Author Topic: Harry Potter music mod/replacement?  (Read 1148 times)

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Harry Potter music mod/replacement?
« on: April 17, 2018, 03:08:20 am »
I'd love to have a new, functioning Harry Potter music replacement for the normal music of the usual maps. I did find another music replacement mod with exactly the music I'd like, but unfortunately that was way back in 2016. The link's expired, and I'd hate to revive old topics when the old files might of been lost anyhow. So, I was wondering. Is someone out there with the mod? Or might someone be able to make it for me? I'll list some of the songs I'd love to have- My many thanks, all you bright creators out there!

Harry's Wonderous World
Fawkes the Phoenix
Reunion of Friends
Double Trouble
Buckbeak's Flight
The Quidditch World Cup
Harry in Winter
Potter Waltz
Ron's Victory
Snape to Malfoy Manor
Ron's Speech
Dragon Flight
A New Beginning
Hedwig's Flight(the most important one ofc)

Feel free to choose from that list if ya can't have them all! It does make a pretty lengthy bit of music added together.
yer friendly panther thing

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