fun! Don't let these rules daunt you, they are fairly simple.

-omega rank is just as it says: you will be ranked down to omega until a higher tier releases you. Your packmates may treat you as an omega.
kick- a kick from the group.
ban- If you get on, you will be ignored when you try to RP, or talk in general.

RANKS: Put the acquired Roman numeral after your name, along with your rank.
High Tiers:
Seers: They have served their time as Alpha and will be treated with respect.
Alpha/Alphess :The highest tier.Please put a roman numeral after your name.
Beta: The second-highest tier. They are in charge when the Alpha is not on, and they often organize things. This rank often qualifies for Alpha after awhile (up to 5)
Delta: The messagers! These guys are extremely important, as they might help in a border fight! They also help out the Beta when they are not on. (up to 7)
Middle Tiers:
Masters: They are higher rank then leaders, but they are not a higher tier. (unlimited amount)
Lead Warrior: They are in charge of the warriors. On command from the higher tiers, they can organize wolves for battles, spars, and patrols. (up to eight)
Warrior: they are under control of the Lead Warrior and are brave fighters who will give their life for their pack! (unlimited amount)
Lead Hunter: They have the right to organize hunting parties, wolves to clean the prey-pile, and make sure everyone is healthy. If anyone is not, they go to the Stoneteller. (up to eight)
Hunters: They listen to Lead Hunters and hunt for their pack, and make sure they are healthy.
Skreeleen: Healers- they also interpret signs from their ancestors and travel away to the Starstone to share with their ancestors. They tell prophecies and are among the highest rank in middle tiers (up to 3)
Elder: Old wolves who's service to the pack is done. They can tell stories to the young'uns! They are highly respected. You are considered an Elder when you are over seven years old.
To-be: A pup that has reached 5 moons: your branch is chosen as a pup; higher tiers will choose a mentor for you.
Queen: a female wolf that has to be at least the mark in her branch of VI. Her mate must have at least one mark  in his branch. Queens cannot hunt after she is in pup for 3 moons. She cannot hunt again till her pups are to-bes.
Pups: Pack-born pups will be carefully observed once they reach 4 moons in their character traits. This will determine what branch they may train in.
Lower tiers:
Omega: the lowest-ranking wolf: last to eat, and may be treated badly within the pack.
Captives: Closely guarded wolves captured from battles or found in territory if we permit them: They will never get out of this rank until their own pack takes them back.

1 rl week= 1 moon in pack
12 rl weeks= 1 year in pack
please put this in your description so that we may know your age in order to decide your rank.

Thank you for reading this, i know its long xD.
See you in the pack!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 08:53:09 pm by SurvivalWarrior »

Offline xSerenityx

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Re: Midnight Dawn Pack
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 09:25:46 pm »
Some literacy tips for MDP:
- always put -d or -c when you are continuing your posts or are finished. This way no one will post cut, or RP between your posts. The local chat is for RP, group chat can be for regular chat.
- use brackets or parenthesis when you're in the local chat and not RPing. This way there is no confusion.
-use capital letters, commas, apostrophes, etc appropriately. Try to use a nice vocab (not words like walk and eye. Do something like pad and optic)
- try to have 3 or more sentences in your post. Good sentences, not sentences like "I walked away." Use something like "Tossing a snort over her shoulder, she pads away." or something like that. A good post would be something like "Tossing a snort over her shoulder, she pads away. "Someone must hunt for the pack, and it must be me today!" she calls. Waving her tail, she bounded away into the heather." A hunt should be three or more posts- we love the juicy details!

Wolf Talk
There is a certain slang we wolves like to use for different body parts and actions. Here are a few:
Eye: optic, oculars, gaze, etc.
Mouth: maw, jaw
Look: gaze, glare, observe, stare
Walk: pad of something else like that XD
Run: bound, sprint, lope
Said: snarled, growled, snorted, howled
Stuff like that. These are just a few ideas.

Questions? Feel free to ask!
Amoux Alphess I of Moonlight Dawn Pack