Author Topic: Custom (demon-wolf) Preset Request  (Read 691 times)

Offline Murrphilia

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Custom (demon-wolf) Preset Request
« on: April 09, 2018, 04:56:39 pm »
UPDATE: Want to see a crude sketch of her? Look here:

Alright. So as much as I want to learn how to make presets on my own,
I know it is going to take a lot of time. So here I am, requesting a preset for the
character that I would be making a preset for myself if I could.

The character's name is Dark, and she is a type of demonic creature. She doesn't
really have a species name/title because of the fact that is a failure of the species.
This meaning the ritual used to turn her into the creature she should be, failed.

Anyways, some things I know the preset will require:
Dark's pelt consists of a lot of black tar-like flesh. It may be kinda gooey, oily, or may even appear like PVC. There are some parts of her that have thick, wild fur (i.e. Her back/mane, shoulders, and parts of her hips). She does also have full tufts.
As the creatures she was supposed to be turned into wear their skeletons outside of their body, some of Dark's bones have protruded from her flesh. Some bones have even completely escaped her flesh (such as her left shoulder blade and the top of her skull). There won't be many bones that have completely protruded, but there should be quite a bit of bones parshly protruding, or just the surface of the bone is showing. the bones are an ashen white color.
 - Glowing orb eyes
Dark's eyes are full orbs in their sockets, a crimson tone.
 - claws (black or the same shade as her bones)
 - perhaps some blood stains?
Her blood would be a deep purple, but I could imagine with the way her bones are protruding from her flesh, they may be stained at the edges with her blood.
 - sharper, plack and blood-stained teeth

By all means, she isn't supposed to look cute at all. She is a failure of the ritual. She is meant to be pretty repulsive and gruesome. Scary, even. There are some extra little details, but I figure those are the biggest points.

If you'd like to help me out and make this dream happen for me, reply here or message me!
Thank you all so much!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 03:50:59 am by MightyMurr »