Author Topic: Nightmared Winter. {Recruiting}  (Read 711 times)

Offline Tadlock

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Nightmared Winter. {Recruiting}
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:27:20 pm »
As you take a step into the South Pole you are greeted with cold harsh winds and shards of, what felt like, ice coming at you'r body. Taking a step you hear the snow crunch under your paw. The terrain was empty as far as the eye could see (which wasn't very far.) You hear a howl in the distance as it echoed into your ears. It seemed to be calling you. You followed the sound far to the west. Soon enough you had come across a pack. The pack looked like a well maintained group,  with a small amount of pups running about. A tall husky-looking canine came up to you, speaking a dull tone "Welcome to the Nightmared Winter. Where the darkness never fades, and the nightmare is a second away."

Nightmared Winter is a Mapless, semi-lit, semi-real, Sited, Tagged/Ranked, Mature (13-16+) Wolf/Husky/hybrid pack. We allow MM and Items (Legendary preferred). We accept huskies, wolves, hybrids of any sorts.

Check out our website here:
If you have any questions or some such please whisper tadlock or post down below.