Author Topic: Ice's Favorite Characters  (Read 1122 times)

Offline PoisonIVy12

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Ice's Favorite Characters
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:23:25 pm »
NOTE: This is still a very extensive list!

PoisonIVy12's Characters

The 8th Assassin

Character Name: 8th Assassin
Gender: Male
Species: Time Lord
About: My inner geek is showing! (Well, my inner geek is always my outer geek... ha) The Assassin is my Time Lord character, and he has a fascinating backstory that would really only make sense to the average Whovian. He lives in an alternate universe which he escaped to before the Time War started. (He escaped because he killed some corrupted alien planet leaders who were all gathered in one place.) He crashed on a planet called Kharos (His TARDIS was badly made and gave out after that trip to the other dimension), where the natives to that planet found him to be insane because he wasn't making any sense when he tried telling them what had happened. Soooo they locked him up in an insane asylum, where he stayed and became TRULY insane and forgot his entire past, until he escaped. He landed on earth and ran around like a paranoid dude for a time, until he met a human girl named Sam. This story could go on for ages, so I'll stop there. XD This is the 8th incarnation of the character.

Vorg Whiptail

Character Name: Vorg Whiptail
Gender: Male
Species: Gladiator Cat
About: The Gladiator Cats are an anthropomorphic sort of cat I invented for a roleplay I want to do someday. Basically, they fight for sport in an arena but aren't allowed to kill each other. Vorg Whiptail has an incredibly long tail with a sharp barb at the end of it and has won many a fight. He has a cool, smoth temperament and personality which allows him to keep a cool head when he fights.


Character Name: Cyrokin
Gender: Male
Species: Winged Mimwolf (Cross between a mimic and a wolf)
About: Cyrokin got his name from the fact I was aiming for a chilly-looking character, so I based his name off the word "cryokinesis". He has since gone to become the namesake for all of my writing accounts and I plan to use his name as the title of my StellarTheSquirrel account on DA if I can get a premium membership there. He's the veteran character of PoisonIVy12, since I originally made him on Wolfkid27 shortly before creating PoisonIVy12. I liked him so much I remade him on the later account!


Character Name: Tyrgo
Gender: Male
Species: Warrior Wolf
About: Main character for an idea I had some time back. I love his design, but sadly the head marking I made for him looks better on the feline, even though I designed it on the canine!


Character Name: Serik
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown feline species
About: Serik is my gorgeous little wildcat character. :D I made him to be gorgeous and he's still gorgeous. He looks best on tropical forest maps. He needs a story of his own, seriously.

Experiment 862

Character Name: Experiment 862
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
About: Experiment 862 has no real backstory as of yet, but he was likely a science experiment. He's a teenage lion in shackles with very pale fur and eyes, but with a dark mane. (So he looks good to the lionesses! Lionesses are more attracted to lions with darker manes--- no kidding.) He's also really skinny. I love playing with him and pretending he's running away and hiding. Yes, I have my most fun in FH pretending I'm hiding from something.


Character Name: Silverline
Gender: Male
Species: Nobanian Wildcat
About: From the land of Nobania, Silverline is my first and one out of two characters of this species. (The second is a brown-furred fellow named Chark.)

Tenth Doctor Dog

Character Name: Tenny
Gender: Male
Species: Time Lord
About: Basically, my 10th Doctor character whom I use to work the TARDIS simulator (Hop in one TARDIS object, set the interior's gate to a set of coordinates where another TARDIS object is located, and leave the TARDIS interior, and it's just like running the real thing). The markings are manipulated to look sort of like a tie.


Character Name: Christor
Gender: Male
Species: German Shepherd
About: The most stunning thing about Christor is his eyes. :D I love this character dearly and I don't see him getting deleted anytime soon. He can be cold but has a heart underneath that stern ol' frown.


Character Name: Mulligan
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
About: I made him and fell in love with him. o_o I mean, he's epic. Look at him. Look at his gooky expression in this screenshot. He rocks! XD He has a personality that proves that he thinks he rocks, too. He's pretty silly.


Character Name: Panic
Gender: Male
Species: Snow Leopard thing
About: He's a great character for running about in the South Pole. I don't know why I like him so much but I do!


