Author Topic: Cassani Alanis (Yes, That's a Name)  (Read 1309 times)

Offline GeminiFromHell

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Cassani Alanis (Yes, That's a Name)
« on: February 21, 2017, 07:09:03 am »
IN-TRO-DUCING.... *Cue one of those really annoying drum rolls that go on longer than necessary and kill the suspense*
Cassani Alanis

(She's my new baby child)

This was one of my old characters from way way waaaaay back when (Fun for me to say, "Waaaaay baaaaack wheeeeen"), so I wanted to revamp her and bring her back. (Damn Danie-- I'll stop. It's old and stupid... And really, really catchy.) I needed a place to receive constructive criticism and plan out new ideas for characters. I figured, what place better than this? Anyways, just a warning (But not really a warning, cause it's nothing bad... However I forget the word I'm thinking of, so we'll go with warning) this is based off of Greek mythology with a lot of my own conjecture (I love that word) sprinkled in.

Drawn references of character might be drawn later... If I actually feel up to it.

Cassani Alanis

Nicknames: Cass, Nani

Species: Nymph

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pan (Nani is a nymph, after all)

Birth and Age: Numbers lost to the ages. She joined the hunt so long ago...

Titles: Alanis Mountain Range Nymph (Don't bother searching it up; I made it up :P), Ex-2nd to Artemis, Ex-Member of the Hunt (Not the Wild Hunt, mind you), Fallen from Grace (at least by the Greek Gods)

  • Artemis: Mutual Enemies
  • Greek gods: Extreme disgust towards them, especially Apollo (extreme disgust now makes for a relationship~)
  • The Hunt: Mutual Enemies

Personality: Aloof, reserved, respectful (almost to the point where she seems distant from everyone), inherently shy (she finds it hard to talk to new people), kind and welcoming, naive (despite her experiences), lenient (forgives and forgets easily, and she is just a "chill" person), adventurous (she seems to feed off the energy of the hunt; lives for the adrenaline rush), strong survival instinct, huge risk-taker (will do anything for adrenaline rush), introspective, insecure (this seems to lead to her alienating herself from society), heavily influenced by the Greek gods and the Hunt, adores the outdoors (although she loves the hunt, she takes care not to damage the environment), etc.

Appearance: Dark wavy/curly long brown hair (usually put up), Blue faded eyes (almost seem to look like a slate grey under different lighting), looks to be in her 20s (Nymph's looks apparently don't fade), tanned skin (I mean she spends most of her day outside), calloused hands, lithe but athletic body (what i mean is, when you poke her arm it's actually like rock), rounded cheeks, dimples, various birthmarks, scars and marks over her body (obviously from hunting), slight darkness under her eyes, fairly tall (I'm not about to do exact measurements), usually seen in light gear (relies on ease of movement), sheathed double-edged short-sword at hip, bow and quiver slung around chest and back, tattoos at collarbone and hips and the inside of her wrists (I feel like that should rhyme), etc.

History: She recalls what seemed a short childhood in the range of Alanis running from satyrs and occasionally socializing with other nymphs and spirits. It was there the other nymphs taught her of their culture and chosen religion. Otherwise, she was shielded from mortals and contact with civilization. Artemis chanced upon the girl during one of her trips and welcomed her to the Hunt. For the first time, she was actively cared for like family. She made her way through the ranks until she was considered Artemis' 2nd. But as fate would have it, her bliss wouldn't be forever. To spite his sister, Apollo seduced the naive Cass into breaking her vows. This came as a huge blow to the Huntresses, as she was their 2nd. Immediately regretting her "decision," she ended the pregnancy in it's early stages and came before Artemis knowing her punishment would be great. And so it was, but Cass managed to escape before the worst could befall-- it turned out, she didn't want to die. So she spent centuries running and adventuring on her own (as well as ruminating over her choice) until she was caught and brought before the Gods. As her punishment was debated, she came to a realization. Her strong belief in the Gods, the ones currently debating on how she should die, was gone. No longer could she relate and pray to them. The shackles around her hands broke (much to the surprise of the Gods), and no longer did they hold any power over her, now that her faith had been shattered. Leaving Mount Olympus heavyhearted, she continues to travel alone in search of the unknown.

Other: Some of her personality reflects the mountain range she represents (though most is undeniably hers), claustrophobic, never been to a city, is literate (learned to read and write from Artemis and the maidens of the Hunt), most of her skills were taught to her by the Huntresses, thanks to the Hunt she is no longer bound to her mountains (though she makes a point to visit often), misses the family dynamic she had during her time with the Huntresses, resents Apollo (but mostly herself) for the incident, has a habit of talking to herself (pathetically, I have the same habit too--I blame it on my zodiac), low (almost sultry) voice, etc.

