Author Topic: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.  (Read 15017 times)

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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2016, 07:34:14 pm »
I have sat here and literally read through every single reply on this thread. There are so many valid points being made here but also some assumptions and misunderstood statements... I hope to be able to clear some things up here. I apologize if I miss any points as there is a lot being addressed here.

Firstly I'd like to thank you all for your care for this community. Regardless of how one has presented their ideas or opinions here it is apparent that you all share a love and deep concern for this game and it's community. The fact that you all took the time to share your thoughts and discuss things honestly speaks volumes. The staff here at Feral Heart hear you and respect you all and appreciate the continued devotion this community has to its preservation but overall betterment. So thank you all for helping us do our best.

1.) There seems to be a consensus that Feral Heart is in need of more staff power:

This I agree with. We can never have enough staff for this game. There are many hours in a day and many maps that need monitoring throughout the day. As of right now we are severely short staffed, although I do strongly believe that our current staff make an incredibly commendable effort at managing things around here (the FH game, site, Tumblr, and DeviantArt.) Though we may be few we are prideful of the standard of quality that our staff hold true.

And quality is what we value here most.

Quality over quantity.

Quality is why we take our time to do everything from selecting staff to the slow but steady process of renovating the site. We want to provide the community with only the best that we can manage. If we simply focus on filling the empty spaces we will never focus on cultivating and growing the few good staff we do have to their full potential.

2.) The staff fail to see and appoint qualified users to staff positions:

Qualification for a FH staff position is different in everyone's mind. Qualities that staff may seek and value, other users may not see as necessary. Qualities that staff may consider negative may be overlooked by others... and this is often why it seems as though staff are "failing" to see "potential".

I guarantee you that every user with a decent amount of "staff material" potential has been observed and scrutinized by the staff at one point or another. The problem we most often come across when we've sifted down a good few candidates is their age. We have an age limitation for a very good reason and we intend to uphold that requirement no matter how qualified the user may seem in all other avenues.

Other issues that arise are the users rate of activity, general interest in the community, attitude towards others, understanding of the game, maturity, etc.

Managing Feral Heart is a huge responsibility. It's not just about being a good person. It's about understanding and balancing the needs of the community but also the game & server. It's about making time and investing your efforts fully. It's about teamwork but also leadership. It's about sacrifice and understanding that things will not always work out but trying your hardest to see it through for the best of everyone. It's about good and bad times...

and so much more.

Many of these concepts aren't fully tangible unless you've worked directly with Feral Heart and you know what's required. This is why at the end of it all it's the staffs' final decision who becomes staff from what the community recognizes and offers as it's best.

At first glance some users may seem qualified but at the end of the day they fall short as they involve themselves in petty dramas in the community, lie about ages, pretend to care, etc... Truth is most like to gild themselves and aren't all they try to prove the community out to be. It's the staff's job to see through that... and that's why we value few but quality staff.

3.) The staff only select friends to be staff:

Not true.

Back when I was asked to be a member of the staff I was not friends with any of the staff team. I knew who was who and respected them as individuals and strangers but we were not friends. Back then the staff team was Red, BigSkippy, Ramine, Wolffox, Delay, and Crin. In fact I didn't think I'd get along with a number of them not because they were mean, because they weren't, but because they seemed to have personalities incompatible with mine. Of course as I came to work with them I grew to understand some of them better, and even befriend some but that was because we were a team.

What staff do try to do is befriend users they see potential in so that they may get to know them better, get more comfortable with them, and feel the person's qualities out. This is what I think people mistake as staff only picking their friends as staff.

Truth is we aren't going to elect strangers into such a delicate place in the community either. So no we don't select friends for staff positions, but we do try to get to a level of friendship with potential "staff material" users.

4.) You have to be a member of the staff for anything to happen or change in the community:

Again not true. I don't understand why people think that a staff title gives them any more or any less "power" or say in the community. If you care about the community that is all that should matter regardless of what position you hold in the community. You don't have to be a staff member to influence the community. Look at this thread itself, it's not written by a staff member. Most of the replies here aren't by staff members but it's threads like these because of users like you all that influence the staff to do and think differently. We staff are here for the community. We represent the entire community. We staff depend on YOU.

So when users get upset and say that they're not being recognized for their potential and what they can offer it's untrue. Worst is when users quit simply because they worked so hard to get noticed, to get a staff position but it never came. This just proves the point that some "qualified" users aren't exactly "staff material" if they don't see any use in standing by the community unless they have a staff position.

There's so much more that needs to be said and can be said here by me... but I'll leave it at my main point.

