Author Topic: Unchained - More than a pack, a family.  (Read 1770 times)

Offline Mojave

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Unchained - More than a pack, a family.
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:43:07 pm »
Hello, and welcome to Unchained!
We are a literate, realistic, highly active, mapless, and longterm pack situated in Fluorite Plains.
We have been running for three years!

What is Unchained about?

Unchained is a dog, wolf, coyote, and fox pack. Our setting is the wilderness of Canada, just north of the North American border. We reside in a fruitful territory with five areas to explore in RP: Camp, The Sparring Grounds, Woodside, Forestside, and Lakeside. Your goal, in RP, is to earn a rank, work together, and thrive in the wilderness. Each character has a job that promotes interaction with other characters, as you must work as a team to do your job. Each rank is earned through trials and RP, making the system unique and rewarding.

Outside of RP, our goal is to become a group to look up to; Our reputation is important to us and we remain neutral helpful bodies. As an Unchained member, you are expected to follow the rules of Feralheart at all times and be friendly and willing to work and help.

My goal is to show you, through RP and dedication, things you can use in real life every day. Team work, responsibility, patience, kindness, logical thinking, imagination, organization, and to keeping an open mind. Unchained is a family-- It could be your family, too!

What should I know before joining Unchained?

Your character should be any breed of dog, or Northern region wolf, fox, or coyote. Coydogs and Wolfdogs are also permitted. Foxes can't reproduce with any species but their own, so I will not have any fox hybrids.

Your character must have markings, colors, and features that are according to their breed. Striped wolves wouldn't make sense! However, this doesn't limit you! We have many, MANY unique and beautiful characters in Unchained! Presets are also allowed. We even have a preset pack that is available for you to download so you can see our lovely characters.

You must be able to roleplay literately at all times. This means you must have proper grammar and sentence structure, and post 2-3 sentences at a time. An example:
Stray lifted his titanic head, shaking it about to relieve himself of grogginess. "Eh?" The leader grumped; Waking up wasn't quite his niche. A pale tongue smacked over his dark muzzle, tracing over his whiskers and jowls before returning to its spot. Lifting himself from his comfy rock, Stray stretched with a grunt, and proceeded to make his way downwards to take a look around.
That would be an acceptable RP post! Not too hard, right?

Items have restrictions! The items you wear are restricted to collars (including the chain collars), hair tufts (if it is according to your breed), akita tails, and I am allowing feathers to be worn by medics. Why? Because dogs don't wear bracelets, ear piercings, and headphones, silly!
Will I make an exception for your character? Nope! Why? Because if I gave you an exception, everyone would want one. I don't play favorites!

Interested in joining? Please post here with a roleplay sample.
I hope you join our family!