Short Excerpt from Cassani regarding breaking her vows:

"That night was confusing..." Pausing for a a few seconds, Cassani stares down at her feet. Empty words kept her company as Cass sat alone watching the sunrise on her namesake. Searching, her eyes flick to and fro as if the mass amounts of mountain and earth under her would answer all the questions she had. Unfortunately, no response came. It seemed for naught, for Cass looked back up seconds later, dissatisfaction written on the curve of her lip and crease of her brow.

"But what hurt the most was waking up the next day. Having to face what I'd done," Idly shifting from her cross-legged position on the stone and spring grass of the mountain underneath her, Cass's hands twitched and itched for something to do. Listlessly, her dark eyes glanced away again into the distance beyond the breathtaking peaks of her mountain, "You know how some people get when they've lost something. The determination and strength?" Cass's lips twitch in the smallest ghost of a smile, as her fingers begin to trace the ridges of the stone beneath her, "I was the exact opposite."

"I did what was necessary. Only thing that was, that seemed real to me, was the hopelessness in my stomach," Coming back into focus, Cass's eyes were like a photograph, capturing every little vivid detail, "I imagined that's how it would feel like to lose my sanity; your reality becoming like a war you only hear about because it was before you had begun... Outlandish, but deep inside it plagues you to know it's all true."

Huffing slightly, she paused to clutch her nails into her hands before continuing to trace the ground, "Sounds so over dramatic..." Wide eyed, Cass's unblinking eyes followed her hands as they continued to move, albeit more mechanically now, "I had lost the one gift Artemis gives without complaint. Even more, I had betrayed her trust, the trust of the Huntresses."

Slowly creasing again, her eyebrows gave an air of vulnerability to her still face, "I lost the closest thing to a family I ever knew." The vulnerability takes an uncharacteristic resentful turn, Cass's eyebrows set her eyes in a determinate stare, "Over something so trivial." With a new gruff edge, her voice becomes a few shades aggressive. But as if to dispel the anger, her breathing lengthens. For a few minutes, Cass makes no movement. The only sound that fills the crisp morning air are the sounds of the wind caressing the mountains and her lungs. working beneath her rib cage.

"Now that I think about it," Her head rose, dark eyes glancing back at the rising sun as it began to play hide and seek behind the mountain tops, "Everything was so warped and... Misleading? Wrong?" Exhaling loudly, Cass's voice came out chilly, "There's no words to explain it."

"Family shouldn't be built and broken around. Around..." Hardening her expression, knife-like and sharp, Cass's gaze changed as she watched the sun's early rays, "Around one's biology. Now that I think about it, maybe that family was never real at all." Falling, her facial features became one of a falcon without the use of it's wings; righteousness replaced by hopelessness, "If it wasn't real, then what really is?"

Just a brief look into Cass. Not the best; anyone could write better. But at least I tried. Anyways, any suggestions for my character? I'd like to improve her, but without overthinking things. Plus if anyone wants to RP with me; I'd be welcome to it.


P.S. Oh, and just saying, but this is not based off of Percy Jackson. -_- Please don't ask. I came up with a concept for this character that slowly developed as time went on, when I was itty bitty.

Professional Hoooman (Definitely not an alien...)


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Re: Cassani Alanis (Yes, That's a Name)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 07:21:56 am »
This was a beautiful read! One of the best developed characters I've ever seen. Seriously though, you should totally take a career in writing. I think you would get pretty far!!

Not gonna lie, some of these parts even pulled my heartstrings. She's been through so much and honestly I just want to hug her. But she seems like an AMAZING person.

Offline GeminiFromHell

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Re: Cassani Alanis (Yes, That's a Name)
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 03:38:47 pm »
This was a beautiful read! One of the best developed characters I've ever seen. Seriously though, you should totally take a career in writing. I think you would get pretty far!!

Not gonna lie, some of these parts even pulled my heartstrings. She's been through so much and honestly I just want to hug her. But she seems like an AMAZING person.

You made my soul hurt in the most delightful of ways. Thank you for the compliment; I really wasn't sure about this character. Sometimes I can be a bit melodramatic... *Awkward pause* Ok, maybe a lot melodramatic. But I swear it's part of my charm.

Anyways, I really appreciate the compliment and feedback.Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Professional Hoooman (Definitely not an alien...)