Quality is what we need and work hard for. It's why we take our time with the site update as we did with the game "update" itself. We don't want to rush things simply because there's empty spaces that could be filled or because we want things a certain way already. Part of being a staff member is patience and understanding that the game and server has its own needs just as the community does. Quality can't be rushed. We must all make sacrifices like (ex: keeping registration down for now) while other things are worked out. Staff are as much a Feral Heart user as anyone else and we too are eager for progress, but we have to be understanding.

Things will come together again in due time... in the meantime it's our job to stand by Feral Heart as we make our way into this transition. Bumpy journey or not, Feral Heart has had its ups and downs and it's the collective community and staff strength and support that pulls it all through.


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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2016, 08:19:50 pm »
This is a really well-thought out reply, Sura. I really appreciate your thoughts on the issue and I'm glad you agree on some of the points made here.

4.) You have to be a member of the staff for anything to happen or change in the community:

Again not true. I don't understand why people think that a staff title gives them any more or any less "power" or say in the community. If you care about the community that is all that should matter regardless of what position you hold in the community. You don't have to be a staff member to influence the community. Look at this thread itself, it's not written by a staff member. Most of the replies here aren't by staff members but it's threads like these because of users like you all that influence the staff to do and think differently. We staff are here for the community. We represent the entire community. We staff depend on YOU.

I believe when people say they feel you have to be a member of the staff for anything to happen, they mean when dealing with the community. Often, when someone is breaking a rule or doing something they shouldn't be in local and a member with no power whatsoever asks them to stop, they will not listen because the person asking them to stop isn't staff. We can send in reports yes, but it's always best to at least tell the person breaking the rules to stop so that they don't continue to break rules until a staff member sees the report, y'know? It's just unfortunate that people don't listen even when asked nicely if the person asking is not a staff member.

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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2016, 09:27:36 pm »
All points Sura and Nynx made are very valid answers, and I appreciate them taking the time to read through all of the responses and responding to this themselves.

But what Hooli just said is exactly what I mean. I know we don't have to be a staff to help guide the community. That is not what I meant. It's just hard to help guide the community when the players you are trying to help just turn on you and tear your throat out saying "You aren't a mod! We don't have to listen to you! You're just mini-modding!" and they just show you complete disrespect and disregard for the rules. No matter WHAT position you have on FH.

But all I honestly have to say is, I made this thread for a reason. And it was NOT because I thought it would give me a chance at a staff position. I know most of you probably don't think that (I HOPE most of you don't think that) It was because I have watched the community for the past year and I've seen its downfall. No, it's not falling apart completely as of now, but how everything is right now isn't exactly good for the game. But I really hope that things DO get done and things get better. I WANT this game to succeed. I WANT to stick around and help guide the community. This is the only reason for this post. It was not to attack the staff at all. I have high respect for them, even though there are times I wish things would kinda work differently among them, but that is not my place. That is their own thing to do, and I have no wish to undermine them.

I knew in the back of my mind that this post would further ruin any chance I myself had of becoming a staff, but honestly that was ruined long ago by some drama I got involved in. But if that was my main goal, to become a staff, why would I have kept going on and helping the community after all of that? It's because I CARE about this game. I don't CARE if I'm a staff or not. And I made this post to bring up some suggestions, not because I thought it would somehow better my own chances. I am not that way, and I feel terrible that I've led some (NOT ALL) people to believe that, and that I'm being seen as a power-hungry person just wanting fame in the community.

And I know you don't mean anything by it Sura, but no, I didn't "leave" because all of my hard work didn't pay off and I didn't get a staff position. And all this post had in my decisions is the fact that I'm embarrassed about bringing it up when it was really not my place to do so. This all probably would have been better left unsaid, and I am deeply sorry. But for the most part, it is the community and how nasty it is becoming. I love to help out, but when I try and get met with nothing but sass and disrespect, even though I'm not a staff, it hurts. It makes me feel like I'm not doing good enough. And I just hate seeing a game I love so much becoming a toxic waste dump for lack of better words.

I DO believe that this game can change. I never meant to really say it won't. I called this game trash more for the trashy community, not the game itself.

These are my final words on this matter. Once again, I am truly sorry for bringing this whole topic up, and I'm sorry for being an immature brat about the whole thing. I've let FeralHeart down yet again, and I'm not really sure I can pull myself out of this hole this time around. I just really hope that this game can get situated and start getting better. And I would be honored to help out in any way I can, for any staff, old and new alike.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 09:32:35 pm by ArcticGalaxy »

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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2016, 02:28:56 am »
I'm suprised on how mature everyone has taken this. If this was taken to actual in game it would be taken as something immature and not have had this big discussion.
I agree with Hooli's and Arctict's points that the community should be taken more seriously like the mods. As we are the ones who are playing and experience more; I am not saying the mods don't realize what is happening in game, But as in maps like Cherika and Seaside, I have seen such a lack of mods; And yes, I know Grounds is the most popular place and has to be the most 'clean'. But there will still be innocent children roaming about and exploring FH. If there were some people like mods patroling the areas, I think it would make the community a nicer place.
This is most likely going to be the last thing I say on this topic.
On leave.
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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2016, 12:13:30 am »
I feel like there isn't much left here that I can say, though this post in particular by Arctic really made me think-   

 But I really hope that things DO get done and things get better. I WANT this game to succeed. I WANT to stick around and help guide the community.

