Author Topic: Efaera!  (Read 1604 times)

Offline Dashiama

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« on: July 19, 2015, 10:56:07 pm »
Efaera is an in-progress animal based actions-oriented (meaning no chat box) roleplaying game in a 3D world. There's really no definitive end goal in Efaera, allowing for free-roaming gameplay.

I'll post some q/a that may clear up any questions you have!

How will we communicate with others if there's no chat box?
You could send messages over the forum to each others accounts or you could use a instant messaging system like Skype, but the idea of having no chat box and being actions-oriented is that we should have enough animations (or actions, as said previously) to communicate through 'body language' in the game.

Also, the reason behind having no chat box is that we've found in past experiences that they bring more grief than they do good, so no, we'll never ever ever ever ever implement a chat box.

Can we create characters?
Yes. You will be able to make a character and customize that character using our character creator. This isn't a polished topic yet, however, so check back later for more details on how the character creation will work.

Will there multiplayer?
Yes, but the fundamentals of a server are in the baby stages of being worked on, so don't expect it any time soon.

What species of animal will we have to choose from?
Felines, canines, deer, hippogriffs, and hares. We intend to have different body types (think cheetah and lion for the feline, and coyote and wolf for the canine), as well as antlers and horns for all of the species.

Will there be prey to hunt or predators to attack?
Not to start off with and maybe never at all. Right now that is very much up in the air. We'd rather not have the experience of the project be centered on hunting or being hunted; however we understand this could add an air of excitement for some of our players. We'll get back to this subject at a later date.

More FAQ questions/answers can be found here:

While the project may seem a bit dead, don't worry, it isn't!
Rest assured: the project is not dead. If there is a significant delay in update posts, then we're all just really busy. This is a huge hobby-time project. We don't guarantee any release. So, no, we will not post more updates by demand or request. Also, we will make an announcement in the event that the project is cancelled.

Feel free to check Efaera out!

By the way, here's a little sneak-peek of the opening title-screen!

I'll be sure to post more screenshots and previews of Efaera sporadically to keep everyone updated, but don't worry, there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes. Currently it's in a closed-off Alpha stage, meaning at the moment only staff members are able to play it, as they are working out bugs and tweaking things.

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Re: Efaera!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 02:57:12 am »
This sounds like a fantastic game. Reminds me a bit of The Endless Forest since Efaera also refrains from using a chat box. However, this sounds like it might be pretty fun. I've always sort of had a fetish for action/movement-based gameplay.

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Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: Efaera!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 04:57:33 pm »
This seems interesting, it also reminds me of The Endless forest....

except minus the creepy human-faced deer.
i am in.

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Offline Dashiama

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Re: Efaera!
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2015, 10:48:21 pm »
Yes, I suppose it does have an Endless Forest feel! But you'll be able to play as a bunch of other animals, not just a deer, so there will be more variety in terms of that aspect!

Thank you for your support, it means a lot! ^-^

I'll probably have a few screenshots of the game in the near future, ehe, look out for those!