Author Topic: The Games  (Read 2502 times)

Offline angelre0702

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The Games
« on: December 14, 2014, 01:56:40 am »
__________________________ T H E     G A M E S ____________________________

Alright. //gathers papers & clears throat obnoxiously//


The Games is a soon to be widespread event that will involve one of your characters
you dare to bring to the Arena. (Not the Hunger Games, people. *sigh*) A host would
select you to battle a member on the opposite team, and you'd roleplay battle
it out until either of the characters has (roleplay-wise) been knocked out. Take
note there is no god-modding, so the heaviness and skill of the blow your character
takes will affect how fast they will be knocked out.


The arena is located in Atlantis. Go forward from the spawn until you see a plaza
with many floors. Yes, this is located underwater. No, your character does not
have to breathe water. Pretend it is not submerged in the ocean.

The Games day isn't decided yet- most likely it'll be on a Friday or a Saturday-
although it'll be a weekly experience.


Once you've found yourself at the arena, go to the nearest (and less occupied)
character titled RANKER and shoot them a whisper with a roleplay sample. Try to
put it in one post, people- even though there will be numerous they will most
likely be flooded with whispers. Once they receive your's, they'll enlist you
with the a tag(which you'll add to the end of your character's name). When you
recieve your tag, it'll be the annitial of your team's name (I will add them
later) and then your scores. You'll be matched with a person of the opposite team,
with the same skills as you. Although, if you're unlucky, you may or may not be
placed against someone with a higher fighting ability.

[ _ {1/2/3} _ ]

Your literacy will be ranked from 1 - 3.

1 = Illiterate, although if you are- there's no shame! You're here to make your
roleplaying BETTER, not to look stupid. However, please do not god-mod,
powerplay, autohit, or mary/gary sue.

2 = Semi-literate. You may have a few grammatical errors but that doesn't mean
you're not treated as fairly as everyone else. A semi has half-way perfected
their skill, and their roleplay skill is a level higher than the illiterates.

3 = Literate. You have zero grammatical mistakes, place your words wisely,
and have seemingly perfected your roleplaying skills. Good for you, bud!

SCRAP  [_ _ S]

Your character is a newb at the fighting gig- you will definitally not take out
your opponent in two hits and your character is seen as rather weak. EVERYONE
starts out at this stage, so I suggest you not make your character big and brawn
as you'll still be ranked the same as everyone else. Please do not complain that
your character "has had years of fighting experience", because that will be
unfair and we're not basing this off the character's IC background.

NOVICE  [_ _ N]

This rank is achieved once you've defeated at least two Scrap ranks, although
they may or may not be in a row.


You've successfully defeated at least four newbies, may or may not be in a row.
This is the stage where you'll start being paired up with higher ranks.

PRO [_ _ P]

Woah, man. You've defeated at least six amateurs, and you're at a really high
rank now. You're used to taking your opponent out in a few swift blows, & the
rare times you get to go against an amateur is an easy win.

MASTER [_ _ M]

Jesus- congrats! You've defeated at least 15 pros to get to this rank- and all
of the others. People are terrified to go against you-- you normally take people
out in cleverly planned strikes, and deem to win each time.

So, let's say one of the teams are named "Howlers", you are a level 2
amateur, and that your character is named Adrianna. Your tag would be;
(Adrianna)  H2A.


If you've gained the Masters ability, you'll be placed against pros as well as
your own rank. If you're still not pleased, you can re-enter your character and
have their fighting abilities swiped, or make a new character.


- Please refrain from cursing OOC & IC.
- All FeralHeart rules apply.
- Hate the character-- NOT the player.
- Keep the gore to a minimum, please.
- I'd like to keep this 13+, but if you're willing, go ahead.
- When the HOST instructs, all chat must cease in local for the RPers to post.
- Follow the HOST/REFEREE's rules at all times.
- If you're called to the stage, please make sure you don't have to leave before
  you start posting. Both players will be sent back without level changes if done.
- Dodging is allowed, of course- just don't do it repetitively.
- You can have mythical characters and species- just please no young characters.
- Humans are not allowed in the arena, sorry.
- Powers and items are allowed, but please don't make it unfair to your opponent.


- HOST = The one that stands on the stage, warms up the croud, etc. Instructs
the croud to die down when the roleplayers are about to start.

- REFEREES = Stays on the sidelines, makes sure the croud follows directions,
rules, etc.

- RANKERS = Makes sure the roleplayers have correct tags, ranks your character.

Alright, whew. I'll add to this later, please leave suggestions and your opinion!
Should this even be a thing? xD

Offline Neowulf

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Re: The Games
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 02:44:27 am »
Nice job with this idea, but this should probably be in the Game Community and Activities board, whatever it's called... xD In any case, there should be an Omega rank, accessed after defeating 50-30 Masters, and there should ALSO be a leaderboard with the names. Ex:
- Stray H3M : 50 Wins -
- Moria C3M : 47 Wins -
- Moose H3M : 35 Wins -
- Sonya C3M : 28 Wins -
- Neff H3P : 24 Wins -
Sorry about that being long. xD I just wanted to show an example of a leaderboard once at least 1 person has 50 total wins. You could also have a "Losses leaderboard" showing who has lost the most. It'd go pretty much the same. There could also be Win Chains or Win Streaks lost once you faint. There could be a leaderboard for that.

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