Author Topic: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????  (Read 4503 times)

Offline Wselfwulf

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FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« on: June 08, 2014, 09:31:18 pm »
Um, I have a problem. Well, two.
So this is my friend's old account, she gave me the password and username a while ago. I downloaded the game and played happily. But now it's been constantly saying 'FeralHeart cannot connect to the front server' when I try to log in. I restarted my computer, I uninstalled the game and everything to do with it, and I re-installed it. Still won't work. I decided I would try making my own account and logging in with that, and to have her delete wselfwulf or something when I had my own account.
The registration was open, and I clicked it to make a new account. The user is kuta. I logged into my gmail, and I saw the email from the FH team. I clicked it and read the email, then clicked the activation link. It had the 404 error message. I tried clicking the link on my iPad, iPod, and my brother's computer. Still had the 404 error message. I logged into it on the site, or tried. It says my account is not activated yet.

HELP?   :-\

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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 09:44:24 pm »
Unable to log on/go online.

FeralHeart is mainly an online role playing game. This means if you want to get the most fun out of it, you'd need to be connected to the internet. Some people might have issues getting on the actual game, so here's a few things you can try if you have the game but aren't able to go online.

List of things to check:
1. Wrong username or Password?
2. Do you have the most recent patch?
3. Check so there's no security software blocking the game.
4. Make sure that you've a solid internet connection.

Wrong username or Password?
There's actually a "bug" in the current registration system, logging into the game can be a problem for some reasons. If you're unable to log in, and just get banned for 15 mins for getting the wrong pass, here's a few things that might solve it.

-The password is capital sensitive, so if you use a small letter where you regged with a big one, it will be the wrong pass
-The numpad on keyboards doesn't work. So you need to use the numbers above the rest of the letters
-some symbols doesn't work as they should and you need to change keyboard layout in order for them to work

If you are unable to fix this It's suggested that you reset your password on your profile here on the forum and set it to a new one without any complicated symbols or numbers, just letters. And if still no success, just create a new account here on the site, and follow This!

Got the recent patch?
The game gets updated every now and then with new features or just fixes. In most cases when there's a new patch available users need to download it in order to play.

If you get a window when trying to log on the game saying "Please download the latest patch @" Then you simply need to download the latest patch from our "Official Downloads" and install it. Once that's done you can play the game again!

Is the computer allowing FeralHeart to connect to the internet?
Games like these needs to be able to connect to the internet, but sometimes windows doesn't know if the game/application can be trusted or it just skips adding the game to exceptions. If you aren't able to log on the game, this might be your issue.

Open up your control panel located in the start menu. Depending on which Operating system you use, and which layout it might look differently. But Windows firewall should be in the category "security" or just find the text "Windows firewall" or "Allow a program through windows firewall". This should take you to the correct place.

Once there you'll get a new window with a list of programs. Try to locate FeralHeart.exe in there and add it to exceptions by marking the checkbox. If you can't find it, and the game to the list by yourself by pressing add program.

If you don't understand how to do this still, ask someone else to do this for you.

Sometimes there might be something else blocking the program from accessing the internet. A good example of these are some Antivirus programs. This can vary a lot as well. But check up if by any chance your virus program might be blocking feralheart. And just not only by clicking the icon in the corner sayings "Nope!". Look in the advanced menus and preferences first. Only you can check this.

How's your internet connection?
Sometimes the internet connection of the users trying to play the game might be weak. This can cause you to not being able to connect or staying online for a longer time, many people might start blaming the game or server for this when it in fact might be themselves.

Here's a few things you can check:
1. Are you even connected to the internet right now?
2. Are you running any downloading/streaming programs?
3. Are there any other computers/devices using the same internet?
4. Are you currently using a wireless connection, if so, are you getting good signal?

Sometimes the internet connection can time out for various reasons and then jump back on again, so be sure to try a few times first.

Programs in the background
Downloading things or running streaming programs eats your bandwidth, and this bandwidth is needed in order to play the game, especially if you're using slower speeds. You can start by shutting off things like downloading programs and internet browsers. Maybe even IM programs such as MSN and AIM and try to play again.

Turn off extra devices
If you got more than 1 computer or other devices also using the internet, try turning them off if they're not in use. This will give you more bandwidth to spare.

On a wireless connection?
If you're using a laptop you might be using a wireless internet connection. These can sometimes loose their signal to the internet source. So try placing yourself closer to your modem, this might give you a stronger signal.

These things should solve the most connection problems!


Check above, do you have full bars of internet hun? Or do some things found above to see if they help, quote from The Big Help Thread by Red.
Or look here......
I keep getting bad tokens, failed to connect to map server or timing out while playing.

If you have made sure your connection is working fine, and maybe FeralHeart has worked all good before, there still can happen things in the game when walking around in different maps. Examples of these are so called "Bad Tokens", "Failed to connect to map server" messages.

Even though the game has it's own server, it's not perfect and can get stuck as well. If you're experiencing troubles a good bet is always to wait a few mins/hours and try again later. It solves a lot of problems.

Bad tokens is the servers way to tell you that something went wrong when loading a map/location most of the times. The client failing to communicate with the server, or other way around. If there was some connection problems just during the time you tried to load a new map, this might happen to you. Also maps that has an extreme amount of online users, or more objects and other custom things might take longer to load, and the chance of getting bad tokens might rise. Usually the issue doesn't last for too long and get solved by just trying going through a portal again or loading the character again or just keep reconnecting, for some it's worse than others.

