Author Topic: My 6 year journey on FH  (Read 1141 times)

Offline Blackhawk206

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My 6 year journey on FH
« on: December 26, 2016, 12:11:28 am »
Well it has been 6 years now since i first joined Feral heart, i was basicly a tween at the time and i wanted to find a game that helped me relax and connect with people, anything to do with animals really since it was my kick at the time. I thought it behaved like normal RPGs i played before so i instinctively went in search of enemies to hunt for exp... Buuuut soon found out there was none and felt really silly about it, i started trying to make myself one with the enviroment, always quiet and going around exploring, seeing the people form their clans, the drama, etc etc. All while masquerading as an average looking pup. When i felt more comfortable i started making a more creative character on my first account, i was a big fan of assassins's creed at the time (still am) and named it Ezio, a black wolf with bright green markings and eyes. I started talking to people, trying to get into clans and making new friends and eventualy i did... It was odd for me really, i never knew or still know how to socialize nowadays. I am the type of person who lurks around /b/ in 4chan without saying anything just to get a good laugh out of the things they spew, but i made a few friends and met my first love, we were together for quite some time until eventualy we went our seperate ways, one time she wanted us to get back together and i being the foolish child i was ignored and neglected her, even downright insulting her because of it, to this day i regret it. But with that mistake i learned how to behave more appropriately but eventualy gave the game a break because on my original account i couldnt see anyone do anything, no one would move at all and would disapear soon after i approached them, so i made a new account and tried again, this time it worked and i was actualy happy to start on the game of my teen years. I started learning how to roleplay in a more literate way and this really improved my english, due to it not really being my native language. I came and went into the game as i saw fit, joining clans, making drama sometimes, giving my characters some lore to their stories, it really helped my imagination flourish, i remember this clan i was in and we owned a little chunk of territory in the South Pole before we were kicked back to Atlantis and then to Last cave, i stopped playing for a while after that and came back to it all having changed completly, the clan i was in had disapeared almost completly, most simply defected or the characters died in a conflict, so i left and remained in Last cave with my main character Tabrevik, a random stranger (she is now one of my closest friends) started talking to me and invited me into her clan that inhabitted Last cave. I remained the Delta of that clan for a bit but rose to Alpha at one point, unlike my partner i was ruthless sometimes, to my fellow kin i was pretty understanding up to a degree but i could not stand other people in the territory of the group, it was seen as a silly way of thinking since claiming public maps was against the rules but i really didnt care for it (ALL FOR THE GLORY OF ROLEPLAY), i broke several rules because of my personality but like i said i didnt really care for it (Mods you can ban my account on FH i dont really care at this point since i dont feel like returning anytime soon), i again left for some time due to a busy life and dealing with the challenge that is my utterly bizarre mindstate but came back after a few months, once again the clan had dwindled with my presence gone, some died, others left. It was a complete deja vu of what happened before and i found it interesting, i managed to keep two clans in line and in my absence they faultered. But i digress, even with all my characters, all the lore i made for them, all of them shared a few bits of my own personality, it was in feral heart that i allowed a lot of my surpressed emotions to flourish in something very close to theatrical acting, it felt good when i roleplayed with everyone, it felt good when i made new friends and it sure as hell felt good to be part of a very understanding and kind community, one i can no longer be around sadly, i have reached adulthood and joined the military, i am starting to build my life but i will never forget the time i had here, all those years, all the drama, all the laughs... Everything i experienced here helped me become a greater person, for better or worse, it depends on your point of view. One day i may come back to greet old friends, or see the community again. But to everyone in feral heart, current, past and future members, i would like to say thank you to you all, for being such an important part of me in my life.
Com toda a sinceridade e respeito. -SounDai