This alone is what will keep this community afloat. Not the game, the game will live on for as long as Raz can keep the server up and new people keep joining. The community, however, is another case.

You, Arctic, along with many others have said that the community is turning toxic, but this is not just because of the staff situation, the staff are not the key solution to this community's many problems and some of you need to realize that if you haven't already. What I mean is that you can't just sit around and wait for the staff to fix everything and make this game what it used to be. I have nothing against the staff at all. I have not interacted with the majority of them but from what I've seen they are not bad people, and the ones that we have at the moment do their job well. But think about it: eight people alone cannot turn a community of thousands of people around and make them "good" again. Which brings as back to "we need more staff" and "people won't listen to us anyway".

Yes, we need more staff. Yes, they have stated that they are looking for more, and from what it seems they are being careful about it which is very smart.

No, people won't always listen to you. That's why you have to keep trying. No, I'm not just talking about how when you tell someone to stop doing something in-game and they call you a mini-mod. I'm talking about how giving up on this community and leaving won't do anything. Do you want this game to change? Then change it. Making this thread was not a mistake in the slightest. By posting it you have made a difference, believe it or not. I feel like a lot of things were brought up in this thread that needed to be brought up and discussed, and with that some questions have been answered that I, at least, feel much better knowing the answer to and even have more faith in the staff than I did before.

Anyways, I hope what I have said made at least a little bit of sense. I did not intend for this to be a personal attack, so please do not take it that way. ?

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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2016, 07:12:00 am »

 But I really hope that things DO get done and things get better. I WANT this game to succeed. I WANT to stick around and help guide the community.

I'm talking about how giving up on this community and leaving won't do anything.
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The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2016, 10:44:08 pm »
First of all, I'm going to say that I'm glad topics like these are not getting locked on the whim like in the past. It's showing a lot of improvement.

Remember that old meme "Mods are asleep, post ponies"? With no mods online, members can do anything they want without much confrontation. This happens in every MMORPG there is, especially with no filters. For example back in the day when FH was still new, there was a huge explosion of sexual activity in-game, including characters and parties. I think parents and older kids got a little concerned and blamed the mods for this, and soon enough all of that has stopped. But the fact is, no matter how "family friendly" an online game could be, there will always be misbehavior. This is why online RP games are usually unrated. It's the members job to help this game become family-friendly and speak up/report these types of people when the mods are not online, and it's the staff's job to give a justified response to these reports. In my opinion I wouldn't waste energy banning people who mildly troll, spam, or have not-so-PC opinions (which the block button should come into play), but the people who are actually causing harm to the community whom are under-the-hood more often than not.
If full-time moderation is absolutely necessary to make this game completely family friendly, I would suggest staff members of opposite time zones and free enough schedules to moderate the community. Since this is a free to play animal game and I don't think the staff get paid because of this, I can understand how difficult it is to find someone who's willing enough to do that.

About the registration, I agree it should've been reopened by now. The (guesstimated) average of 350 people online in-game upsets me and we need more beautiful people to come join. I mean, if traffic is so bad to handle, I suggest doing what Flight Rising does and announce it opened for certain days. This will make the registration more easier to catch, and reduce the desperation of people asking for a FH account because it's pretty ridiculous.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 10:58:16 pm by WolfQueen »

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Re: Some things that really need to be discussed....even if it's not my place.
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2016, 07:07:52 am »
I shall just throw in a shorter reply, mostly becase Nynx and Sura have already posted well-written replies and I agree with them fully.
But also secondly because I am on my phone at work.

I find it important for you guys to see that we do actually care, even those of us who may be MIA at the time.

I am aware that my personal activity has dropped like a rock, but in all honesty, I've been quite busy. It's my bad for not posting a proper leaving thread to notify users that I'm not around as much. Yet the reason for this is because I never expected to be away for so long.

I just want to apologize to the community on my behalf, for not being there as I should.


However, personally I don't see much of a change in the community in regards of how people behave. The community has had a lot more friendly players, as well as the toxicity. - Most due to the registration being open at all times and new users coming and going at a constant rate.

The game and community has been a lot harder to maintain, and people now see the game as dying because they don't frequently see new users coming in, because users who actually want to stick around, tend to stay.

I do understand with the registration, that roleplays have a harder time to survive, since there's no fresh meat coming in.
Hopefully this will change once registration opens again.