Author Topic: The World Ends With Us: "Shattered Lives" (Need Mods and Leaders)  (Read 739 times)

Offline elektricroze

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The World Ends With Us: "Shattered Lives"
For further roleplaying information and more descriptive info on the story as a whole along with groups, Please Visit:
"It felt like it has been years since the world ended, or so many have said, but we can think back on it just as if it were yesterday it all came down. Many lives were lost, plantation blazed sending their ashes towards the sky, cries of neighboring beasts heard for miles before their last moment of air was taken in. When everything calmed down; there were still a few of us left, as if it were a miracle that we were alive. Taking a few steps from our hiding places, the outside looked empty; not a soul to be seen for miles nor a blade of grass swaying in the wind. To say we were scared would be putting it simply. The World Ended with Us in it... "

The world has ended leaving a majority of living things gone without a trace of their existence. How the world ended is beyond beast knowledge and only could be described in; "The skies rained red, and then the ground was in a blaze." A few beasts have managed to stay alive either it be a Canine or Feline of sorts and been grouped together through the power of fear and sudden trust.  However, these groups are rather small and a few in between. With scarce food and shelter, these groups have grown aggressive with one another in order to claim a food source or shelter while others corporate to simply stay alive. Where do you stand?

The Groups of Shattered Lives: Quick Listing
Further information will be updated on the site about the Groups.

Zarus Exitus
The group that came to terms with the ending of their world, however in the process lost a portion of their sanity. They are more aggressive compared to the other groups. Interestingly, the seem to be the wisest when it comes to surviving. For more information, check out the website. (Coming Soon)

Leader: Ophelia Rue (Nyx)
Members: Two Spots Open

Groups are completely customizable as long as they follow their goals!

Group B
Note to Leader: Group B should be based around the belief that Unity is important and carry strong leadership roles, and/or have the highest of trust between members. You can name your Group anything you wish as long as Unity is your goal. While you are the strongest compared to other groups, you lack the knowledge needed to increase your survival chance.

Leader: Open
Members: Three Spots Open

Group C
Note to Leader: Group C should be based around the idea that everyone is a possible enemy. Trust within your group is short, but trust with the other groups are shorter. Your group can be passive-aggressive but does not have to be, Others will find it harder to co-op with you and may make you a common target to other Groups during times of chaos. Your Goal is: Resources.

Leader: Open
Members: Three Spots Open

Group D
Note to Leader: Group D should be based around the idea of helping on another and helping to establish peace between Groups.  While your group is friendly, it is also on the weaker side due to the lack of a fighting nature. Your Goal is Peace.

Leader: Open
Members: Two Spots Open

As you can see, I am looking for Groups specifically for the RP. It is mapped and presets are welcomed. I am in the process of making a website for it; so for now this is to see who will be interested. Don't be afraid to ask questions! Your beasts will not be in their best shape. Some could be hurt/ill/or malnourished. Be creative!

To Apply:

Applications for Group Lead, Forum Moderators and Group Members now available on the site! Click the link about to put in an application. Thank you!

**You do not need to be part of the story to be a Forum Mod!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 01:16:03 pm by ShabririNyx »
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