Author Topic: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)  (Read 2308 times)

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Hello everyone! I decided this was a good question to ask the public, dunno if a thread like this is still here and burning, so here this is!

As far as a type of rp I like, I like Literate rps.
I'm more of a fantasy person when it comes to RP, and i'm not one to lean to animal ones (Ironically enough, since this is an Animal MMORPG). Even though the type of rp I like isn't the biggest thing, much like trying to find a tooth in a pile of cotton balls, at some point I happen upon them!

Yes, I'm the type of person who likes giving out rp samples and only seeks rps with them. They're just really fun to make and it's only showing off your skills!

Though, the type of rp I don't like, clearly, are illiterate or mixed-style rps. Look, i'm not trying to be mean, but I just don't feel that it's fair if I join an rp, I do my usual multi-post rp style, while everyone else types these short sentences and doesn't bother to try something new. (Along with the fact that my inner grammar nazi activates from heavy mistakes and lack of detail and I just mentally rage XD)
Though as far as a type of rp I don't like, is warrior rps. They're at the far bottom of my list. I wouldn't come up to someone and rage at them because they're clad in cat fur and have the name Cricketflight, I respect people's opinions. Though the key reason why I don't like them is because they just all feel the same to me.
Secondly, it's because of the bizzare-o names people come up with. Really, how does a cat know what a mallet is? And who would name their poor baby Corpsekit? Sounds like bad parenting. ^-^

These are all just my opinions, I don't wish to be raged at for them.

What about you guys? What types of things in rps do you like?

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Well, as for everyone has their own role-playing technique and style, it really bothers me when a user or multiple users contain both first and third person sections in their posts and it's hard to tolerate and bare with it over time. I personally prefer third person amongst anything I role-play, along with literate grammar and mass details that I perform on each setting my character takes place in. So I always allow others to realize that having both first and thirdperson is confusing and just not a right format to use and should take credit in using one or the other.

I also prefer to write lengthy, having my posts to be much longer in paragraphs than short sentences that really have not much meaning to them and you have to simply type much faster if you'd like to add on, or wait and think of a way to shorten the details a bit. I know in the game you can't type a whole lot, which I can understand any reasons why. But at the same time either on a game or on a forum, it irritates me that I have to see someone use something irreverently.

Same thing applies for your character and how you use them and attempting to change them without notice is extremely annoying and should be taken seriously as it's your creation and you should be responsible to cause less confusion. I have seen in many cases in my years of role-playing that people don't abide to rules..or that people have a character that eventually is entirely different without approval of change. Sometimes there are people that are realistic but have a sort of mary sue...or fantasy plot combined in their posts and it doesn't fit the picture.

For my best use of words, I prefer to use male/female, over boy/girl OR brute/fae. It seems more formal to say some full words, rather than short phrases in advance. Plus also using mother/father, over mom/dad or even mommy/daddy. Unless I'm a pup, than that's exceptional, since pup-hood and adulthood I sort of mix between how my character is played out and as a young generation I perform like I'm just starting to learn about things and be mentored how to speak in time.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 02:10:12 pm by Whodatbe »
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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2015, 05:00:34 pm »
Personally, I lean more towards Literate roleplays - With that saying, I never join RP's that aren't literate -I just can't fit in semi-literate roleplays and being a writer myself I find typing short posts just ruins the creative aspect of role play. Also, as you mentioned Warrior Cat RP's, as a warrior cat fan myself, (Read all the books xD) I only join the mapped,literate roleplays because I find they last way longer and you can really get into the plot, and develop your cat even more. As you said, the bizarre names of some cats, I completely agree. xD It's really annoying when you find names like 'Killerdagger' or 'Sawtooth' Usually, and no offense to anyone, those names usually belong to power players and cats who mingle with those evil clans called BloodClan or DeathClan.

When choosing names, I lean towards the books to get some ideas, but try and mix them up to be more original and not seem like I'm stealing or copying any individual.

With RP samples in mind, I tend to use them on those who don't speak with normal grammar or do not spell right when speaking to me. I don't use RP samples on people who I have seen roleplay before and were good, or people who speak with full grammar. Although, with that saying, you cannot determined anyone's literacy level from one sentence. Samples are useful if you want to ensure people you have a literate group, especially if you promised them you were literate before they come and get settled in your group. Though , some of us might find it upsetting if you use RP samples on some people and not on others.  
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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2015, 05:15:29 pm »
I'm literate, just not wolfspeak literate. But I always have time to roleplay with the semi-Realistic roleplayers. Personally, unlike others, I like to hang out with any roleplayer, as long as they have some sort of plot in their posts. But it's really the strict literate/wolfspeak that I hate.

