Author Topic: Cy's Bio of Doom  (Read 3119 times)

Offline PoisonIVy12

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Cy's Bio of Doom
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:29:45 pm »
Hi there, floofs. :D Normally I would do stuff like this on my profile page on other sites, but this is where I'll have to do it here. That is, telling as much about myself as I can without putting myself in danger!

Let's Get Started

Alright, so, I'm Cyrokin the Rebel. (Call me Cy!) I'm an artist and a writer, and I've been playing FeralHeart since mid-2012 (That is, when I was 14), hence my ingame username PoisonIVy12. The "12" at the end of the username indicates the year I made it. One of my DeviantART accounts has a similar username, only with a different year at the end of it.

I also use an account called Wolfkid27; I use it as much as I use my PoisonIVy12 account, so neither is my main account and neither is my backup, though I do prefer that any friends be on the PoisonIVy account. I need my privacy to just run around on my maps without worry of whispering, you know? (I'm an introvert both ingame and the real world, so I typically don't talk until someone talks to me; then I open up)

Before I go into anything else, I am a NERD. There are few people at my school nerdier than I am... ha. XD How nerdy am I?

-I hate when people use bad grammar. (Drives me up a wall)
-I love Doctor Who and it's my favorite show.
-I was a bit of a Trekkie when I was a kid!
-I've recently become into Steampunk (as well as Dieselpunk).
-I listen to bands most people have probably never heard of. (How is this nerdy?)
-I'm a huge fan of older shows, especially comedies from the 60s and 70s. My favorites include Gilligan's Island, Get Smart, and Welcome Back, Kotter. And of course I like the original Star Trek and Classic Who!
-I've recently gotten into some obscure 90s sci-fi gig called "Sliders" and made some characters based on an AU I made for it.

Musical Taste

"Darkest Part" by Red

I love music! I like just about every genre (with the exception of pop and country, though I'll listen to it if I have to XD), but my favorite style of music dances between hard rock and metalcore. Even then, metalcore is about as loud as I can go musicwise. My favorites of all metals are nu metal and symphonic metal.

My favorite bands in order of their addition to my list are:
-Skillet (2009)
-Red (2009 or 2010)
-Pillar (2010)
-Thousand Foot Krutch (2010)
-Demon Hunter (2011)
-We As Human (2012)
-Manafest (2013)
-Dead Poetic (2013)
-Argyle Park/AP2 (2014)
-Narnia (2014)

Other bands that are growing on me are Circle of Dust, Decyfer Down, Disciple, and Nine Lashes. Love and Death is another goody. My latest musical obsession in Celldweller. *pure awesome, shaaa*

On the Subject of Writing

What do I write?
-I write primarily in the fantasy and sci-fi genres! I used to write a lot for animals but my primary subjects are people now.
What sort of sci-fi and fantasy?
-A fairly unique brand of sci-fi and fantasy, and more often than not, I'll mix the two! My latest strategy is to give no regard to time period when I write about anthros. Best explained by the statement, "If I want a wooden ship to have radar, MY WOODEN SHIP WILL HAVE RADAR!"

I am on both FictionPress and FanFiction, and have tried to maintain a Wattpad account. All are under the username Cyrokin.

FictionPress: Here is where my creativity really goes wild! Be sure to read "The Watchkeeper" (and any of its companions) and The Inventor while you're there! The Inventor is my big steampunkish project, centering on the eccentric (yet lovable) Dr. Henry Cooper. It will have two prequels and a sequel.
Cyrokin on FictionPress:

FanFiction: My FanFiction is much more well-known in its fandoms than my FictionPress is. I write for Danny Phantom, Doctor Who, and Gilligan's Island, but I'm working on a few possible fanfictions for Redwall. I also like the Warriors series, but I have been unsuccessful in creating a fanfiction for it that isn't from when I was 10 years old. (Sure I have over 2000 Warriors characters, but can I write a good fanfiction for it? Nope.) My most popular story is the gruesome Frontlines, a Danny Phantom fanfiction. If you like Danny Phantom but are OK with a darker storyline, you may be interested in checking that out.
Cyrokin on FanFiction:

Drawing is Love, Drawing is Life

As previously stated, I'm also an artist! I have four accounts on DeviantART, each suited to a certain theme.

WolFkId27, my central account
-- On this account, I post stuff like wolves, Warriors, pretty much every other animal I like, art for The Inventor, and FeralHeart stuff like maps, markings, and mesh builds.

WolFkId27 on DeviantART:

PoisonIVy10, my Danny Phantom account
-- All things Danny on this account! I haven't been very active here recently, however. Danny Phantom is all you need to know about this account.

PoisonIVy10 on DeviantART:

StellarTheSquirrel, my formerly OC-oriented but turned Doctor Who account
-- If you like Doctor Who more than anything else I've presented, you may like this account of mine. :) I draw my original 12th Doctor (looks just like Dr. Cooper but predates him by two years) a lot and post him there. He's a lot of fun. I also draw Doctor Who chibis and am known for making Dancing Doctor icons like these:
StellarTheSquirrel on DeviantART:

ExNihilo11, the Home of the Manga Mice
-- I've recently become active here again. The purpose of this account is to post pictures of semi-manga style chibi mice! My account "mascot" is Mulligan the mouse and can be found in my gallery more than any other characters here!

ExNihilo11 on DeviantART:

I Want to Talk About my Pets

I've got five pets right now, excluding my mom's fish. XD

Four cats: Tootsy (30-pound, old, light orange tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and white tuxedo markings. He's mah best bud), Buddy (The cutest cat on earth! Fluffy with orange-and-white fur and a sweet little face. Too bad he's terrified of strangers), Rose (Buddy's shorthaired tortoiseshell sister; she has eyes the color of copper with a little green mixed in), and Ringtail (Chubby black-and-white tomcat with a white ring marking on his tailtip. He's the funniest thing. XD).

(Sad news though--- Tootsy the cat is really sick right now and I had a good cry over it. *wah* I'm afraid he's going to die. o__o He's still his feisty self, but he's down to 21 pounds and he's got a baaaaaad cough. *sads*)

And my personal pet is a black gerbil named Jeremy~ He's so cute, but he can be noisy at night when I'm trying to sleep. He likes Argyle Park as much as I do, oddly enough. XD And he gives me his full attention when I start singing "Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom" (Parry Gripp) to him.

To finish (for now), I want to say that I uphold moral values very strongly. You will never catch me swearing anywhere and I do not draw anything suggestive (sadly, some people will see anything as ANYTHING), nor do I write beyond the "T" rating.

I'm a friendly person to pretty much anybody, but if people are rude or mean to me I will typically avoid communication with that person at all costs because I don't trust myself not to say something I'll regret, as I can be ticked off pretty easily... XD

So, that's basically me! If I want to add anything later, I shall.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 05:58:30 am by IceTehWolf »
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D


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Re: Ice's Bio of Doom
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 10:38:03 pm »
This is amazing my dear
I love your bio.

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Re: Ice's Bio of Doom
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 11:42:35 pm »
My my, what a good taste in music you have. Nice bio Ice. :D

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Re: Ice's Bio of Doom
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2015, 12:19:40 am »
I like your bio, Ice. I enjoyed reading about the little bits of your life. c:

If you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess… then you have nothing.

Offline PoisonIVy12

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Re: Cy's Bio of Doom
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2015, 06:00:04 am »
Updated the info. :) Things like bands, my name, and pets have been updated.
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D



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Re: Cy's Bio of Doom
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2015, 11:17:57 am »
Love the art and your bio. ^^