Author Topic: A Rant About FooPets  (Read 2304 times)

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A Rant About FooPets
« on: October 16, 2015, 04:56:54 pm »
Hello there, this is Ashyak temporarily returning, and with what? A rant. About what? A game that many of you might of heard about: FooPets.

Lets face it. We've all seen FooPets' banner adds in various places. Some of us may have dared a click, or just scrolled on. Well, if you want to play this "loveable, cuddly, friendly pet adoption game", then you will face dire concequences.

Members of FooPets have seen it flourish and fall. I was a member from the beginning; a free member. When the game first began, it was fun and all about caring for your pets. Then the admins/the people that ran the game decided to screw up everything. They became hostile, and unwelcoming. The option for images was banned. Not for just one person who abused it, but ALL members. They also began to push the pressure of the "pay to play" method on the community and members. They ATTACKED and ABUSED their members, through hurtful messages and pictures. They took away the money that members worked hard to earn. They took away pets. They added Beta, FooPoo, and new, but not improved, website formats. They milked the money out of people like a farmer milks his cows. They work members for little to nothing. The adults are treated like children, and the children like trash.
If anyone says anything bad about Foo, they are immediately banned and silenced. The workers for Foo are continuously fired, and for what reason? Because Foo cannot pay them. Or so they say.
Foo says that "they're running out of money", and put higher prices on objects and pets. The truth is that they're not. They're swimming in money. They just don't care. They don't care about anyone or anything, other than themselves and money. They use copyrighted images without the makers knowledge, and keep the profit made off of them.
Lets not forget that FooMojo (the company that runs FooPets) has the ability to take away any item or pet, and can change rules and prices without warning.

Why have I wrote this rant, you may ask? Because I have seen an increase in FooPets banner adds.
Don't believe what I have described? I have some links below that confirm my argument. Even if you do believe me, please take the time to read through them.

This has been a word from Ashyak.


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Re: A Rant About FooPets
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 08:00:01 am »
Glad I have Adblock to not see those ads again, ahahaha.
Oh man, I used to always play Foopets way back before I even found this place. And that was ages ago, it reminds me how many times I searched up pet/animal games back in the day... till I found the Feral Heart game and community.

Ah yes, to be honest I was a free member too. I adored the game so much and played it a ton, always having fun with my little adorable husky... but then left for awhile, (which was kinda a mistake since I lost more chance of playing freely) and then returned to see that now you have to pay to play it, which is highly unfair. So I left the website and never came back since apparently my parents didn't let me buy the membership; which was a great idea since I know the truth about the community now.

I didn't know they did such things like this, it's highly a shame that a good game went down the drain like that all thanks to the Foo staff... all because of money and the idea of control. It's sickening and sad. They even treat all people like dirt? I would be glad if this website got shut down with the abusive staff issue.

Thanks for posting this rant, now I'll be sure to not even try to give that game another chance then.