Author Topic: Hidden Bodhi ~ Somethings need to be hidden from the world.  (Read 664 times)

Offline Sirens

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3 supernatural species has settled down in Italy, Italy split up in 4 quadrants; The tribes are at war, the vampire manors have a leader problem and, the hunters are at risk of Extinction. The humans on the other hand are doing well, though they have noticed odd things happening and people looking different. They have started investigating these new people to Italy and, have discovered that their old leader was corrupted; but they got a new leader, is he/she more corrupted then the old one?

~Semi Realistic
~Supernatural x Human
  -> Shifters, Vampires and, Witches.
~Restarted/Upgraded (We use to be known as The Occultatum)
~Long Term
~We have a Discord & Skype(Both are private)
~RP sample is Required.

We are in need of 8 Staff positions filled.
We are in need of 7 Leader positions filled.

Are you interested in being a staff or leader?
Please contact Sirens.

Staff members job; The staff members are to help the leaders keep the members in check and following the general rules of the group, They help come up with new events, plots and, to help the leaders keep things interesting. They also are to help keep members active.

Leaders & staff members are to be more active then members, There is not a particular number of days you must be on; but I want to see you on more then 2 days a week.