Author Topic: Icicle* (Accepting!)  (Read 1136 times)

Offline Zostinn620

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Icicle* (Accepting!)
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:53:18 pm »
Hello! I'm Levia, Leader of the pack Icicle*.:) We balance Roleplay and random chats, random chats is like you talk FH stuff or anything else in the grp chat:) When there is a rp going on, all members can join:) I'll be organising the RP's when the pack has about 6 members or so ;D. This pack is solely for felines/canines who love Winter and the ice and snow ;D.*

Currently now the pack has just started so there isn't many members yet, but so far we have 3, including myself;D. Here are the ranks::)

Leader: Levia

Betas:(Second in command){1/2}: Snow

Omegas:(Assistants to the Betas, they help promote the group to FH users){0/3}:

Ice Warriors:(the glory and pride of the pack, they fight for what's right and defend the pack):

Trainees:(they are training to become Ice Warriors):

SnowFlakes:(they are the newcomers/newbies): Knucxsonia

For the newbies, when I've gained more trust in you, then I'll promote you up a rank, same goes for all the other ranks except for Leader.;D
So I'll update this when we have more members joining:)
Pack Rules:
-No bad/rude comments
-Treat each other nicely, bad behaviour will NOT be tolerated.
-When there are newcomers, welcome them warmly:)
-All FH rules apply
-Can have mates(rp)
-No bullying[/color]
When I upgrade your rank, I will whisper to you and then I'll update it.:) Hope you gain enough trust!;D
When there is Roleplay, I will group chat all who are online and you guys can join in the rp, BUT 1 member must come up with a plot, as each time a different member will do it, to be fair:)

Hope you will join us!!!