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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 03:03:03 am »
It depends on what mood I'm in
Sometimes I like literate and sometimes whatever using the things liike "-sits"
is. But I mainly like that because it's quicker and not so stressful

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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 08:30:45 pm »
Being a literate roleplayer, I prefer groups that demand an RP sample. With those types of groups, I can feel assured that who I am roleplaying with have passed the set standards that have become common sense across the roleplaying community. If you must have a one or two sentence post due to a lack of inspiration, it's fine as long as you give some indication that you couldn't come up with anything more.

But what really gets me ticking are the illiterate roleplays that claim to be literate. I saw someone who never closed their dialog, and it really annoyed me. Here's an example of what their post might have been:

The male wolf laughed at the pup's actions. "Hey, get off my tail! He ordered, using his paw to push the pup away.

That really annoys me. Not to mention wolf-speakers. They make my brain bleed with their incorrectly-used anatomy and fancy words that just plain don't make sense in the context their being used. Some of the words are used correctly, but they are not commonly used in works of literature, like, hmm, novels. I see roleplaying as a collaboration to tell a story, bring different ideas to other people. Roleplayers at their very bases are writers, and seeing people write the way wolf-speakers roleplay would mean that book never got past publication. An example of a group that I've found accepts wolf-speaking is Le Mauvais. They're history page on their site uses wolf-speak. I was going to offer to join, but this entirely put me off. Here's what their history page reads as:

Fire ravaged the hills behind a silhouette of shapes; three canines panted restlessly behind a ebony pigmented damsel, saliva slithering downwards from their labrums in exhaustion. The leading mademoiselle whipped her cranium around to face the visage of the three weary wolves, "straighten up, dogs! We can't let them track us more than they already have! Follow me, and shut it!" A harsh snap of the females jaws rang between the smokey trunks between them, before dragging her articulate along the crimson liquid plastered along her mandible. Reeking of shared DNA. Hours later, after countless pounding of paws. the group behind the female collapsed to the Earth upon a new land, a cloud of dust flanking out around them. The singular standing wolf, rather lithe in size, but prominent spoke up.

"All of you, we will claim this land as our own, and slaughter anyone who thinks differently! I will place everyone in their own rank, and you will follow me, as I am your leader! Protect what's ours, and we will thrive from this day on!"

It tells something, but it's very confusing what is happening. I don't even know what's going on. I have the general idea that a forest is on fire, and three canine something's are walking away from it. From the anatomy used, I'd think they were alien mutations with ant mandibles instead of a proper jaw with teeth. Here's Wikipedia's definition of a "labrum":

The glenoid labrum (glenoid ligament) is a fibrocartilaginous rim attached around the margin of the glenoid cavity in the shoulder blade.

So, now these aliens have mandibles on their shoulders? Not to mention "cranium" means the bones that make up the skull. So they no longer have skin or fur on their heads, and mandibles. "Mademoiselle"? Really? Now they're effing French?

I could nitpick this post and show it for the illiteracy jumble of incorrectly-used words that it is, but I'm sure you get the point. Nothing gets me more fired up than wolf-speakers, for they are not a crowd that I would enjoy roleplaying with.

Back to the original question. I personally prefer fantasy to semi-fantasy/semi-real roleplays, as it gives us more freedom as roleplayers to give our characters personalities. If a roleplay were truely "real", there'd be no such thing as hostages or these silly things that we make up, as animals have no entertained thought-- they have instincts, meaning they just do. In that context, all roleplays are semi-real. But, to each their own.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 08:40:08 pm by Narwal »

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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2015, 09:03:10 pm »
It really matters if I'm in the mood. I like any RP that doesn't take three chat box fulls of a post and I really don't mind the people's styles as long as they are not using wolf-speak. Wolf-speak is a real pet peeve of mine, but it's fine if people use a little bit of fancy words in their posts... as long as they mean what they are saying!
I don't want to open up a dictionary and see that the word is completely the opposite of what they are trying to describe.
As long as I can read what the people are saying, heck let them use text talk too, I'm quite fine with the RP style.

Anyway, yeah, that's me.
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Re: Most favorite/least favorite things in rp? (Samples, types of rp, etc.)
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2015, 11:35:44 pm »
I get so annoyed when people Wolf Speak and fill up the entire chat box with their large paragraphs of text. Most of the time, I don't even understand what they're saying... I usually like normally literate roleplays such as: "The young female canine lowered her head and drank from the small pond. She knew she had to get back to her pack before nightfall". Or something like that. I also don't really like roleplaying stuff like: "*Sits down*". It's just not my type of style.
idk wat to put here