Author Topic: A wild Dragonelz appeared!  (Read 3429 times)

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Re: A wild Dragonelz appeared!
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2017, 10:22:02 am »
Welcome to FH, hun! I think I had seen ye on earlier. Hope ye 'ave a wonderful time. Feel free to shoot me over a PM if ye need anything. ;)

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: A wild Dragonelz appeared!
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2017, 05:19:13 pm »
Oh wow, I wasn't expecting so many replies!! haha

Hello there, young floof. I'm glad that you decided to come back after a whole 3 years. I hope I'll be able to talk with you at some point, since we seem to share a lot of interests, like our love for dragons and all other mythical beings :3
Hello!! I'm glad I came back as well, I've been having a lot of fun so far. And it's nice to see a fellow mythical beast lover - I'd be happy to chat anytime!! x)

Welcome back to FH floof! Hope you enjoy being back!

Hello and thank you!! I've definitely been enjoying myself so far, this game is pretty neat and the community's wonderful.

welcome back to FeralHeart, Dragonelz! i'll happily be your friend if you'd like me to <3
as for you likes; we have a lot in common! especially the dragons, WHOO BOY if you saw my room you'd know just how much i love dragons hah!
also i have two books to recommend, but you don't have to read them if you can't do so!

Yellow by Megan Jacobson
   "If fourteen-year-old Kirra is having a mid-life crisis now, then it doesn't bode well for her life expectancy. Her so-called friends bully her, whatever semblance of a mother she had has been drowned at the bottom of a gin bottle ever since her dad left them for another woman, and a teenage ghost is speaking to her through a broken phone booth. Kirra and the ghost make a pact. She'll prove who murdered him almost twenty years ago if he makes her popular, gets her parents back together, and promises not to haunt her. But thing aren't so simple, and Kirra realises that people can be haunted in more ways than one."

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
   "The brutal murder of the prince of Goredd has shattered the fragile peace between humans and dragons. Seraphina, a talented musician, is drawn into the murder investigation - and soon her own life is in terrible danger as she fights to hide the secret behind her amazing gift. Can one girl unite two warring worlds?"

those are just the bloopers on the back of the book, because me describing the book myself will take way too long to read ;v;
anyway, enjoy your time back and have fun! <33

Woo, more dragon lovers! Looks there's quite a few of us around here :D
Those books sound interesting, especially that second one. I love pretty much any books with dragons in them, that's part of why I love Wings of Fire so much lol. I'll be sure to check them out when I get the chance!!

Well, welcome back to Feralheart; Dragonelz! I see the reason for your username.~ xD Dragons are pretty cool!
I can understand the nervousness, and I'm sure all of us are at first when we first played or came back.

I'm here for ye', and would love to talk more or chill in-game!
Welcome back, and Overwatch is life. <---- Prestige 1 level 23
xD <3

Haha, yeah my username matches up pretty well with my interests lol. I'm still a tad nervous, but I'm starting to warm up to this place, everyone seems super nice!! The community here is wonderful.

YES, Overwatch!! :D I'm so glad to see I'm not the only person around here who plays it. What character do you main? My personal favorite is Tracer, she's pretty much the only hero I can play decently haha. I also play Mei sometimes, usually on defense.

Welcome back to FH! So glad ya decided to return! c: It's always hard to approach new people, but everyone in the game is fairly nice so don't be afraid of saying hi!
Dragons are also pretty sweet, I spent my childhood convinced I was one xD Loved to play with those Lego Dragons when I was younger lol

Hello!! Yeah I'm still pretty scared of approaching people ingame, which sucks but hopefully I'll conquer that fear in time. I managed to speak to someone in the local chat yesterday, so I'm pretty proud of that. Gotta take baby steps, y'know?

I used to believe I was a dragon as a kid as well haha!! I was talking to my mom about it the other day and she told me she used to believe she was a fairy when she was little lol. I guess most kids go through phases like that.

Welcome back fellow dragon lover ^^

"A Dog's Purpose" is an excellent book if you haven't read it c;

Hello!! I heard about the movie for that, but I had no idea there was a book. It looks good, but it also looks kinda sad... I'd like to read it but I don't wanna be drowned in feels ;-;