Character Name: Zombie
Gender: Male
Species: Tiger
About: His artsy design is slightly different, but I can't make him like that in the game, so he remains like that. XD I was listening to "Zombie" by We As Human when I made him, and, if you ever see him in-game, you can access his bio and see that I've included the lyrics to that song there. Zombie is a nut from the country of Felisraya (That's from another one of my series, btw) and he's very unsubtle at stalking people from behind. OK, he's just a bit creepy and mad. That's how I like them. XD


Character Name: Silver
Gender: Female
Species: Wildcat of some sort
About: I made Silver and loved her character right off. :D I still play with her rather frequently, usually in my (WIP but available for download) map Stavesacre Castles. She fits well with the color scheme of the map.

The 6th Assassin

Character Name: 6th Assassin
Gender: Male
Species: Time Lord
About: The 6th incarnation of the character; see the 8th Assassin.

Arnold Horshack

Character Name: Little Arnold
Gender: Male
Species: Human
About: My favorite character from Welcome Back, Kotter and one of my favorite characters on FeralHeart! Arnold is one of the few characters on which I'm outgoing on. He's homely and a weirdo and has a funny, nasally voice and is often heard saying "Aaaoooh!" Furthermore, I think he's adorable. And a bit of an unexpected hero in some episodes of the show (I'd hate to give spoilers, but... he saved a girl from committing suicide). Known to have a Trigger lunchbox. His hair is actually meant to substitute for his beret.


Character Name: Kolsty
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown feline variety
About: Kolsty is a new addition to the favorites list. I don't know why I like him, I just do. <3 He looks great on my Chess Arena map, pictured there. (The Chess Arena is a map that's basically designed to be a giant chessboard, and the characters are chess pieces. The map is exported but not up for download yet since I have it in mind for a specific purpose, and that is playing Chess!)


Character Name: Linx
Gender: Male
Species: Wolfweasel
About: Linx is my first wolfweasel character and currently my only one; I love running him around my map Anamagda (also WIP but up for download). I planned on renaming him to something else but I forgot what I wanted to rename him. *shrugs*

Torien Blazer

Character Name: Torien
Gender: Male
Species: Anamagdan Wildcat
About: Torien is the sole recipient of my Spotted markings and kinda resembles Chester the Cheetah (as in Cheetos). What's cool about these markings is the fact that they accidentally produced a bow tie marking on the feline model. Who knew? I picture him with an English accent. He's a proud cat and prefers to stay away from canine species.


Character Name: Chester
Gender: Male
Species: Wolfdog
About: Chester has had anywhere between 3 to 5 predecessors in FeralHeart, but this is his final FeralHeart design. Chester's character predates my days on FeralHeart and can be found all over my DeviantART, WolFkId27. He's an ambitious and vengeful wolfdog who is on a constant search for power, and eventually gains this power over both wolves and street dogs. Of course I don't play his character this way in the game... He'd need his strong right paw, Mish, to do that! XD He may be irrevocably misguided and evil, but Chester is one of my favorite characters of all time.


Character Name: Rustic
Gender: Male
Species: Anamagdan Fox
About: One of my most beautiful characters. Very little of his actual pelt color is actually showing; the rest of it is shade-generated. I just love his design so much. O_O


Character Name: Rogun
Gender: Male
Species: Gladiator Cat
About: Another of the aforementioned Gladiator Cats. Rogun's pelt color is actually white, and all the black is his markings. I haven't decided his fighting specialty, so he's just been my little buddy for map-running lately. XD
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D


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Re: Ice's Favorite Characters
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2015, 08:25:51 pm »
Um... can someone delete the extra posts, please? I seem to be having trouble with "ermegersh 524 error cannot post the host did not connect yada yada the internet hates you Ice"

That would be helpful. o_o
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D


Offline PoisonIVy12

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Re: Ice's Favorite Characters
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2015, 08:34:42 pm »
Hokay, part 2.

It double-posted again! (Nevermind it triple-posted) What is wrong with the servers??? It gives me errors no matter what I do. It also said I can't post topics in this board. It's um... my board?