Failed to connect to map server is a message you also can get while changing maps and entering portals in the game. It's usually nothing severe either, and as worst, your character might be stuck in that map until there's a reset of the map server process. Another issue similar to this can be if you get the loading screen after choosing a character, but it never loads. Most of the time it should be followed by this "failed to connect" message. If you try to choose another character that isn't placed in the same map, it sometimes let you play since every map in the game, has it's own server process. Sometimes the server needs to be restarted in order to fetch some stuck characters. If you had characters that's been stuck for weeks, you should contact the staff.

Failed to connect to front server is another funky message you might get. Most of the time you get this either when your internet is down or the server is down completely. It can also be that your firewall or any other security software is preventing FeralHeart from accessing the internet. If it's the server and not your internet it should be sorted shortly and be back up and running, if it will be down for longer times the staff will let you know.

If the server is up though for a longer time, and you're still having issues to connect, you should follow the tips mentioned in the post "Unable to log on/go online" above, and if that fails to work. Contact those responsible for your internet or maybe someone that knows more and are able to help you.


Hope this helps dear! ^^ Also, the 404 error message might be due to your browser, try changing browsers and trying it again~

~ Whisper
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 09:47:13 pm by Whisperingwaves »

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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 09:49:46 pm »
Problem 1- Hmm, I think these quotes should be helpful. Make sure you have a good internet connection, and maybe try lowering your firewall settings. Your firewall could be blocking FeralHeart form connecting to the server.

Failed to connect to front server is another funky message you might get. Most of the time you get this either when your internet is down or the server is down completely. It can also be that your firewall or any other security software is preventing FeralHeart from accessing the internet. If it's the server and not your internet it should be sorted shortly and be back up and running, if it will be down for longer times the staff will let you know.

If the server is up though for a longer time, and you're still having issues to connect, you should follow the tips mentioned in the post "Unable to log on/go online" (posted below) and if that fails to work. Contact those responsible for your internet or maybe someone that knows more and are able to help you.

Is the computer allowing FeralHeart to connect to the internet?
Games like these needs to be able to connect to the internet, but sometimes windows doesn't know if the game/application can be trusted or it just skips adding the game to exceptions. If you aren't able to log on the game, this might be your issue.

Open up your control panel located in the start menu. Depending on which Operating system you use, and which layout it might look differently. But Windows firewall should be in the category "security" or just find the text "Windows firewall" or "Allow a program through windows firewall". This should take you to the correct place.

Once there you'll get a new window with a list of programs. Try to locate FeralHeart.exe in there and add it to exceptions by marking the checkbox. If you can't find it, and the game to the list by yourself by pressing add program.

If you don't understand how to do this still, ask someone else to do this for you.

Sometimes there might be something else blocking the program from accessing the internet. A good example of these are some Antivirus programs. This can vary a lot as well. But check up if by any chance your virus program might be blocking feralheart. And just not only by clicking the icon in the corner sayings "Nope!". Look in the advanced menus and preferences first. Only you can check this.

How's your internet connection?
Sometimes the internet connection of the users trying to play the game might be weak. This can cause you to not being able to connect or staying online for a longer time, many people might start blaming the game or server for this when it in fact might be themselves.

Here's a few things you can check:
1. Are you even connected to the internet right now?
2. Are you running any downloading/streaming programs?
3. Are there any other computers/devices using the same internet?
4. Are you currently using a wireless connection, if so, are you getting good signal?

Sometimes the internet connection can time out for various reasons and then jump back on again, so be sure to try a few times first.

Programs in the background
Downloading things or running streaming programs eats your bandwidth, and this bandwidth is needed in order to play the game, especially if you're using slower speeds. You can start by shutting off things like downloading programs and internet browsers. Maybe even IM programs such as MSN and AIM and try to play again.

Turn off extra devices
If you got more than 1 computer or other devices also using the internet, try turning them off if they're not in use. This will give you more bandwidth to spare.

On a wireless connection?
If you're using a laptop you might be using a wireless internet connection. These can sometimes loose their signal to the internet source. So try placing yourself closer to your modem, this might give you a stronger signal.

These things should solve the most connection problems!
I should also probably note that it's not the best idea to share accounts:

Problem 2- When did you register for that account? If it was a while ago, there's a possibility that the link expired. You should probably PM one of the staff members for that problem. Staff:

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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2015, 12:54:50 am »
Feral Heart was hacked The Moderators and Red are trying to clean up the Messes that the hackers did. Uncomfortably 404 ERROR Is a character that invaded FH. 
Game Server is currently offline   :'(

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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2015, 12:56:05 am »
This is a thread from 2014. A mod or admin should lock it. You should know because before you post it will say "This thread has not been updated in 20 days" If you get that message, and it isn't your own, then assume the problem was resolved and don't bump it.
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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2015, 12:57:02 am »
Feral Heart was hacked The Moderators and Red are trying to clean up the Messes that the hackers did. Uncomfortably 404 ERROR Is a character that invaded FH. 
Game Server is currently offline   :'(

This thread was made back in 2014 and therefore the current issues FeralHeart is having is not relevant here. The owner of the thread is most likely no longer having these issues, so it's best if you don't necro old threads.

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Re: FH Won't Connect to Front Server + 404 Error Message????
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2015, 02:35:19 am »
I'll be locking this due to the fact that this is an outdated thread. If you wish to give help to other users, please do so in more recent Help threads.

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