Author Topic: Elemental Spirit Wolf.  (Read 1436 times)

Offline Dunndubhan

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Elemental Spirit Wolf.
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:13:43 pm »
These wolves I've had a long time. Tierney is the main one that I use as a character. They have specific looks when they are young, adults or turn to darkness. Even males and females look different. I will list all characteristics here. Forgive me if anything is off, I'm typing while I'm sick with a cold in bed. Now, they do have a deity system as well. I play one of them, Rio the Storm God with his main element being Lightning (naturally). If you want the names/elements of those deities, simply ask for it. Here we go...

Build: As it is, the males are taller. Standing at about 4.5 feet at the shoulder, they are built according to element. Ex: Lightning elementals are probably more greyhound built while those of Earth or rock are built more bulky and strong.

Weight: This will vary between builds and elements. A lightning wolf will certainly be lighter than Earth or rock yet may way the same as say an air element.

Fur thickness/color: As they are wolves, they can be double coated depending where in the forest they live. For instance, the cliff is more chilly and a double coat may be needed most. Where as around the hot springs or swamp area, it's hotter and a double coat may not be needed. Their colors are always black and white. The patterns on the males are stripes along the back with a dorsal stripe. A dorsal stripe is a stripe along the spine. You are more then welcome to look at Tierney's picture in his site. Tattoos can be given by the priest/priestess at the time but it's more for looks and doesn't mean anything. Tip of ears and tail and sometimes bangs can be dipped in black, however it isn't always the case. In rare cases, the toes can be black.

Eye color: Eye color depends on the element. A water element will have blue eyes, ice is usually a very icey blue. Air is a sky blue. Pupils are slitted and of obvious demonic decent.

Personality: Depending on the element, the personality can be a direct result. Example: Fire elements can be a passionate individual but very hot headed and short tempered. Electric elements are very hyper and energetic. Water elements are more wise and easy going but if you tick one off you will regret it later.

Build: Not too much different from males, they are simply a little smaller in height.

Weight: Same as the males, depending on element.

Fur thickness/Color: Same as males, though with some differences. Females tend to have a little more fur around their chest. This gives them that voluptuous look. They too are black and white, but their stripes are different. Smaller stripes around their legs and V shaped stripes pointing downward lined up on the chest. Usually a line of three or four. Fur thickness is the same as the males.

Eye color: Same as with the elements. However their shape is curved a slight upwards for a more feminine appeal.

Personality: As it is the same with the males, they are just as confident as any male. But, they too are to their own if not elementally influenced.

Gestation: Maximum of seven days and no more.

Litter size: Anywhere between 1-4 pups.

Hierarchy: These elementals are actually schooled by the highest ranking element type of wolf. Usually an elder whom possesses the best self control and discipline. There is a high priest/priestess (normally female only because a woman's will power is much stronger and therefore stronger magically).  They are only born once every 300 years and is known to be able to put up barriers, exorcisms and other holy/white magic acts. She/he governs all just like an alpha.

Basic information: They originate from an Irish based forest. Most talk in an Irish accent and are born in Iona. Thus, they have Irish names. But, to bring a real story to life, with every hero/heroine there must be an enemy to make them so. They are more like peace lovers and simply wish to create that within the forest and help the lands themselves. For example, if a tree dies of disease, a nature or leaf elemental can probably regrow it or heal it. Fires can be used to re-fertilize lands or even lightning can help. They keep the forest healthy and alive. With these spirits, their wolf partner can only hear them. Since this is true, it is up to the player to determine name and gender of such spirit.

The enemy:
The enemy are the dark spirits. Those who possess the very essence of darkness. They are the opposites of all of them. Though to most beliefs (and some games) elemental magic is dark magic. In my opinion it is used how it's used. It's only dark if it's for a dark purpose. In other words, they too possess the same elements but with an amplified demonic power. The most powerful is of the alpha and this term is only used with the Dark Ones. Their coats are simply the very opposites of their more lighter counter parts.

***Naturally I am open to suggestions and even corrections. Perhaps someone knows something I'm leaving out. I do hope that this will become something fun to play and even make a pack. My character Tierney is of a pack alpha and I made it so that way if others decide to play one, he can hang out with his very rare kind.***
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 09:18:32 pm by Dunndubhan »