Author Topic: Warrior cat map needed!  (Read 650 times)

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Warrior cat map needed!
« on: December 13, 2016, 02:36:11 pm »
I need a good map maker to make a map for a WC rp im in. If your willing I need to see some of your past work. Im a little picky when it comes to maps so sorry if you dont get it, i love this group and i want them to have the best map. If you need DA points im more then willing to pay for a map. Heres what i need:

4 camps with 7 dens each. 1 den has herbs in it. and 2 dens are smaller dens that can have 2 - 3 cats in it. Make one of the little dens kinda in the back of the camp kinda isolated, but not to far.
The 4 territorys are Forest, Swamp, Plains, and Partly forest. And 2 - 3 loner dens in each territory. 1 gathering place and 1 mothermouth/moonpool like area. Make the Loner dens hidden and one with the landscape and not easy to find all the time.
The map will be Huge as i want enough territory for everyone to explore. Its up to the map maker if they wanna add fun little details as they please. But try not to go over bored as not everyone has the best computers. Partials are ok but 10 is the limit.

I want the Plains are to be hilly and with many rock piles. Some of those rock piles make good hidden dens. I would like a inactive volcano in there too, but filled to the top with water. Also many bushes. And some hawks in the sky. Also maybe 1 - 2 large trees in there.

For forest well many trees and rock piles here and there. Maybe you could make a hidden den in a hollow tree. Some big hills here and there.

Swamp will be paw deep swamp looking water, but some areas will be deep. For the trees pine should do or spruce.

The partly forest will be sounded by water and have trees, but more spreed apart and rock piles.

For the map the water that is around the 4th area is a river that leads upward and out of the map. And a house for those that want to rp kittypets somewhere in the map. And if you could add music and weather that be awesome.

Thank you for your time