Author Topic: A topic relating to BOTH SUBJECTS ON THE HELP BOARD  (Read 1251 times)

Offline SenseiRei

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« on: February 16, 2017, 08:03:23 pm »
HI! I wanna post this as a both game/site help subject!
  So far we had ran into a stump! Old players are getting too old to play anymore, and are retiring, people who aren't members/players of FH are becoming agitated and impatient with us! Dying to play our game! What are you staff all doing just sitting! I know you could be working on something to fix this. But it seems nothing is getting done!

Here is my idea pitches below in this link. Comment to your own advantage, help come up with a way to fix this. If you can update the game, it shouldn't be so hard to fidget around with the server!

We've got to get our game up, or else we may come to our downfall!

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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 08:15:32 pm »
First I'd like to address your comments about nothing being updated within the game. 1.15 was released not even a year ago, and since then I'm positive the staff have heard the community's opinions on it. If you hadn't seen it yet, there have been two threads released recently addressing this issue. You can find them here:

New Patch:

As you can tell by the second link, the staff are gathering community support and talent to put together the next patch.

The second thing I'd like to address is accounts. Razmirz maintains account information and profiles, in which he has already cleaned out a number of old accounts that were not in use. This also ties in to your "Plan B" theory, as of right now, FH has a massive server. This means it is capable of holding up to many players at once.

Registration is currently only open at random times due to the site being updated. There are still small bugs related to registering as well, and it seems to be in the best interest that it not be open permanently 24/7. Adding to this, although players may now change their username, they still feel inclined to create new accounts to reset their friends, characters, and overall identity within the game and forums.

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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 08:21:49 pm »
I'm not quite sure what you mean by older FeralHeart players becoming "too old" to play anymore and "retiring", and what relation that may have to expanding the game and increasing the amount of players that can be supported in one map without lag spikes and whatnot. The Staff aren't just sitting around though, believe me, I'm sure they're always working their fluffy butts off and always will be on their free time.

People have recently been complaining a lot that the game is reaching it's downfall, when in fact- if anything, it's just the same as it was before- maybe it seems like not many players are in-game all the time, but timezones and times when people come online can vary; not everyone will be online at the same time as you might expect, we all have school and/or work to go to and other hobbies/activities to be doing in our spare time rather than gaming on FH 24/7.

The videogame players outside of the community who are dying to try out FeralHeart and see if they'll want to stay with us are by far more than welcome to do so when the registration is open, nothing is stopping them really. Patience is key and checking the Register section every 2 or so hours to see if it's opened up or not.

Again with the thought of people getting too old to play FeralHeart is not true, as anyone of any age (13+ though, I believe) can play the game and also leave when they no longer feel chemistry with the game; it's not a job and not something that you have to "retire" from at a certain age. Besides, the server can cope with quite a lot of users coming online at the same time and has done so in the past multiple times, especially when FeralHeart was first updated when we smashed our old record of how many users were online both on the forums and in-game.

I'm not quite certain what implications you're making with your idea and I'll edit this post if I reach a better understanding of your suggestions but as of now I don't think any accounts will need to be "put down" or given to the younger generations that join FeralHeart because other users are getting too old to play the game.

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2017, 08:30:52 pm »
Reply to Shurtle's paragraph 1: staff that retired. That haven't been on since 2013, or longer, I know a bit of players who are too busy with Work, and Have full schedules at college, and have ZERO TIME to play Feralheart.

Replay to paragraph 2: since I don't have a full load at college, and don't have a job, I come on at all/most hours of the day. I don't see much people on as compared to 2011/2012

Reply to paragraph 3: follows reply to paragraph 1

Reply to paragraph 4: follows reply to paragraph 1

« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 08:33:18 pm by Royaldog12 »

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2017, 08:57:12 pm »
This doesn't really belong on the help boards; they're there to help members with game issues, or forum issues. Your thread is more of a complaint, and idea sharing.

I don't know from where you got this info/statistics about how the game is dying. And I have no idea if you are familiar with running a server like Razmirz does, but I can assure you he does some hard work, and it's not just to "fidget around" with a server like this. It's very easy to state such a thing when you have no idea how it actually works.

There will always be staff/members retiring, we can't rule over what life throws at us, this doesn't mean we "sit and do nothing"etc. The work we do, sometimes takes more planning and preparation that some might realize.

You can share your ideas, without pointing fingers and accusing people to "not doing their work", on for example the Game Opinions and Ideas.

Locking this thread.