Hi!! Already kinda talked to you but HELLO I LIKE DRAGONS.
Also have you tried Watercolor pencils or prismacolor colored pencils? I love to work with those and I made some really cool portraits of animals x) I think both of them average at $60-$80 per pack. Worth it tho.
Series that I picked up recently is Sarah Maas' Throne of Glass. It's suuuuuuper good so far and I cant stop reading it lol. I finished the first book a couple days ago and let me tell you a book has never made me get so scared xD It's kind of like Game of Thrones, just a little bit? I think. It's supposed to get a TV show too.
I have an Overwatch account but tbh I don't play it that much :/ Only have a couple hours in it. For some reason playing it makes me really anxious lol ALSO I SEE SPORE. I love spore grew up with it good game 10/10. Plus Zoo Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon. I used to love sandbox games xD
I'm obsessed with dragons hello. Same as Kynvuu I used to pretend I was one when I was little all the time xD I had a BUNCH of dragon toys and I still do, they're all lined up on a shelf in my room. There was a toy brand where tiny dragon toys would come in fake dragon eggs and I used to get so excited whenever we went to the toy store cause I always wanted one x) I kinda died off on the dragon thing for a little while but I got Skyrim in 2015 and it reignited the flame LOL. I've been playing it for a while now and I just like to slow time and stare at the dragons xD

I actually got a giant pack of Prismacolors for Easter last year that I use pretty often, they work really well!! They're definitely worth the price. My mom has like 2 giant bags of them as well that she used when she was my age so I've got a pretty good supply haha. I just got a pack of watercolor pencils for Christmas, although I haven't used them yet lol.

I looked up Throne of Glass and the description sounds interesting, kind of reminds me of Red Queen, another book I really enjoy. I still haven't finished it since I got it as an ebook and I can't take it to school to read it, but I'm planning on picking it back up this summer. Anyway that sounds cool, I'll ask my parents if I can possibly get it. Hopefully the TV show's good!!

Overwatch actually makes me kind of anxious too haha, but I find it fun enough that I don't really mind. It's just kind of spooky, playing as a super squishy, easily ambushed character, running around ahead of the group with no one to defend you. It's easy to get jumped and absolutely demolished by some enemy tank. One of the most terrifying noises in that game is approaching footsteps while you're hunkered down in a corner at half health praying you won't be seen xD

I grew up with Spore as well!! I played it constantly when I was little. I never actually played the base game, I just used the Galactic Adventures expansion to create adventures and little stories. They were pretty bad in hindsight, but I guess they weren't too shabby for a seven-year-old, haha. I still play it occasionally to create creatures and sometimes even mini-adventures, although I never publish them. That game, Wizard101, and Animal Crossing were pretty much my entire childhood. Animal Crossing actually got me to learn how to read since there wasn't any voice-acting xD

Oh, I play Zoo Tycoon as well!! I actually haven't touched it in a while, I should really get back into it. I've never played Rollercoaster Tycoon, but I'd like to, it looks really fun. I got a 3DS version of it for Christmas a few years ago, but it kinda sucked lol.

Oh man I have so many dragon figurines and toys it's insane xD There's this one little store near my town's library that sells all sorts of bits and bobbles, and they have one section entirely dedicated to dragons. They've got  some other mythical creatures too, namely gryphons, but it's mostly dragons. I get most of my figurines from there - it's a really cute little shop.

I have Skyrim as well! I haven't played it in a while, actually, but it's a great game. I never really bothered with the main storyline since the dungeons you have to go through freak me out, I mostly just installed a bunch of mods and messed around lol. I got one mod that adds a rideable flying dragon and I spent like 2 hours one day just soaring around the map xD

Welcome back Dragonelz! I hope you meet lots of interesting people here. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people with similar interests Dragons are epic. Enjoy the game!

You reminded me that I should start getting back into Warriors as well. I've been meaning to reread them since it's been so long and I have only read the first 3 series.

Hello! I hope so, too, haha x)
I've only read the first series in Warriors, I got like halfway through the second before losing interest lol. I really wanna get to Power of Three, it looks way more interesting, even though I've had like half the series spoiled for me by now.

Welcome back!
Dragons are pretty cool, I've never personally liked them a lot but they're a cool thing to draw!
Heyo!! Yeah dragons are definitely one of my favorite things to draw, one of my best drawings (in my opinion, at least) is actually of a dragon.

Welcome to FH, hun! I think I had seen ye on earlier. Hope ye 'ave a wonderful time. Feel free to shoot me over a PM if ye need anything. ;)

Hi! Yup, we spoke earlier. I've had a great time so far, thankfully, I really like this game.

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Re: A wild Dragonelz appeared!
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2017, 09:25:30 pm »
I hope you enjoy your time here! :D

+Watch out for that Dragonborn... I hear it eats dragon souls. xD
For the sake of my own health and interests, I've left FH and I won't be looking back.

Offline Dragonelz

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Re: A wild Dragonelz appeared!
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2017, 01:31:41 am »
I hope you enjoy your time here! :D

+Watch out for that Dragonborn... I hear it eats dragon souls. xD
Heyo!! Thank you! I've definitely been enjoying myself so far haha x)

I'll be sure to keep an eye out - I heard through the grapevine it can use shouts, too!!