Author Topic: Diguised Destiny  (Read 1841 times)

Offline _Rache_

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Diguised Destiny
« on: May 30, 2015, 06:13:25 pm »
The engine barely managed to start, but rumbled as the Kincaid's traveled down the road. Ashton rolled his eyes at his sister's happy scream once they drove past the sign 'Autumn City' and got dramatically slowed by traffic into the city. They drove past the animal shelter, and a seemingly cute looking husky was outside in the fenced exercise area. "Mom, can you stop the car?" Ashton asked and pointed out that large, fluffy, muscular husky. He and his father laughed at it's angry face and the way it's tongue  casually flapped out of its mouth. He and his father went into the shelter and played with the dog, checking its name tag that read 'Damian'. The volunteer offered him for free, including the collar and leash. Ashton's father couldn't turn down the offer and within minutes there was a fluffy husky between Ashton and Stacie, a satisfied dad, and an angry and annoyed mother in the drivers seat. Damian was adorable, he was unusually calm--which wasnt really a bad thing. The family arrived at their new house that they had just purchased in an Autumn City suburb. Ashton tested his dog's intelligence by setting a box on it's back, and Damian impressively walked the box inside and helped with more.
Two months had passed, and the Kincaid family had settled down quite well. Ashton was concerned with his furry companion, though. He constantly stared at random things and didn't  move much unless you offered a walk, a treat, or offered a toy to play. "I told you that dog was a mistake, Johann!" Ashton's mother was yelling at her husband in the kitchen, and Damian and Ashton joined the arguing couple. Damian laid down and motionlessly stared at Lindsay, Ashton's mom. "Damian is the best dog in the world mom, so shut your mouth! He could be an aggressive, disobedient dog...but he isn't!" Ashton had a close relationship with his dog, and he felt hurt for his mother to say such a thing about his friend--his only friend--his best friend. Damian kept Ashton company, made him feel safe, and just gave Ashton someone to turn to when his depression struck. "Come on Damian, we'll show her!" The husky barked and trotted behind Ashton, he didn't even need a leash he behaved so well. They took a long walk through the city. They stopped at the local dog-friendly restaurant and Ashton, as always, shared his plate with Damian. The two had built a strong inseparable bond in the last two months. He didn't mind his dog's awkward deep stares, or his paranormal intelligence and skills. Hours later they arrived back home and fell asleep together on the couch.
Six months had passed, and the times were unkind. Ashton was slipping in school, getting badly bullied, and his parents were only being verbally and emotionally abusive as result to his grades. Damian stood by him through this whole time, though, being a loyal friend. They were walking together when Damain straggled over to a tree to pee, but that was a misfortunate time for him to straggle from his owner. Two boys from school, Markus and Alex, gained up on Ashton. They took turns kicking him  and punching him and calling him names. Damian crept calmly from behind, silently and stealthy like a mouse. He unexpectedly sunk his fangs into Alex's foot, piercing easily through the shoe and flesh into the bone, and yanked him off balance. Damian tore into his arm, and Ashton had to pull him away. The two aggressors fled in terror, and blood gently stained Damian's teeth, trickling down his leathery black lip. He gave that cold stare before licking the blood off his chin and acted like nothing had happened. "Good boy, Damian!" Ashton knelt down and hugged him, sinking his face into Damian's warm chest fur, and cried into him. The dog whimpered, and has his head rested on his owner's shoulder while he cried into his chest.

Feel free to leave comments, part two will be posted soon. Thank you all!
I love you

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Re: Diguised Destiny
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 12:13:32 am »
This makes me want a dog all-the-more. Kudos for you, flood!

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Offline _Rache_

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Re: Diguised Destiny
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 12:17:13 am »
Thank you! Part 2 was just posted!
I love you