Author Topic: Royaldog12's Biography  (Read 1180 times)

Offline SenseiRei

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Royaldog12's Biography
« on: February 17, 2018, 07:33:27 am »
Hello, I am Magnolia. or commonly known as Royaldog12 and am the proud founder Royaldog12 Studios.
a long time ago on 7/7/1997 I was born with a heart defect, that left me at death's door. Just as well a child in the near rooms over had the same problem as me. The problems we have/had was new, and stumped the doctors so backwards. The child and I have been sent to get open heart surgeries. By the end of the sessions I remained, while the boy left to the heavens above. His family, suddenly struck down by the sudden sorrow went over to my family and gave us their hope to my family for my survival.
  Then and there was my long painful journey of my long life in the hospital. Overall I had 3 open heart surgeries before I became 2 years of age. Up until I was 6 years of age, I had to go in for a weekly blood draw, a needle to the arm, a stress that is developed, a terror that no child should experience as often as I did, all for what? to test what pill and dosages were correct for me, to stay alive!
  By the age of 10 I had to go back to receive a surgery to be given a metal stent in my arteries. The doctors and my parents coming to the conclusion that a working pill that i been taking since I was young had made me become suddenly obese in just a couple of years, and have just come with the conclusion to remove it.
    Backtracking to age 8, Second grade of school, my true talent came out one day. When I showed my mother, she sat me down told me stories of her career as a graphic designer and stories from my grandfather of his youthful creative days as well as showing me physical drawings he made which she still had.
  Fast forward to age 11, shortly after the 5th grade year was done, which apparently I flunked cause record holds that I was busy in my art life. But my mother made the fair decision to pull me out of school, to not let me retake the courses, and to put me into the 6th grade. The summer between 5th grade and 6th grade I discovered Photoshop 7.0 on my old PC. and I made the decision to import my own drawings and go adventuring on the tools a bit. My mother came round to me and to teach me the full ropes of the program, along with other programs which i care little about.
  By my 12th birthday, i was gifted my first WACOM Tablet. When I went to test it out, i felt so uncomfortable to the point of just setting the tool aside to collect dust.
  The ball dropped for 2011, and so did the eyes of a friend and i upon this wonder of a game. We played along with it, despite we were both 12 years old, we enjoyed our early days here.
    A month after I registered my first account, despair was given to me, in the marks of a red error that said "Sorry wrong password" When I specifically knew and had the username and password written on a yellow sticky slapped to the side of the PC box. I rage quitted from this sanctuary.

    2012 came, I gotten an add friend request on Facebook from my dear old friend who invited me to FH in the first place. I know i was half way across the country, upon a small tiny iPod that i had as a form of entertainment. and with forgiveness to the one who hacked me, Registered as "Royaldog12"
  I entered the BlastChat on the site since it was the only thing that was going on, and since yeah i had an iPod. That was where my stories and beloved characters came to life, not with just a spark, but with a BANG!
    Shortly when i came home from my trip across the country, i Redownloaded Feralheart. But feeling different and more hopeful before. I watched videos online and came to pulling out the old dusty WACOM tablet from the closet and went to making presets and maps and making new discoveries about the game and changing codes and what-not.
  After bringing out the tablet with a new aspiration, I grew a knack to using the tablet and i didn't use it just for presets and maps, but for art as well.

By the age of 17 with my knowledge to use a WACOM Tablet, i entered a career prep high school. the course i attended was in Animation, there where i met my boyfriend and assisted him through the course. After I had passed the class and at the age of 18, i returned to normal home schooling, but one day I received a call from that career prep high school in question if i could take up a job as a teacher assistant in the animation class for they had some troublesome students that year. I agreed to take the job, which i completed once the year finished.

When i was almost 20, my mother and uncle were planning to write a novel on the history of our family, something to read to the future generation. My mother and uncle emailed to the rest of the family asking if they have collection of photos to put in the novel, and connections were made. when we got the emails, my mom sat me down and discussed the history of her graphic design days, and my grandfather's artsy days again, but this time with more picture evidence, she told me the history of my great grandfather who as well was an artsy man, thus leading me to realizing that i am the prodigy of a long line of artists. Sadly there is only enough history to go as far back as my great grandfather, but its possible that the line goes longer.
Here i am today, 20 years of age, in my second year of college. where i previously won the hearts of a college newspaper that was on its last strings and made it possible to bring more students to attend the class. to come out with a silver award for best described illustration for the college newspaper. I know I'm not attending the class as of this year, but i am taking time after my other class which stands on the same times, to help on production days. My professor appreciates my help a lot! After having QUIT the Anime Fandom and walking into the Anthropomorphics Fandom FULL FORCE, making 4 fursuit heads successfully, and currently working on the 5th, with a strong sprinkle of traditional anthropomorphic drawings which 140$ worth had been sold at my local convention.

 As i had previously mentioned, about the beginnings of my career. What about that old PC in my house? Well its still there to this day, running long, but not as strong as it used to. I am determined to clean it out COMPLETELY and to possibly fix and update it.
  The WACOM Tablet that i got for my birthday years ago? well the stylus broke, and apparently i couldn't replace it, so i ended up getting a new tablet for my birthday before the year i attended the career prep high school. The new one is indeed Bigger and Better, but for awhile i haven't been using it, and I've kinda lost it... and now I'm more attuned to using the trackpad on my laptop ;u;
    My skills, i both feel are at the peak of perfection, and still need more work to do. Im always trying new things, but I'm not willing to learn it from a teacher or the book, no i'd rather take the lesson in times and places i am comfortable in... and would know i could learn fast...

"Patience, Kindness, Health, and Happiness are all the key elements to a good and fulfilled life"
   -quote by Magnolia of Royaldog12 Studios


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Re: Royaldog12's Biography
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2018, 10:20:20 am »
Oh my God. You and your family are so inspiring :) I love your biography! I know how it feels to go through so many hospital visits and surgeries and on some things I can really relate to you. I’m glad that you shared your story with us! I enjoyed reading it and I like you even more after this! Can’t wait to play the game with you maybe someday  <3

Offline SenseiRei

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Re: Royaldog12's Biography
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2018, 06:09:56 pm »
Well, I’m still active mon cher. But not as much lately due to college semesters and my mum pissing one off. But I will definitely try hard to get on.