Author Topic: Can a rogue be anything more? *Wolf Pack* (Click for description)  (Read 784 times)

Offline MissMegan

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*Some Info before I begin*
Alrighty.. So I will admit I'm still new to this website but I decided to host my own roleplay. Although I am new, I like to write paragraphs and am literate/Semi-Literate! I thought starting small would help me feel more comfortable in the community :)

 As for the roleplay, I'm looking for anyone who's character is wolf-like, Male or female, and semi-literate. This won't be a super realistic wolf pack, just something to help me get into the swing of things.
The character I will be using is Jinx and here's a small description of her.
 Jinx is a small female Northwestern Wolf with blue eyes. The only memory she has is of soft warm fur enclosing her, and the smell of milk, but after that, the rest is a blur of claws, teeth, and growls. Although fierce from learning how to hunt on her own, she is no fighter and is vulnerable underneath her untrusting attitude. Can she learn to be more? Find a mentor, or even start her own pack?

It's a small description but it's a start! And if you ever have any tips for me when we roleplay or in generally, I'll be glad to take it. I hope this is adequate for a roleplay advertising haha  :) PM me if you're interested!