Wolfkid27's Characters


Character Name: Solace
Gender: Female
Species: No idea; obviously a winged feline of some sort
About: Solace is one of my favorites for no apparent reason. She has a peaceful personality and expression, and she's pretty soft on the eyes.


Character Name: Taiga
Gender: Female
Species: Winged Tiger
About: If I recall, I made Taiga not long into my FeralHeart adventure; perhaps within the first week. She was one of my favorites then and she's one of my favorites now. :)


Character Name: Kurtie
Gender: Female
Species: Fox (Not sure what sort)
About: Kurtie and her brother Kurtis came to me in a dream before getting FH, and I made them somewhat later than I made Taiga. Kurtie's color scheme is more pleasant than Kurtis'; ain't she cute? She has a playful personality akin to a pup's. Err, a kit's, since she's a fox... (Another tidbit, a fox is not a canid! I didn't learn that until a few months ago. Coulda fooled me.)

He is Legend

Character Name: Legend
Gender: Male
Species: Winged cat of some sort
About: I named him after a band I barely know anything from. I just thought the band name was cool, so I borrowed it for Legend. :P He seems to be guarding his territory. Guarding is what he does best.


Character Name: Caspian
Gender: Male
Species: Winged Wolf
About: I named Caspian after Prince Caspian from the Narnia series (I'm sort of a Narnia nerd, sorry! Silver Chair 2017!), but I'm not sure they have anything in common. For some reason Caspian makes me think of a dolphin when he flies. He just looks like a dolphin... No idea why.

The Handsome Wolfthief

Character Name: Thief
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
About: By George, he's strikingly handsome to me! I should ship him with my fursona--- oh wait, Ice already has a canon mate! I guess Ice has a thing for gray wolves with black markings. (Maybe I'll ship him with my evil fursona, Blue. It's too bad she's obsessed with Chester. After all, what psychopathic blue-furred wolf wouldn't like Chester?) Anywho, Thief is a thief. A very smooth thief. He hasn't stolen anything yet--- oh wait, he has. He stole my heart. XD

Konnan the Gladiator

Character Name: Gladiator (May change to Konnan)
Gender: Male
Species: Gladiator Cat
About: His name is pronounced "KON-nun", like Collin, but with "n"s instead of "l"s. He's small but that gives him excellent agility if battles. He spawned the Gladiator Cats idea.


Character Name: Rivall
Gender: Male
Species: Dogwolf
About: Rivall's name is not pronounced like "rival"; it is pronounced something like "ree-VAHL". He is a DOGWOLF, as opposed to a wolfdog, meaning he is more dog than wolf, whereas a wolfdog is more wolf than dog or equally half-and-half. I believe he is one-third wolf, one-third husky, and one-third King Shepherd. Rivall was redesigned about 3 times before I got his final design and made markings for it; in his drawn form, he wears a collar with a buckle bearing a bright red cross. He's a nice guy even though he's a big, strong guy. He's totally one of my favorites. None can replace Rivall!


Character Name: Jeremiah
Gender: Male
Species: Border Husky (Border Collie-Husky mix)
About: I named him for my favorite radio host~ I miss that guy. He did my favorite rock show on weekends. Anyway, his simplistic design and great name make him a great character in my book. :)


Character Name: Skuljaww
Gender: Male
Species: Gladiator Cat
About: Name is a play on "Skull Jaw"; one of the toughest Gladiator Cats. Very strong and difficult to beat. His muzzle and chin are extended to the max to give the skull mask an effectual look.

Eleventh Doctor Dog

Character Name: Lenny
Gender: Male
Species: Time Lord
About: Basically just like Tenny, except with an intentional bow tie marking to look more like the 11th Doctor. He's designed after the 11th Doctor's second, darker costume.

And that's all my favorites as of now. :) Believe me, this list represents only a few characters on each account.

Hope y'all've enjoyed looking at my favorite characters~ :D

Oh yeah, and the guy on my icon and signature is Kane the drake-lion. That is, a mix of a lion and a liondrake, and the liondrake is my own original species. Just so you know, that's another character of mine. XD
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D